Now anyone who reads a newspaper, watches television or even reads the daily mirror, knows that the Middle East is a bit of a problem. Lets be honest. A huge problem.
Basically most of it is controlled by jumped up dicators who are in the position they are in because they have expoited the ignorance and lack of education of a huge proportion of their population and are using the islamic religion to exploit them.
The rest of it is controlled by the West who do everything in their power to help these dictators by allowing our own society to become so corrupt amd moral free that an islamic dictatorship must seem like heaven compared to the conditions that our own poor and elderly people are expected to live under.
But at the end of the day we in the West need the oil so lets get things sorted. How? Simple.
America, England, Russia, Japan and China should get together and take the whole lot over. Go to war with the lot of them, kick the whole lot out. Then take the oil and divide it between them. Then we have the world by the balls. We can impose our society on the lot of them.
Just think. Every country in the world can have a drug problem! Law abiding people will get to walk the streets in fear of being mugged. People who live in the dessert will have a sattelite dish and a TV. And the pleasure of coming home and finding it has been stolen by the child molester next door to buy some date rape drugs to keep your five year old daughter quiet while he rapes her.
But thats only if you are lucky enough to live in the West. If you live in the Eastern part of the world you will get to work 14 hours a day and still not have enough to feed your kids. You will get to listen to the world cup on a shared radio that you built that cost you a weeks wages to buy.
If you know somebody with a TV you will get to watch the world cup and see multi millionaires wearing your companies logo on their chests. Then you can be happy knowing that by working for a pittance you have contributed to helping these poor footballers to buy a new Ferrari.
But most importantly the whole world will be a democracy! Everyone will get to pay taxes to keep the political elite in Jaguars, Jets and free housing. Everybody will have the pleasure of going and voting for somebody who is only in it for the money and who will fuck you as soon as look at you if their is something in it for them.
Yes, it's the ideal solution. Apart from one thing. Everybody will also get the daily mirror. And no matter how bad the middle East is, I wouldn't wish the mirror on anyone.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Theme of the month

Well in afew minutes it will be July so it's time to change the theme of the month. So this month it is going to be women. Any women. Or any I like the look of anyway, which means any women except Italian women. So here, to start us off, is a bird in a short skirt. Lust over all the pics here.
Hi again
Hi everyone, I am back. Been a bit busy but hopefully back to normal service now. Maybe. Anyway, anyone notice how good I was with the football analysis? Czech Republic? Crap in the end. Was right about the Ukraine though. Even though they got through to a quarter final against the cheaters, sorry Italy, they were the worst team I saw.
So come on all you Italians, how does it make you feel knowing that you only got through because one of the wimps in your team dived and was awarded a penalty by a referee paid to make sure the little teams went out?
Does it fill you with joy? Make you feel happy? Because if it does then the whole world now knows why it is that Italian men are such obnoxious prats and why their dicks are so small.
So for all you greaseballs here are the facts. Your team cheated and no matter how good that makes you feel, no matter how far you get, any result after the game against Australia only happened because your team cheated.
But then what do you expect from a nation that invented the reverse gear and whose main export is gangsters? The Australians can take pride in their teams performance. You Italians just have little dicks and ugly hairy women.
So come on all you Italians, how does it make you feel knowing that you only got through because one of the wimps in your team dived and was awarded a penalty by a referee paid to make sure the little teams went out?
Does it fill you with joy? Make you feel happy? Because if it does then the whole world now knows why it is that Italian men are such obnoxious prats and why their dicks are so small.
So for all you greaseballs here are the facts. Your team cheated and no matter how good that makes you feel, no matter how far you get, any result after the game against Australia only happened because your team cheated.
But then what do you expect from a nation that invented the reverse gear and whose main export is gangsters? The Australians can take pride in their teams performance. You Italians just have little dicks and ugly hairy women.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Worse so far. Adults Only

For me the worst team so far in the World Cup have been Ukraine. Which gives me an excuse to post this gallery of Ukranian babe Nastya. See all the pics here.
Best so far? Adults Only

Well I have now watched all the teams in the World Cup and for me the best team so far are the Czech Republic. Which is a perfectly reasonable excuse to feature some top Czech totty. So here is lovely blonde Nancy Murrian from the Czech Republic revealing all in a great set of photo's.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Not enough babes for you?
if you are one of those men who doesn't want to read the posts but just wants to look at the pictures then why not try one of our sister sites. On these sites you will find hundrededs of horny babes getting their kit off just for you, including page three girl Melanie Walsh and Big Brother babe Aisleyne. Just get your tissues ready and click one of the links below.
Simply Babes
Simply Legs
Simply Upskirt
Simply Babes
Simply Legs
Simply Upskirt
Naomi gets them out. Adults Only

