After the Great Flood when Mr and Ms Noah (we don't know for sure if they were married or merely co-habiting) had been adrift in the Ark for a week or two Mr Noah approached his wife in some trepidation:
"Darling", he said with a perplexed frown, "There's a problem I simply can't keep from you any longer and it's getting worse."
"Oh my..." replied Ms/Mrs Noah. "What ever is it?"
Mr Noah blushed and cleared his throat:
"It's the animals, dearest."
"Are they sick?"
"No, they're all well"
"Are they hungry?"
"No, they all have plenty of food."
"Are the dogs fighting with the cats again?"
"No, my dearest one, peace reigns supreme in the sanctuary of the Lord."
"Then what's the matter?"
"Haven't you noticed that the ark is listing a bit lately?"
"Well, now you mention it, I had noticed a slight lean to port, but I thought it was just the wind."
"No, it's not wind, dear, although the problem IS connected with wind..."
"Whatever do you mean? Don't talk in riddles, Noah!"
"Sorry, my sweet. It's the - ahem, er -um, waste products."
"Waste products?"
"Yes, you know, waste. Animals produce waste."
"If you mean shit why not say shit, Noah!"
Noah nodded. "Yes, it's the - the, er, shit, dear. I'm afraid that's what's making the ark list to port..."
"Well why don't you distribute it equally between port and starboard?"
"What a brilliant idea!" So Noah did as his wife suggested, but a week later he came to her again looking even more worried than before.
"What is it now, dear?"
"I'm afraid there's no more room on either side of the Ark for the
"Well pile it in the front and back then!" said Mrs/Ms Noah brusquely. "Really, I have no idea why the Lord chose you. Your brain is like the four-headed man-eating Elephant Fish of Mount Ararat."
"In what way, dear?"
"It doesn't exist."
"Noah did as his wife told him but within another week he was back again
"I suppose you're going to tell me you've run out of places to store the shit?"
"I'm afraid so", Said Mr Noah.
Mrs Noah's face turned purple and she slapped her husband.
Noah did as she asked and 1,764 years later Christopher Columbus discovered it and called it AMERICA.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
In the beginning
God made Adam and saw that he was good, and Adam saw that he was good. However Adam was getting quite lonely and upon seeing this God said to him, "I can make you a partner."
Adam became excited. "A Partner?"
"Yes," God began. "She will be beautiful at all times and clean and cook and wash. She will love you with all of her heart. She will always be there for you, She will be like your personal slave."
Adam smiled. "oh God, I want one."
God replied, "You can have one but it will be expensive." Adam didn't care.
"It will cost an arm, a leg, and a shoulder."
Adam thought about it for a while, sighed and asked, "Well..what can I get for a rib?"
Adam became excited. "A Partner?"
"Yes," God began. "She will be beautiful at all times and clean and cook and wash. She will love you with all of her heart. She will always be there for you, She will be like your personal slave."
Adam smiled. "oh God, I want one."
God replied, "You can have one but it will be expensive." Adam didn't care.
"It will cost an arm, a leg, and a shoulder."
Adam thought about it for a while, sighed and asked, "Well..what can I get for a rib?"
A single girl
A girl walks into a Supermarket and buys
1 Bar of soap
1 toothbrush
1 tube of toothpaste
1 loaf of bread
1 pint of milk
1 single serving of cereal
1 single serving of a frozen dinner
Guy at the checkout stand checks her out and
says "Single, are you?"
the girl flutters her eyelashes, smiles and
replies.."How did you
He repiles, "Because you're really ugly".
1 Bar of soap
1 toothbrush
1 tube of toothpaste
1 loaf of bread
1 pint of milk
1 single serving of cereal
1 single serving of a frozen dinner
Guy at the checkout stand checks her out and
says "Single, are you?"
the girl flutters her eyelashes, smiles and
replies.."How did you
He repiles, "Because you're really ugly".
The Blonde schoolgirl
A blonde comes home from school and says to her mum,"We learned how to count up to 5 today mummy. I got up to 10. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "yes dear"
Day 2:
"We learned how to do the alphabet today mummy. The others only got up to E and I got up to S. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "yes dear"
Day 3:
"We learned about breasts today mummy. All the other girls are flat chested and I'm a 36DD. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "No dear, it's because your 25.
A blonde comes home from school and says to her mum,"We learned how to count up to 5 today mummy. I got up to 10. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "yes dear"
Day 2:
"We learned how to do the alphabet today mummy. The others only got up to E and I got up to S. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "yes dear"
Day 3:
"We learned about breasts today mummy. All the other girls are flat chested and I'm a 36DD. Is it because I'm blonde, mummy?"
Mum replies: "No dear, it's because your 25.
What a week
What a week this was for Billy Liar and his New Taxes party. Firstly we found out that his wide mouth frog of a wife spent eight grand having her hair done on the last election campaign. Leaving aside what poor working class members of the labour party think of this as they struggle to pay their £5 a week membership fees surely this money could have been much better spent, plastic surgery for instance?
Then we have the minister for health telling us what a great year it it has been for the NHS, as they announce massive job cuts of essential staff and it's revealed that after being trained, at a cost of £100,000 each to the taxpayer, 9 out of 10 nurses cannot get a job because the hospitals cannot afford to take them on!
Next up we find out that over 1000 criminals who should have been deported have been released and are walking the streets. And nobody has a clue who they are! And the man responsible will only resign if one of these people commits a serious crime. So when your wife our daughter is raped or murder by one of these people, or your child is molested, at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that a minister has lost his job because of it!
