Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thats all folks
Ok, my dinner is nearly nuked and I don't really eat at the keyboard so I'm off now. Got a bottle of wine from Sainsbury's and I'm going to have a glass with it. It cost £2.08! Going to drink one glass and put the rest in the radiator of the car. It's supposed to be cold out tonight. Have fun, keep well and someone let me know if that bird does have a funny face. And if you don't understand a word of this the start in the right place!
Time for some more crumpet. Adults Only

Anyway after all that song writing it's time for some more crumpet. So here is Danni getting her kit off. Take a look here.
New Labours Way
And so the end is near, I must face the final curtain,
I will appear before the judge, In a suit I got from Burtons'
I admit I broke the law, I drove to fast along the Highway,
Now in Tony's Brave New World, I'm getting time today.
Regrets I've had a few, Then again too few to mention,
I worked and paid my dues, Then they took away my pension,
They sent demands, I couldn't pay, It ended up I go to court today,
And in Tony's Brave New World I will get put away.
I will appear before the judge, In a suit I got from Burtons'
I admit I broke the law, I drove to fast along the Highway,
Now in Tony's Brave New World, I'm getting time today.
Regrets I've had a few, Then again too few to mention,
I worked and paid my dues, Then they took away my pension,
They sent demands, I couldn't pay, It ended up I go to court today,
And in Tony's Brave New World I will get put away.
Here she is again

Well I've been rambling on a bit and I've only got about half hour left before I eat my dinner and go to bed. You will know when I'm eating my dinner because with only one hand to type with there wont be any capital letters.
So it's time for that bird with the funny face again. At least it looks funny to me. Does it you? Somebody let me know. Anyay her body ain't bad so here is another full gallery of Carla.
What if?
What if Sir Walter Raleigh had come back with marijuana instead of tobacco. Say he'd given Lizzie a pipe full of skunk instead of tobacco? Just think how that would have changed the world we live in today. Imagine that all the laws and all the rules had been made by people skunked out of their heads. It would have changed history.
For a start the date he got back would be wrong. If he had been smoking weed instead of tobacco it would have taken twice as long. They would have stopped at every island on the way back for more food, got lost at least once, got involved in god knows how many long discussions about absolutely nothing and would have to sort out transport from Portsmouth to Plymouth because they docked at the wrong port!
We would never have had the British Empire. No way. We might have thought about it but never quite got round to it. Anyway there would be plenty of time because I guarantee that skunk would spread around the world as quickly as tobacco so everybody else would be putting things off as well.
We probably wouldn't even have bothered to colonise the places we had already discovered so America wouldn't exist. There's a thought, no Mcdonalds, no Starbucks, no friendly fire! The Indians would still be calling it what they used to call it. Ours.
We wouldn't have global warming, we wouldn't have bothered inventing the petrol engine. We would only have bothered with things that made our current situation even more enjoyable. And we wouldn't ban smoking in pubs!
But we probaby wouldn't have any proper rules and laws. Even if we did have we'd have far to many and enforce the wrong ones. We would probably employ people to run things for us and to enforce the laws but then be so lethargic that we let them take over. Before we knew it they would have all the power and all the authority, they wouldn't be working for us any more they would be working for themselves.
Next they would be taxing us, trying to keep us poor, using our money to run the place their way. They would pretend we had a say but because of our lethargy it wouldn't be true. The minorities would be in charge, each furthering their own cause at the expense of the rest of us. And we would let it happen. We did when we were straight so what chance would we have had if we'd all been stoned.
For a start the date he got back would be wrong. If he had been smoking weed instead of tobacco it would have taken twice as long. They would have stopped at every island on the way back for more food, got lost at least once, got involved in god knows how many long discussions about absolutely nothing and would have to sort out transport from Portsmouth to Plymouth because they docked at the wrong port!
We would never have had the British Empire. No way. We might have thought about it but never quite got round to it. Anyway there would be plenty of time because I guarantee that skunk would spread around the world as quickly as tobacco so everybody else would be putting things off as well.
We probably wouldn't even have bothered to colonise the places we had already discovered so America wouldn't exist. There's a thought, no Mcdonalds, no Starbucks, no friendly fire! The Indians would still be calling it what they used to call it. Ours.
We wouldn't have global warming, we wouldn't have bothered inventing the petrol engine. We would only have bothered with things that made our current situation even more enjoyable. And we wouldn't ban smoking in pubs!
But we probaby wouldn't have any proper rules and laws. Even if we did have we'd have far to many and enforce the wrong ones. We would probably employ people to run things for us and to enforce the laws but then be so lethargic that we let them take over. Before we knew it they would have all the power and all the authority, they wouldn't be working for us any more they would be working for themselves.
Next they would be taxing us, trying to keep us poor, using our money to run the place their way. They would pretend we had a say but because of our lethargy it wouldn't be true. The minorities would be in charge, each furthering their own cause at the expense of the rest of us. And we would let it happen. We did when we were straight so what chance would we have had if we'd all been stoned.
For a change. Adults Only