Time for another English babe to get her tits out for the boys. This time it is eighteen year old Naomi. See the full gallery here.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
£500,00 for wrongful arrest!
Can you believe the state that this government and the ludicrous human rights law has got us into? Innocent people who were blown up and maimed and injured by extremeist muslims are to get £500,000 pound compensation.
Following the arrest of two muslims with a proven history of anti-western views the Police had to let them go. And guess what, they are likely to get £500,000 in compensation!
Unforunately for the people blown up by these scum they have something working against them. They are mostly white, mostly English, and above all, not followers of Islam. which means that, in the eyes of the government and the law, an embarassment.
The two wrongly arrested however have everything going for them. They are immigrants and, more importantly, muslim immigrants. Thet are followers of a relgion that promotes kidnapp and rape as a suitable courtship before marriage. A religion that is so intolerant that any slur on it is met with violence or threats of violence. A religion that has most of it's followers so far under the cosh that one word from one of their clerics can deliver a few hundred votes in an election.
Uf an ordainary white English Christian was arrested in a raid like the one last week they would get any damage to their house paid for and a token payment. If it was an african or any other non muslim immigrant they would get a lawyer on legal aid and a nice 50 to 100 grand nest egg.
But because they are muslims, and can deliver a large amount of votes, they are treated as a special case and once more huge amounts of public money will be slung at them.
Following the arrest of two muslims with a proven history of anti-western views the Police had to let them go. And guess what, they are likely to get £500,000 in compensation!
Unforunately for the people blown up by these scum they have something working against them. They are mostly white, mostly English, and above all, not followers of Islam. which means that, in the eyes of the government and the law, an embarassment.
The two wrongly arrested however have everything going for them. They are immigrants and, more importantly, muslim immigrants. Thet are followers of a relgion that promotes kidnapp and rape as a suitable courtship before marriage. A religion that is so intolerant that any slur on it is met with violence or threats of violence. A religion that has most of it's followers so far under the cosh that one word from one of their clerics can deliver a few hundred votes in an election.
Uf an ordainary white English Christian was arrested in a raid like the one last week they would get any damage to their house paid for and a token payment. If it was an african or any other non muslim immigrant they would get a lawyer on legal aid and a nice 50 to 100 grand nest egg.
But because they are muslims, and can deliver a large amount of votes, they are treated as a special case and once more huge amounts of public money will be slung at them.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Filthy First Timer. Adults Only

Here is another English amateur I came across while browsing through my galleries. This is Karen Wood, described as a filthy first timer. You can see just how filthy in this hardcore, adults only gallery.
English Amatuer Cassie. Adults Only

Anyway enough about the World Cup for now. Here is another amateur English babe, Cassie, stroking her pussy. See all the pics here.
Sven gets it wrong again!
Now in case you haven't noticed the football World Cup started on Friday and England have sent a team. Well half a team actually when you consider the injured players and the reserves like Stewart Downing who isn't even good enough for the premiership let alone the England team.
Anyway yesterday afternoon England played their first game, against Paraguay, watched by around 25 million people. And they were crap!
The first half was okay, Paraguay scored an own goal and to help us even more their goalkeeper took it upon himself to injure himself in the sixth minute. We made quite a few chances and could have evn scored a couple of times had our players had any idea what to do in front of the goal.
In the second half Paraguay started a little bit better, lets face it they could hardly of got any worse, but 25 million people across the country were looking forward to England scoring and getting a good start in the tournament.
So what does the prat of a manager do? Takes off a striker and replaces him with a midfielder! And not just any midfielder, but Stuwart Downing, the second worse player to have ever worn an England shirt! I'm not including John Barnes there because he didn't actually play, he just watched.
So then it all started going wrong and Paraguay took up residence in our half of the field. Now for anyone with half a brain it was obvious that our system wasn't working and that we badly needed another striker on the pitch. Unfortunately Sven hasn't got half a brain so he took off Joe Cole, an attacking midfielder, and replaced him with the worse player to ever where an England shirt, Owen Hargreaves.
Now Owen hargreaves has had 31 caps for England and in that time has made one tackle and once, about two years ago I think it was, actually managed to pass a ball to a man in a white shirt. Unfortunately we were playing against Germany and we were wearing red but at least he tried! The man is a liabillity!
So of course things got worse again. Luckily we held out and got the three points but the performance was terrible. Thank god this manager is going!
Anyway yesterday afternoon England played their first game, against Paraguay, watched by around 25 million people. And they were crap!
The first half was okay, Paraguay scored an own goal and to help us even more their goalkeeper took it upon himself to injure himself in the sixth minute. We made quite a few chances and could have evn scored a couple of times had our players had any idea what to do in front of the goal.
In the second half Paraguay started a little bit better, lets face it they could hardly of got any worse, but 25 million people across the country were looking forward to England scoring and getting a good start in the tournament.
So what does the prat of a manager do? Takes off a striker and replaces him with a midfielder! And not just any midfielder, but Stuwart Downing, the second worse player to have ever worn an England shirt! I'm not including John Barnes there because he didn't actually play, he just watched.
So then it all started going wrong and Paraguay took up residence in our half of the field. Now for anyone with half a brain it was obvious that our system wasn't working and that we badly needed another striker on the pitch. Unfortunately Sven hasn't got half a brain so he took off Joe Cole, an attacking midfielder, and replaced him with the worse player to ever where an England shirt, Owen Hargreaves.
Now Owen hargreaves has had 31 caps for England and in that time has made one tackle and once, about two years ago I think it was, actually managed to pass a ball to a man in a white shirt. Unfortunately we were playing against Germany and we were wearing red but at least he tried! The man is a liabillity!
So of course things got worse again. Luckily we held out and got the three points but the performance was terrible. Thank god this manager is going!
Devon Delight. Adults Only

