It's March already, spring has arrived, which probably explains why it was minus 4 this morning and snowing a couple of hours ago. But a new month means a new minger, and this month it is a man!
Actually no, thats not quite correct. It's a sad sorry excuse for a man. Yes folks, this months minger is that odius little worm, Barmy Ken, the terrorists friend.
This man was elected by ethnic minorities and Gays purely so he could represent their interests at the expense of the rest of us. He is a racist anti semetic moron who was kicked out once, when he ran the GLC, because of the complete and utter mess he made of things.
His idea of effective governing is to use tax payers money to bring islamic terrorist leaders to London to promote their warped hate filled policies. He has imposed a congestion tax on motorists entering London that has done nothing except make millions for the company running it, closed down hundreds of small busineses and caused traffic jams at quarter past six in the morning.
Sorry, thats not quite true. It also bought a fleet of bendy buses that can't use half the roads in London, catch fire for no reason at all, were partly responsible for London being fined for too much pollution because their huge diesel engines pump out so many fumes and are now being scrapped anyway after just three years!
He has just been suspended for a month for bringing the mayors office into disripute for comparing a jewish journalist to a Nazi concentration camp guard and refuses to apologise because he finds nothing wrong with that! This mans arrogance and contempt for the people who pay his wages are almost as bad as that of Billy Liar and his wife.
This man is beyond contempt and in any civilised society would not get a job as a road sweeper let alone mayor of what used to be one of the finest cities in the world. Unfortunately under Billy Liar and The New Taxes Party, Britain can no longer be classed as civilised.
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