Well I sat here for ten minutes and and thought about things and thought why not show some crumpet for a change. Luckily I just got an e-mail today with some pics of a new bird whose just launched her first site today. So because thats easy thats what your getting. She's not got a bad body and I wouldn't say no but there is something wrong with her face. To me it looks like it's been pasted on, the smile is so false. Or it could just be me. I can feel another custom job coming up. And I don't mean a car. If you don't understand that read the post below first, like you should have done in the first place. Anyway see the rest of the pics here.
Don't forget to read upwards.
Most people make a big mistake when going to a blog. They start at the top. What you should do is start at the bottom of the one's posted on the same date and then read up. Because the first post of the day is the one at the bottom and the last post is at the top of the page.
Then if there is some sort of theme or thread common to all the posts then you get to understand it. Common sense really. Not that there will be a theme. It's just that unless you have already read the post below you probably just assume I'm a nutter.
Then if there is some sort of theme or thread common to all the posts then you get to understand it. Common sense really. Not that there will be a theme. It's just that unless you have already read the post below you probably just assume I'm a nutter.
The Tuesday afternoon show.
Well I don't often get to update during the week so when I can I should make the most of it. Instead, I customised a couple of Rothmans, cracked a couple of cans and put the stereo on. So know I'm out of nut and cant even see the keyboard to type properly.
And I'm wishing that I had bothered to learn all the keyboard shortcuts so I could move the poxy mouse out of the way! Otherwise I'm fine and the show must go on and all that. So here we go with the Tuesday afternoon/evening update. It could be good, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Anything could happen in the next half hour.
And I'm wishing that I had bothered to learn all the keyboard shortcuts so I could move the poxy mouse out of the way! Otherwise I'm fine and the show must go on and all that. So here we go with the Tuesday afternoon/evening update. It could be good, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Anything could happen in the next half hour.
Simply Babes
Ok, that is all I have time for this morning but I will be updaing again this afternoon. In the meantime, if you want to see hundreds more pics of sexy babes, then visit Simply Babes, the finest babes on the planet.
Hot Russian Teen. Adults Only

This cute eighteen year old with the long dark hair is Russian teen Sandra. See her in all her glory in this fine set of photo's.
White Corvette. Adults Only

I have been neglecting the cars lately as well. So here is a white Corvette. With a topless eighteen year old thrown in for good measure. See all the pics here.
Fit Babe. Adults Only

Been doing rather a lot of talking lately and neglected the horny babes pics a little. So here, for no reason at all, is the very fit Julia getting her kit off. See the full gallery here.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Avoiding the Congestion Charge.
Eventually you will read about this in the papers and when you do remember you read it here first. It seems some drivers have found themselves a way of beating the congestion charge with very little chance of being caught!
Every Private Hire Driver has to have their vehicle inspected once a year now and an official Transport For London sticker put in the window. The vehicle is then registered on TFL's Database of private hire vehicles and becomes exempt from the congestion charge.
Now, in their wisdom, TFL and the public carriage office decided that you don't need private hire insurance or a private hire license to have your car registered as a private hire vehicle and anybody can get their car stickered and registered.
Of course the touts have already realised this and are now running about with even less chance of being caught and a sticker in the window telling anyone who cares to look that the vehicle is a genuine mini-cab! Nice safety move there from TFL!
Now a few people with four door saloons who were paying £40 a week congestion charge are buying there stickers for £100 and saving themselves thousands a year, with little chance of being caught! If they are ever stopped by the police for anything and then if they are asked why they don't have hire and reward insurance they simply say that they are not a private hire driver yet because they are waiting for their license to come through.
A mini cab driver is ony exempt while he is working but the police don't enforce the congestion charge and how are the people who do going to know what you are doing? There is a chance of being caught but it's minimal.
As soon as TFL catch on they will change the rules so only cab drivers can get stickers. It's just a shame that it's going to take them losing financially to do it and that they haven't done it already to protect the vunerable young women that are getting into illegal cabs every night believing them to be licensed.
Every Private Hire Driver has to have their vehicle inspected once a year now and an official Transport For London sticker put in the window. The vehicle is then registered on TFL's Database of private hire vehicles and becomes exempt from the congestion charge.