Well it's time for another English bird to get her tits out for the boys and this time it's Katie, a twenty year old fitness instructor from Devon.
She actually makes a very good fitness instuctor. I spent ten minutes looking at her pics and my right arm is already twice the size of my left one. Start your work out here.
Any women here? Adults Only

Judging by a couple of e-mails I have recieved from irate women calling me a sexist pig (Thank you ladies, I'm honoured), we have been getting female visiors to the site.
Well ladies I have just one thing to say to you. Get back in the kitchen! Just like the bird in this photo gallery.
Aisleyne from Big Brother again. Adults Only

While I have been smoking breakfastI was browsing through some galleries and found another one of that blonde bint Aisleyne from Big Brother. Seeing as she is English and, if she asked me nicely, I would probably give her one, I thought why not put her on the site again.
Besides anything else all those sad people who watch crap like Big Brother are making Big Brother one of the most searched fpr things on the Internet at the moment. So I figure why don't I get a few to visit here so I can take the piss out of them?
Anyway, if you want to see Aisleyne from Big Brother, otherwise know as Princess, in some raunchy poses then just take a look here.
English babe Mackensie. Adults Only

As I said before, to show support for our football team in their bid to win the World Cup I am going to be featuring some hot home grown English tottie this month. Talking of home grown it's about time I customised a Rothmans. Lust over these pics for a while and I will be right back.
More NHS cutbacks. Adults Only