Now, in their wisdom, TFL and the public carriage office decided that you don't need private hire insurance or a private hire license to have your car registered as a private hire vehicle and anybody can get their car stickered and registered.
Of course the touts have already realised this and are now running about with even less chance of being caught and a sticker in the window telling anyone who cares to look that the vehicle is a genuine mini-cab! Nice safety move there from TFL!
Now a few people with four door saloons who were paying £40 a week congestion charge are buying there stickers for £100 and saving themselves thousands a year, with little chance of being caught! If they are ever stopped by the police for anything and then if they are asked why they don't have hire and reward insurance they simply say that they are not a private hire driver yet because they are waiting for their license to come through.
A mini cab driver is ony exempt while he is working but the police don't enforce the congestion charge and how are the people who do going to know what you are doing? There is a chance of being caught but it's minimal.
As soon as TFL catch on they will change the rules so only cab drivers can get stickers. It's just a shame that it's going to take them losing financially to do it and that they haven't done it already to protect the vunerable young women that are getting into illegal cabs every night believing them to be licensed.
Have your say.
Have you ever wondered why so many stupid laws get passed and how the same groups of people keep getting their way or why the majority never seem to get a look in nowdays? It's because they all give their MP so much grief that their MP has to act on their behalf. So anyone with an axe to grind or a particular passion gets their way in the end, even if the vast majority of us have to suffer.
In this day and age that is ridiculous. It used to be difficult to complain to your MP. Well not so much difficult but awkward, writing letters etc. But now we have e-mail. Writing to your MP takes a couple of minutes! It's just that most of you are too lazy to do it! Which is a shame because they do listen. If you have a genuine grievance they will try to help.
I have e-mailed both my last MP and my current MP, both lib dems, both knowing that I wouldn't vote for them if my life depended on it, and they have both tried to help! Just recently I complained about the unfairness of private hire drivers beeing fined when they pick up or drop off on Red Routes. My MP agreed with me, wrote to Transport for London and asked for some sort of justification of this and we are now awaiting their reply.
Three years ago I was concerned about mini-cab touts stealing all my work. I complained to the police and they ignored me. I complained to my MP, she complained to the police and the next night the police were out nicking the touts!
So if there is anything getting up your nose tell them. If a minority try to impose their views and nobody complains then they get there way. If the majority start taking a few minutes to let their MP know what they think then the majority will get a say and restore some sort of balance to our society.
It's up to you. Spend a few minutes to have your say. Or suffer the rest of your life in Silence.
To e-mail your MP click here and type in your postcode. Click the e-mail link and you are ready to start typing. Don't be rude but do make your point, whatever it is.
Then when you have mailed your MP and made your point save the link and mail them the next time you have a concern as well. Lets make them do their job properly and run the country for us and not just for minorities and focus groups.
In this day and age that is ridiculous. It used to be difficult to complain to your MP. Well not so much difficult but awkward, writing letters etc. But now we have e-mail. Writing to your MP takes a couple of minutes! It's just that most of you are too lazy to do it! Which is a shame because they do listen. If you have a genuine grievance they will try to help.
I have e-mailed both my last MP and my current MP, both lib dems, both knowing that I wouldn't vote for them if my life depended on it, and they have both tried to help! Just recently I complained about the unfairness of private hire drivers beeing fined when they pick up or drop off on Red Routes. My MP agreed with me, wrote to Transport for London and asked for some sort of justification of this and we are now awaiting their reply.
Three years ago I was concerned about mini-cab touts stealing all my work. I complained to the police and they ignored me. I complained to my MP, she complained to the police and the next night the police were out nicking the touts!
So if there is anything getting up your nose tell them. If a minority try to impose their views and nobody complains then they get there way. If the majority start taking a few minutes to let their MP know what they think then the majority will get a say and restore some sort of balance to our society.
It's up to you. Spend a few minutes to have your say. Or suffer the rest of your life in Silence.
To e-mail your MP click here and type in your postcode. Click the e-mail link and you are ready to start typing. Don't be rude but do make your point, whatever it is.
Then when you have mailed your MP and made your point save the link and mail them the next time you have a concern as well. Lets make them do their job properly and run the country for us and not just for minorities and focus groups.
Porn Star Raven Riley. Adults Only

Yes another set of pics of Raven Riley. I figured after showing you a couple of Non nude teaser galleries I should give you a look at the real action. So here we have sweet eighteen year old teen Raven Riley in a full hardcore photo set. To see all twenty of these pics click here.
No Excuse

Been sitting here trying to think of an excuse for posting photo's of Raven Riley dressed as a French Maid on the site. Then I realised, I don't need one. It's my site so I can do what I like! So, here we have, Raven Riley in a French Maid's outfit.
Coming soon to a beach near you.

I can't believe it's almost March already. Seems only yesterday it was February. Anyway the count down to summer has arrived. I have looked at all the met office reports and I can reveal this years summer will be July 17th!
Yes thats right. Our usual one day of good weather when you can go out without a coat and those old injuries from bike accidents don't ache, will be July 17th. Which all adds up to the prefect excuse to show a babe in a bikini. So, to get us all prepared for summer I will be featuring some hot babes in bikini's and here is the first.
Take a good look at the lovely Raven Riley in this tiny yellow bikini by clicking here.
More Striped Socks. Adults Only

I mentioned before that we have a regular visitor who likes girls in stripes. So this is just for him. See all the pics here.
Babe of the week. Adults Only

This weeks babe of the week is new girl Kristina. This eighteen year old has a just about perfect pair of boobs, as you can see in the photo. See the rest of this great photo set by clicking here.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
It's not just Europeans!
Well it seems it is not just us Europeans who are getting sick of the muslim fanatics and the politically corrects brigade's policy of appeasing them at the expense of our society. A lot of Americans are getting sick and tired of it as weel as this post from an American blog shows.
"Our "days are numbered"???? I don't think so. I believe that we AMERICANS will eventually get sick and tired of protecting the rights of those who want and try to bring down the US. In the meantime the tree hugging, touchy feely, all men, oops...humans, are created equal americans are causing, or allowing, a small group of people to run the world. I personally believe that the practicing of the Muslim religion should be made illegal. Ye, I am aware that not all muslims are radical. However, by not standing up and defending our country, our people and the muslim religion, they (muslims) forfeit their right to practice their religion. When Jerry Falwell, goes too far Christians all across america speak up and denounce his comment and stand up for their religous beliefs. Are we so brainwashed into being politically correct that we are willing to let our country and lives be placed in jeopordy? It's time the president declared a war on all radical muslims and have a standing directive to bomb all the buildings and property where these creatures gather. Let's end this! Forget about being PC, let's forget about rebuilding, rehabilitating and understanding. A few well placed bombs will show these people that we mean business and no person or group will change the good ol' USA. "
And you thought I was angry about them! If you want to read more from this guy click here.
"Our "days are numbered"???? I don't think so. I believe that we AMERICANS will eventually get sick and tired of protecting the rights of those who want and try to bring down the US. In the meantime the tree hugging, touchy feely, all men, oops...humans, are created equal americans are causing, or allowing, a small group of people to run the world. I personally believe that the practicing of the Muslim religion should be made illegal. Ye, I am aware that not all muslims are radical. However, by not standing up and defending our country, our people and the muslim religion, they (muslims) forfeit their right to practice their religion. When Jerry Falwell, goes too far Christians all across america speak up and denounce his comment and stand up for their religous beliefs. Are we so brainwashed into being politically correct that we are willing to let our country and lives be placed in jeopordy? It's time the president declared a war on all radical muslims and have a standing directive to bomb all the buildings and property where these creatures gather. Let's end this! Forget about being PC, let's forget about rebuilding, rehabilitating and understanding. A few well placed bombs will show these people that we mean business and no person or group will change the good ol' USA. "
And you thought I was angry about them! If you want to read more from this guy click here.
Global warming
This week there have been a number of scare stories about global warming in the papers, how we are all going to drown because the ice caps are melting etc. As usual it is all a bunch of crap.
These scientists, whose main priority is getting their budgets renewed, tell us about the ice that is melting yet conveniently forget to mention all the places where the ice is getting thicker and expanding. They tell us that the average temperature has risen by 0.7 degrees in the last 100 years (wow) but neglect to tell us that several hundred years ago the average temperature was a much hotter. In Roman times, for instance, the same grape vines that now grow in Southern Italy were growing in the north of England.
Many many scientists, including David Bellamy, have come to the conclusion that global warming is a myth and that the only reason these scientists are still given money to study it is because governments throughout the world are too scared to admit that the trillions of pounds they have spent studying it has been a complete waste of money.
Also, if they were to admit that global warming doesn't exist, then how could they justify taxing us so much for petrol? Personally I hope it does exist and that it gets a move on. I'm sick to death of living in this miserable climate and the sooner it gets warmer the better.
These scientists, whose main priority is getting their budgets renewed, tell us about the ice that is melting yet conveniently forget to mention all the places where the ice is getting thicker and expanding. They tell us that the average temperature has risen by 0.7 degrees in the last 100 years (wow) but neglect to tell us that several hundred years ago the average temperature was a much hotter. In Roman times, for instance, the same grape vines that now grow in Southern Italy were growing in the north of England.
Many many scientists, including David Bellamy, have come to the conclusion that global warming is a myth and that the only reason these scientists are still given money to study it is because governments throughout the world are too scared to admit that the trillions of pounds they have spent studying it has been a complete waste of money.
Also, if they were to admit that global warming doesn't exist, then how could they justify taxing us so much for petrol? Personally I hope it does exist and that it gets a move on. I'm sick to death of living in this miserable climate and the sooner it gets warmer the better.
Barmy Ken, the Terrorists friend.
When it was all kicking off with the muslim hypocrites Barmy Ken Livingstone, so called mayor of London (no capital letter on mayor because he has devalued the position so much) was remarkably quiet. Now this is a man who can spot a bandwagon to jump on from miles away so why not this one?
Well, I don't call him Barmy Ken, the terrorists friend, for nothing. This man makes a habit, at tax payers expense, of inviting militant muslim fanatics over to London to spread their messages of evil. His friends include people who believe suicide bombing to be justified and ones who advocate the stoning to death of homosexuals and adulterers. He is also a well known Jew hater who supports the Palestinians in their war of terror on Israel.