Because of the appalling waste in the NHS and the fact that all the extra money thrown at it has been used to create non jobs and buy votes rather than used for patient care the NHS is being forced to make one cutback after another.
This is the latest. By supplying all the fit nurses these new stlye uniforms they have saved on the cost of material and have been able to create another fifty admin jobs and thus get Billy Liar and his new taxes party another fifty votes. See this new uniform here, modeled by Nicole.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Another bunch of Polish plumbers
If you have any trouble getting hold of a cheap Polish plumber over the next couple of weeks there is a good reason for that. Judging by Poland's performance against Ecuador last night 23 of them are in Germany playing in the world cup!
Talking of hypocrites
Once again muslims are out protesting in East London. Are they protesting because some of their number are still being allowed to rape and abuse young girls in the name of religion? Are they protesting because some of their number thinks it's acceptable to strap a bomb to their backs and blow innocent people to pieces? are they protesting about the brutal dictators and murderous fanatics that run the average muslim country? Are they protesting about the islamic clerics who preach hate death and destruction?
No, of course they are not. They are protesting because they claim that the police were heavy handed when they went in to search the house of some muslims who had, on many occasions, stated their desire to kill and maim non muslims and who they believed were making a chemical weapon. The muslims claim that the police's actions are unsettling and disruptive to their community!
Do these people think that when some of their number took it upon themselves to blow themselves up on the underground last year that it made the rest of us feel safe and secure?
The police have a duty to protect us and when they recieve information about potential terrorists they have to act on it. And if this upsets the muslim minority then so be it. Despite what these people might think, in a democracy the needs of the majority are supposed to take priority and action such as this might not make the muslims feel good but do a hell of a lot to reassure the rest of us.
There are major airports all over this country with direct flights to muslim dictatorships. if these people are not happy in this country they are free to jump on a plane and go live in one of these places. Nobody is forcing them to live here.
In the meantime why aren't the "peacefull law abiding majority of muslims" we keep hearing about out in the streets protesting about the "minority among them" who give them such a bad name?
No, of course they are not. They are protesting because they claim that the police were heavy handed when they went in to search the house of some muslims who had, on many occasions, stated their desire to kill and maim non muslims and who they believed were making a chemical weapon. The muslims claim that the police's actions are unsettling and disruptive to their community!
Do these people think that when some of their number took it upon themselves to blow themselves up on the underground last year that it made the rest of us feel safe and secure?
The police have a duty to protect us and when they recieve information about potential terrorists they have to act on it. And if this upsets the muslim minority then so be it. Despite what these people might think, in a democracy the needs of the majority are supposed to take priority and action such as this might not make the muslims feel good but do a hell of a lot to reassure the rest of us.
There are major airports all over this country with direct flights to muslim dictatorships. if these people are not happy in this country they are free to jump on a plane and go live in one of these places. Nobody is forcing them to live here.
In the meantime why aren't the "peacefull law abiding majority of muslims" we keep hearing about out in the streets protesting about the "minority among them" who give them such a bad name?
One rule for us, another for them.
This week Billy Liar and his new taxes party stooped to another all time low. I know it's hard to believe that this bunch of lying, cheating, hypocritical pomces could get any lower but week after week they manage it.
At the same time as saying a married man who has sex with his wife without her consent will get eight years for rape they also decided to go back on their promise to make forced marriages illegal, just in case they upset the muslims, who are the main practioners of this brutal practice.
Yes, in Billy Liar's brave New England it is legal, and will continue to be legal, to abduct a young girl from a village in pakistan or any other muslim country, bring her here, force her to marry somebody she has never met and allow him to rape her whenever he feels like it!
If she hasn't consented to the marriage then she is hardly likely to consent to a man old enough to be her father having sex with her. Which is rape, pure and simple. As most of these girls are also under the age of consent in this country it is also child abuse.
But because they are followers of the most hypocritical, brutal, self centered evil religous cult ever to have been invented they are allowed to get away with it.
We keep being told that the vast majority of muslims are peace loving people. So why are they not protesting about this? why are they happy to accept that the paedophiles and perverts amongst their numbers can prey on young girls in this way and get away with it by claiming it is part of their religous culture?
This is just one more example of the lengths our pathetic spineless government will go to to appease a bunch of fanatical lunatics and to win themselves a few more votes. And another perfect example of how there is one set of rules for muslims and another set for the rest of us.
At the same time as saying a married man who has sex with his wife without her consent will get eight years for rape they also decided to go back on their promise to make forced marriages illegal, just in case they upset the muslims, who are the main practioners of this brutal practice.
Yes, in Billy Liar's brave New England it is legal, and will continue to be legal, to abduct a young girl from a village in pakistan or any other muslim country, bring her here, force her to marry somebody she has never met and allow him to rape her whenever he feels like it!
If she hasn't consented to the marriage then she is hardly likely to consent to a man old enough to be her father having sex with her. Which is rape, pure and simple. As most of these girls are also under the age of consent in this country it is also child abuse.
But because they are followers of the most hypocritical, brutal, self centered evil religous cult ever to have been invented they are allowed to get away with it.
We keep being told that the vast majority of muslims are peace loving people. So why are they not protesting about this? why are they happy to accept that the paedophiles and perverts amongst their numbers can prey on young girls in this way and get away with it by claiming it is part of their religous culture?
This is just one more example of the lengths our pathetic spineless government will go to to appease a bunch of fanatical lunatics and to win themselves a few more votes. And another perfect example of how there is one set of rules for muslims and another set for the rest of us.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Sweet Susane. Adults Only

This sweet innocent looking English amateur is the lovely Susane. Well she might look sweet and innocent but I can assure you she is not. To see what a slut she really is take a look here.
English Babe Juliet. Adults Only

Well finding hot English babes for you to drool over is proving very easy to do. But it's not doing my eyesite any good! Anyway, this hot blonde is Juliet. See her get her clothes off in this full gallery.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Aisleyne's Great Bum. Adults Only

Yes, believe it or not, this bird showing her suspenders and with her thong right up the crack of her arse is Aisleyne from Big Brother. Take a look at the full photo gallery here.
This Months Theme. Adults Only

Well it is June already and time for another theme. With the world cup coming up I decided to get all patriotic, so this month I will be featuring English babes, just like this fit babe Beckie. See all her pics here.
Aisleyne, the Big Brother Babe. Adults Only

Yes Aisleyne, the blonde babe from Big Brother also poses for an adult site. This hot bit of stuff just loves to get her kit off for the boys. Aisleyne, better known as Princess to those of us who have already lusted over her, has one fine body that she doesn't mind displaying. See all the pics in this gallery here.
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