The reason he was so quiet is because he agrees with these muslim maniacs. Rumors that they are checking his hand writing with the slogans on the posters the nutters were carrying have yet to be confirmed.
Well, I don't call him Barmy Ken, the terrorists friend, for nothing. This man makes a habit, at tax payers expense, of inviting militant muslim fanatics over to London to spread their messages of evil. His friends include people who believe suicide bombing to be justified and ones who advocate the stoning to death of homosexuals and adulterers. He is also a well known Jew hater who supports the Palestinians in their war of terror on Israel.
The reason he was so quiet is because he agrees with these muslim maniacs. Rumors that they are checking his hand writing with the slogans on the posters the nutters were carrying have yet to be confirmed.
Nanny knows best.
As if the police didn't have enough to do, what with muggings, burglaries, gun crime, child porn etc etc, that lunatic in charge of the country forced a bill through parliament this week banning smoking in pubs. So now, instead of doing what they are paid to do and catch criminals, all those police officers not already collecting tax revenue from motorists will now be persecuting smokers.
Now whatever you think about smoking this law is one step too far. It is a complete abuse of the power given to the government and is nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to make it look as if they are actually doing something.
Just how do they propose to enforce this ban? Say half a dozen of us go into a quiet pub and light up a fag? The landlord will call the police but by the time they arrive we will have finished our fags so where is the evidence? It then becomes the word of one person against the word of half a dozen usually law abiding citizens, who of course will deny smoking on the premesis.
The police will either have to accept our word and leave, allowing us to light up once more, or prosecute and waste thousands of pounds of tax payers money on a case they cannot hope to win because of lack of evidence.
Of course the health junkies are happy because they say that it will stop people getting ill from passive smoking. However there are just as many scientists saying that passive smoking is a myth as there are ones saying it is dangerous. And these health freaks are the same sort of people who drink bottled water because it's safer even though the bottling and transportation of bottled water is one of the worlds biggest pollution hazzards.
This law is just another example of this spineless governments attempts to dictate everything we do. This is what socialism is all about, forcing people to do what they are told, taking away any rights they have and forcing them to accept that the state knows best. The sooner this bunch of liening cheating scum are kicked out of government the better.
Now whatever you think about smoking this law is one step too far. It is a complete abuse of the power given to the government and is nothing more than a publicity stunt designed to make it look as if they are actually doing something.
Just how do they propose to enforce this ban? Say half a dozen of us go into a quiet pub and light up a fag? The landlord will call the police but by the time they arrive we will have finished our fags so where is the evidence? It then becomes the word of one person against the word of half a dozen usually law abiding citizens, who of course will deny smoking on the premesis.
The police will either have to accept our word and leave, allowing us to light up once more, or prosecute and waste thousands of pounds of tax payers money on a case they cannot hope to win because of lack of evidence.
Of course the health junkies are happy because they say that it will stop people getting ill from passive smoking. However there are just as many scientists saying that passive smoking is a myth as there are ones saying it is dangerous. And these health freaks are the same sort of people who drink bottled water because it's safer even though the bottling and transportation of bottled water is one of the worlds biggest pollution hazzards.
This law is just another example of this spineless governments attempts to dictate everything we do. This is what socialism is all about, forcing people to do what they are told, taking away any rights they have and forcing them to accept that the state knows best. The sooner this bunch of liening cheating scum are kicked out of government the better.
I recieved an e-mail this week acusing me of being racist because I never show pictures of black birds. The reason I don't show pictures of black birds is not because I'm racist but is the same reason I don't show pictures of naked men. I don't fancy them!
No matter how many times I look at photo's of naked black birds I can never see the attraction of pink cushions on a dark brown sofa! I show pictures of Indian, Chinese and other Asian birds because I'm quite partial to the odd take away but I'm sorry, black birds do nothing for me.
One of the best shags I ever had was an Indian bird. She had long dark hair, shaved pubes and a lovely smooth body. Best of all, when I asked her for a 69 she got up and cooked me a meal!
No matter how many times I look at photo's of naked black birds I can never see the attraction of pink cushions on a dark brown sofa! I show pictures of Indian, Chinese and other Asian birds because I'm quite partial to the odd take away but I'm sorry, black birds do nothing for me.
One of the best shags I ever had was an Indian bird. She had long dark hair, shaved pubes and a lovely smooth body. Best of all, when I asked her for a 69 she got up and cooked me a meal!
More muslim misery
It seems you can't get through a week nowdays without someone in the country giving in to muslim demands and putting them above the Christian majority. This week it was Newcastle University who have now stopped lectures on Friday afternoons so that the 200 muslims attending the university can pray!
These people were backed by the student union and they are hoping to get this ban on lessons extended throughout the country so that Christians everywhere can have their education disrupted to suit the needs of muslims.
At the same time the major supermarkets, in their never ending quest for even more profits, are trying to get the hours they can open on a Sunday extended. So, whilst everybody is bowing down to the muslim minority and forcing us to run things around their religous beliefs Christian beliefs are being ignored. Sunday is the holy day of Christians and this is a Christian country. If we can be forced to respect the holy days of micky mouse religions such as islam then why can our own holy day not be respected?
These people were backed by the student union and they are hoping to get this ban on lessons extended throughout the country so that Christians everywhere can have their education disrupted to suit the needs of muslims.
At the same time the major supermarkets, in their never ending quest for even more profits, are trying to get the hours they can open on a Sunday extended. So, whilst everybody is bowing down to the muslim minority and forcing us to run things around their religous beliefs Christian beliefs are being ignored. Sunday is the holy day of Christians and this is a Christian country. If we can be forced to respect the holy days of micky mouse religions such as islam then why can our own holy day not be respected?
Babe of the week. Adults Only
As promised
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Winter Olympics
Was just watching the winter olympics on TV (quite day at work) when suddenly it was delayed. Due to snow!! I thought that was the point of the winter olympics.
Just because. Adults Only

This young lady is featured here just because I like her. And I know we have at least one regular reader who likes women in stripes. See all of her photo's here.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Jennifer Lopez

This week Jennifer Lopez has made it into the top five most searched for birds on the Internet. As usual I haven't got a clue why, but at least I know who she is so that's a bonus! Anyway here are a couple of pics of her for all those of you who were looking. And if I ever find any naked pics of Jennifer Lopez or Jennifer Lopez with her legs spread and no knickers I will be sure to let you know. In the mean time you will have to make do with Jennifer Lopez in kinky black boots.
Babe of the week. Adults Only

This weeks babe of the week is eighteen year old blonde Tiffany. See her pose in this full size, high quality softcore photo gallery.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The Birthday Present
A young man wanted to buy a gift for his girlfriend's birthday. They hadn't been going out very long so he thought long and hard before remembering that on their last couple of dates she had complained her hands were cold. So he decided a pair of gloves might be appropriate, not too personal but, nonetheless, thoughtful. Accompanied by his girlfriend's sister, they went to Harrods and he bought a stylish pair of cream-colored leather gloves. At the same time, the sister bought a pair of knickers and they both asked for their purchases to be gift-wrapped.
Unfortunately, the shop assistant mixed the items up and the guy left with the gift-wrapped knickers and the girlfriend's sister left
with the gloves.
The boyfriend, without checking his package, decided to deliver his present in person, but when he arrived at his girlfriend's house she
wasn't in. So instead he posted the present through her front door
accompanied by the following note: -
Happy Birthday Darling,
I hope you like these. I chose them because I noticed you're not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evenings. Had it not been for your sister, I'd have chosen long ones with white buttons, but she wears short ones & they're easier to pull off I was worried because they're a delicate shade but the shop assistant showed me the pair she's worn for the past 3 weeks & they're hardly soiled at all. I had her try on yours & 'though a little tight, they looked really smart. She said that the material helps keep her ring clean & shiny & in fact she hasn't had to wash it since wearing them. I wish you'd been there so I could've put them on for you myself, as no
doubt many hands will come in contact with them before I see you again. Just think how many times I'll hold them in my hand over the coming year. When you take them off, remember to blow into them, as they will be a little damp from wearing. I hope you'll wear them for me on Friday night.
All my love,
Unfortunately, the shop assistant mixed the items up and the guy left with the gift-wrapped knickers and the girlfriend's sister left
with the gloves.
The boyfriend, without checking his package, decided to deliver his present in person, but when he arrived at his girlfriend's house she
wasn't in. So instead he posted the present through her front door
accompanied by the following note: -
Happy Birthday Darling,
I hope you like these. I chose them because I noticed you're not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evenings. Had it not been for your sister, I'd have chosen long ones with white buttons, but she wears short ones & they're easier to pull off I was worried because they're a delicate shade but the shop assistant showed me the pair she's worn for the past 3 weeks & they're hardly soiled at all. I had her try on yours & 'though a little tight, they looked really smart. She said that the material helps keep her ring clean & shiny & in fact she hasn't had to wash it since wearing them. I wish you'd been there so I could've put them on for you myself, as no
doubt many hands will come in contact with them before I see you again. Just think how many times I'll hold them in my hand over the coming year. When you take them off, remember to blow into them, as they will be a little damp from wearing. I hope you'll wear them for me on Friday night.
All my love,
Men's English
1. I am hungry = I am hungry
2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy
3. I am tired = I am tired
4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
5. I love you = Let's have sex now
6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you.
8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you.
9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you.
10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you.
11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay.
2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy
3. I am tired = I am tired
4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
5. I love you = Let's have sex now
6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you.
8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you.
9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you.
10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you.
11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay.
Women's English
1. Yes = No
2. No = Yes
3. Maybe = No
4. We need = I want
5. I am sorry = You'll be sorry
6. We need to talk = you're in trouble
7. Sure, go ahead = you better not
8. Do what you want = you will pay for this later
9. I am not upset = Of course, I am upset, you moron!
10. You're certainly attentive tonight = is sex all you ever think about?
2. No = Yes
3. Maybe = No
4. We need = I want
5. I am sorry = You'll be sorry
6. We need to talk = you're in trouble
7. Sure, go ahead = you better not
8. Do what you want = you will pay for this later
9. I am not upset = Of course, I am upset, you moron!
10. You're certainly attentive tonight = is sex all you ever think about?
Dictionary for Decoding Women's Personal Ads:
40-ish = 49.
Adventurous = Slept with everyone.
Athletic = No breasts
Average looking = Moooo.
Beautiful = Pathological liar.
Emotionally Secure = On medication.
Feminist = Fat
Free spirit = Junkie
Friendship first = Former slut.
New-Age = Body hair in the wrong places.
Old-Fashioned = No BJs.
Open-minded = Desperate
Outgoing = Loud and Embarrassing.
Professional = Bitch
Voluptuous = Very Fat
Hugh frame = Hugely Fat
Wants soul mate = Stalker
Adventurous = Slept with everyone.
Athletic = No breasts
Average looking = Moooo.
Beautiful = Pathological liar.
Emotionally Secure = On medication.
Feminist = Fat
Free spirit = Junkie
Friendship first = Former slut.
New-Age = Body hair in the wrong places.
Old-Fashioned = No BJs.
Open-minded = Desperate
Outgoing = Loud and Embarrassing.
Professional = Bitch
Voluptuous = Very Fat
Hugh frame = Hugely Fat
Wants soul mate = Stalker
Last 24 hours
A man came from a doctor's visit one day and told his wife Doreen that the doctor said he only had 24 hours to live.
Wiping away her tears, he asked her to make love with him.
Of course she agreed and they made passionate love.
Six hours later, Dave went to her again, and said "Honey, now I only have 18 hours left to live. Maybe we could make love again?"
Doreen agreed and again they made love.
Later, Dave was getting into bed when he realised he now had only eight hours of life left. He touched Doreen's shoulder and said, "Honey? Please? Just one more time before I die."
She agreed, then afterwards she rolled over and fell asleep.
Dave, however, heard the clock ticking in his head; he tossed and turned until he was down to only four more hours.
He tapped his wife on the shoulder to wake her up. "Honey, I only have four hours left! Could we...?"
His wife sat up abruptly, turned to him and said, "Listen Dave, I have to get up in the morning! You don't"
Wiping away her tears, he asked her to make love with him.
Of course she agreed and they made passionate love.
Six hours later, Dave went to her again, and said "Honey, now I only have 18 hours left to live. Maybe we could make love again?"
Doreen agreed and again they made love.
Later, Dave was getting into bed when he realised he now had only eight hours of life left. He touched Doreen's shoulder and said, "Honey? Please? Just one more time before I die."
She agreed, then afterwards she rolled over and fell asleep.
Dave, however, heard the clock ticking in his head; he tossed and turned until he was down to only four more hours.
He tapped his wife on the shoulder to wake her up. "Honey, I only have four hours left! Could we...?"
His wife sat up abruptly, turned to him and said, "Listen Dave, I have to get up in the morning! You don't"
Wet T-shirt babe. adults Only

This gorgeous eighteen year old cutie is practising for a wet t-shirt competition in this great gallery. See all the horny pics here.
Mystery Babe. Adults Only.

Who do these fine pair of boobs belong to? Find out by visiting this great gallery and taking in a look at the full size, high quality pics.
Paris Hilton
The stripping muslim!
I haven't yet found a photo gallery of a dusky babe stripping out of a Burka yet but if one exists I will find it. I have e-mailed a few of the sites I get my galleries from and hopefully I will have some pics for you soon. That's assuming any of them have the bottle to publish one. Watch this space!
The muslims have the hump again!
Yes, not content with trying to force the rest of the worlds population into censoring its press the muslims now have another petty little gripe. This time they are taking their prejudices out on the sex shop chain Anne Summers.
It seems that Anne Summers sell a blow up doll called Mustapha Shag. Apparently Al Mustapha is another name for the "prophet" Mohammed so muslims are now "demanding" that the name is changed!
It's about time somebody told these pathetic whingers that if they want to live in this country they have to live by our rules, abide by our customs, accept our sense of humor and intergrate into our society. If they cannot or will not do this then they should bugger off somewhere else! There are backward islamic dictatorships all over the middle east where they can go and live 400 years behind the rest of the world if they don't like it here.
It seems that Anne Summers sell a blow up doll called Mustapha Shag. Apparently Al Mustapha is another name for the "prophet" Mohammed so muslims are now "demanding" that the name is changed!
It's about time somebody told these pathetic whingers that if they want to live in this country they have to live by our rules, abide by our customs, accept our sense of humor and intergrate into our society. If they cannot or will not do this then they should bugger off somewhere else! There are backward islamic dictatorships all over the middle east where they can go and live 400 years behind the rest of the world if they don't like it here.
Nice wheels

I just realised I haven't featured many cars lately, been a bit too busy looking at pics of half naked women and getting worked up about the muslims. So here we have a great looking pick up truck with a half decent bird draped over it. You can see loads more great pick ups at the So Cal Custom site.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Catholics close your eyes! Adults Only

Okay, if you a Catholic, or easily offended then please don't look at this gallery. Yes, as promised yesterday, here is the stripping Nun. See her get out of that habit by clicking here.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Coming soon, the stripping Nun!
Yes, in an effort to offend each religion equally I will soon be posting a full photo set of a Nun getting her kit off and spreading her legs for you! You think I'm kidding? Just watch this space!
The offensive cartoons for you

Well here they are, the cartoons that have offended the worlds biggest hypocrites so much. Now I know that a lot of muslims take the islamic religion seriously but come on! Are these silly cartoons really worth burning down embassies and threatening to kill people? And they claim islam is a tolerant peaceful religion. Who do they think they are kidding?
Danni Minogue in Lesbian Sex session

Well I have been so busy fuming about the muslims today I haven't had time yet to find the pics of Danni Minogue in a lesbian session with a lap dancer. But I will! Apparantly Danni and a friend had full lesbian sex in front of others and the CCTV cameras in a London lap dancing club. As soon as I find the pics they will be posted here but in the meantime you will have to make do with this one.
Why is it that?
Why is it that although alcohol is banned by the islamic religion virtually every shop owned by a muslim is happy to sell it?
Just to make your day
If it wasn't enough that muslim hypocrites are now deemed above the law and have the right to incite murder without any fear of punishment because some cartoons go against their traditions then how about this?
A school in Ipswich has banned hot cross buns in case the cross offends other religions! Now apart from the sheer petty mindedness and stupidity of this are hot cross buns not one of our traditions?
Will we now have radical Christians out on the streets calling for the death of anyone who tries to stop hot cross buns being sold? Will there be placard carrying fantatics outside the school dressed in black head bands and threatening violence. More importantly, if there were, would they be exempt from the laws of this country as well?
A school in Ipswich has banned hot cross buns in case the cross offends other religions! Now apart from the sheer petty mindedness and stupidity of this are hot cross buns not one of our traditions?
Will we now have radical Christians out on the streets calling for the death of anyone who tries to stop hot cross buns being sold? Will there be placard carrying fantatics outside the school dressed in black head bands and threatening violence. More importantly, if there were, would they be exempt from the laws of this country as well?
More Racism by the Police
I had just about calmed myself down from the fury I felt about the police allowing those muslim protesters to get away with their crimes when I made the mistake of picking up my Sunday newspaper.
Yesterday, in a protest by 2000 muslim hypocrite's, there were not only the usual hate filled chants against the west and the illegal hate filled placards. No, some of these hypocrite's went even further and dressed as suicide bombers.
At the same time a couple of white men, probably as sick of these people as I am, started handing out leaflets with the cartoons on. Guess which ones our totally unbiased Police force arrested?
Yes you guessed it. While these preachers of hate attempted to threaten and intimidate anybody who passed by our brave bobbies arrested the white men for handing out leaflets!
Just what crime were they committing? Well none actually. Which is why they were released without charge as soon as the muslim hypocrite's had gone home. Nice to know where our police forces priorities lie isn't it?
Yesterday, in a protest by 2000 muslim hypocrite's, there were not only the usual hate filled chants against the west and the illegal hate filled placards. No, some of these hypocrite's went even further and dressed as suicide bombers.
At the same time a couple of white men, probably as sick of these people as I am, started handing out leaflets with the cartoons on. Guess which ones our totally unbiased Police force arrested?
Yes you guessed it. While these preachers of hate attempted to threaten and intimidate anybody who passed by our brave bobbies arrested the white men for handing out leaflets!
Just what crime were they committing? Well none actually. Which is why they were released without charge as soon as the muslim hypocrite's had gone home. Nice to know where our police forces priorities lie isn't it?
Double Standards
The other feature of the ridiculous fuss being made over these cartoons is the sheer hypocricy of these people. Whilst looking for the cartoon shown below I visited several official islamic web sites, including those of some of the Arab countries official newspapers. They all had one thing in common. Sickening anti-semetic cartoons designed purely to offend Jews.
I was already of the opinion that the islamic religion was based on intolerance and racial hatred and after looking at these sites I am now completely convinced. These people are quite happy to offend everybody else but God (not allah) help anybody who dares to disagree with them
I was already of the opinion that the islamic religion was based on intolerance and racial hatred and after looking at these sites I am now completely convinced. These people are quite happy to offend everybody else but God (not allah) help anybody who dares to disagree with them
Racist Police Force part two.
The most sickening site I have seen this week was the islamic fanatics in London protesting about these cartoons. These people all had placards glorifying terrorism, gloating about 9/11, gloating about the London bombs or calling for people to be beheaded. Every one of them was breaking the law and could be put away for eight years.
Yet what did our police do? Absolutely nothing! What do you think would have happened had it been white people with placards calling for muslims to be beheaded? What would happen if you or I were to carry a placard saying "Allah was a rent boy and mohamed was his pimp" We would be banged up so quickly our feet wouldn't touch the ground! I have written to my MP demanding to know why these people were not arrested and what would happen if I decided to exercise my right to make a civillians arrest. I will let you know if I get a reply.
Before anybody complains that they find the Allah was a rent boy remark offensive please take note that I find it far more offensive to have my fellow countrymen blown to pieces by suicide bombers and then have people gloryifying it on the very streets it happened on.
Yet what did our police do? Absolutely nothing! What do you think would have happened had it been white people with placards calling for muslims to be beheaded? What would happen if you or I were to carry a placard saying "Allah was a rent boy and mohamed was his pimp" We would be banged up so quickly our feet wouldn't touch the ground! I have written to my MP demanding to know why these people were not arrested and what would happen if I decided to exercise my right to make a civillians arrest. I will let you know if I get a reply.
Before anybody complains that they find the Allah was a rent boy remark offensive please take note that I find it far more offensive to have my fellow countrymen blown to pieces by suicide bombers and then have people gloryifying it on the very streets it happened on.
Racist Police Force
A few days back now there were reports in several newspapers of over 130 applicants to join the police being turned down without even getting an interview. Not because they didn't have the right qualifications, not because they were not fit enough or didn't meet the standards required. No, these people were turned down simply because of their race and colour. They were turned down because they were white!!!
Racial discrimination is supposed to be illegal in this country. Our law says it is illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, colour, sex or creed. Yet one of our police forces, sworn to uphold the law, illegaly refuses to take on any more white officers because they haven't filled their quota of minorities and nobody does anything about it!
If it had been women turned down because of their sex somebody would have been nicked by now. If it had been blacks or Asians turned down because of their colour somebody would have been nicked by now. If it had been muslims somebody would have been blown apart by a suicide bomber by now.
But it wasn't, it was white English men so nobody gives a damn. Because the truth is that in Billy Liar and the New Taxes party's England white English men are little more than cash dispensers paying out huge amounts of taxes to support everybody else.
Racial discrimination is supposed to be illegal in this country. Our law says it is illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, colour, sex or creed. Yet one of our police forces, sworn to uphold the law, illegaly refuses to take on any more white officers because they haven't filled their quota of minorities and nobody does anything about it!
If it had been women turned down because of their sex somebody would have been nicked by now. If it had been blacks or Asians turned down because of their colour somebody would have been nicked by now. If it had been muslims somebody would have been blown apart by a suicide bomber by now.
But it wasn't, it was white English men so nobody gives a damn. Because the truth is that in Billy Liar and the New Taxes party's England white English men are little more than cash dispensers paying out huge amounts of taxes to support everybody else.
Offensive Cartoons.

As everybody must know racist muslim fanatics all over the world have been wetting themselves about some cartoons depicting mohammed. They claim these cartoons offend them because it is against their religion to show images of the prophet. And as usual when it comes to anything to do with islam it's all a pack of lies.
In fact there is nothing in the koran forbidding it at all. It is just a tradition. In the same way that Christmas is one of our traditions, and we all know what is happening with that. Mosques all across the arab world have pictures of the prophet in them! So why all this fuss?
Well, quite simply, it is just another way for these backward simple minded violent fanatics to try and impose their perverted evil views upon the rest of us, backed up by our weak willed government who bend over backwards to appease these scum just for the sake of a few votes.
Babe of the week. Adults Only

This gorgeous eighteen year old Brazilian babe is this weeks babe of the week. Another great large size, high quality photo gallery.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
How come?
How come it's such a problem to show pictures of Mohammed but okay to name 5000 mini-cab drivers after him?
Friday, February 03, 2006
Scarlett Johansson

The last of our most searched for women this week is Scarlett Johansson and I have to admit that I am not too sure who she is either. I think she is a movie star but I wouldn't bet my life on it. Anyway she is quite easy on the eye and has a great pair of tits so here are a couple of pics of Scarlett Johansson.
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