Then there is that paragon of virtue, two Jags, two shags or four chins, whichever you prefer, shagging some slapper on the side. This is the man who only got his job for two reasons. One because he spent three years slagging off the conservatives about sleaze and two because Billy Liar wanted somebody who was as thick as shit as a deputy so he didn't pose a threat.
What was Billy Liar's reaction to all this? Well he posed for a photo shoot in a gym and lectured us all about how we could all live longer if we exercised more.
Which poses a question. Why on Earth would anybody want to live longer in this violent, moral free society that he has created? Answers on a ballot paper next Thursday please.
Then we have the minister for health telling us what a great year it it has been for the NHS, as they announce massive job cuts of essential staff and it's revealed that after being trained, at a cost of £100,000 each to the taxpayer, 9 out of 10 nurses cannot get a job because the hospitals cannot afford to take them on!
Next up we find out that over 1000 criminals who should have been deported have been released and are walking the streets. And nobody has a clue who they are! And the man responsible will only resign if one of these people commits a serious crime. So when your wife our daughter is raped or murder by one of these people, or your child is molested, at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that a minister has lost his job because of it!
Then there is that paragon of virtue, two Jags, two shags or four chins, whichever you prefer, shagging some slapper on the side. This is the man who only got his job for two reasons. One because he spent three years slagging off the conservatives about sleaze and two because Billy Liar wanted somebody who was as thick as shit as a deputy so he didn't pose a threat.
What was Billy Liar's reaction to all this? Well he posed for a photo shoot in a gym and lectured us all about how we could all live longer if we exercised more.
Which poses a question. Why on Earth would anybody want to live longer in this violent, moral free society that he has created? Answers on a ballot paper next Thursday please.
For those of us who are goint to vote there are so many choices. We have Billy Liar and his new taxes party who want to restrict our freedom and give all our money to foreigners. Then we have the liberals, who want to tax us to death, restrict our freedom and give all our money to foreigners. Then there is "Call me Dave" and his conservative party who want to restrict our freedom and give all our money to foreigners. And the green party, who want to raise taxes, cover the country in windmills and buy all our power from abroad because even when their is no open land left without a windmill we will still only be producing about 10% of the power we need.
Then there is the BNP. Unfortunately they have a bit of a problem because a lot of the stuff they come out with is just pure racism. However, in a poll last week by Sky News the vast majority of their policies are supported by the majority of people! It's only when people get told that they are BNP policies that they lose support.
But this election is not to elect the government, it's to elect local councillers. So I am voting BNP because it's the only way that these career politicians in the main stream parties are ever going to get the message that people have had enough. We have had enough of being treated like second class citizens in our own country. We have had enough of our customs being overturned and banned in case it upsets somebody. We have had enough of paying extortionate taxes to support every low life from throughout the world who wants to come here and abuse our hospitality.
We have had enough of a second rate health service, enough of being scared to walk the streets at night, enough of our elderly living in poverty, enough of the people smugglers, drug dealers, muggers, rapeists etc who infest our society. We dont want our towns and cities turned into replica's of the shit holes that a lot of these people come from.
If they don't get the message at these council elections. If the mainstream parties don't stop appeasing minorities and start giving the majority what they want then we are in for serious trouble in the future. Because if they don't get their act together then it will not be BNP councilers we are voting for. It will be BNP politicians. And then the trouble will really begin.
Then there is the BNP. Unfortunately they have a bit of a problem because a lot of the stuff they come out with is just pure racism. However, in a poll last week by Sky News the vast majority of their policies are supported by the majority of people! It's only when people get told that they are BNP policies that they lose support.
But this election is not to elect the government, it's to elect local councillers. So I am voting BNP because it's the only way that these career politicians in the main stream parties are ever going to get the message that people have had enough. We have had enough of being treated like second class citizens in our own country. We have had enough of our customs being overturned and banned in case it upsets somebody. We have had enough of paying extortionate taxes to support every low life from throughout the world who wants to come here and abuse our hospitality.
We have had enough of a second rate health service, enough of being scared to walk the streets at night, enough of our elderly living in poverty, enough of the people smugglers, drug dealers, muggers, rapeists etc who infest our society. We dont want our towns and cities turned into replica's of the shit holes that a lot of these people come from.
If they don't get the message at these council elections. If the mainstream parties don't stop appeasing minorities and start giving the majority what they want then we are in for serious trouble in the future. Because if they don't get their act together then it will not be BNP councilers we are voting for. It will be BNP politicians. And then the trouble will really begin.
Next Thursday
Next Thursday we get the chance to vote and show this lying cheating thieving bunch of conmen who are running the country what we think of them. And guess what? Half of the people who are reading this are going to be too lazy to bother. And that is all it is, laziness.
These morons who are just too bone idle to go out and vote are the very same people who are going to be complaining when all our freedom has gone and when muslim fanatics are dictating to us what we do in our own country.
Well if you are one of these lazy bastards then do me a favour and fuck off to another site. Politicians get away with treating us like scum because they can. And they can because of people like you. The only people I have more contempt for than politicians and muslims are you scum who can't be bothered to vote and by being so lazy allow the politicians licence to do what they like.
Since coming to power Billy Liar and his new taxes party have intoroduced over 1000 new laws! They regulate every tiny aspect of our lives. All because of you. Get off your arses and go out and vote next Thursday. Vote for a counciller who will put your needs and wishes above those of Europe. But whatever you do vote. because if you don't then you are worse than these scum in New Labour will ever be.
These morons who are just too bone idle to go out and vote are the very same people who are going to be complaining when all our freedom has gone and when muslim fanatics are dictating to us what we do in our own country.
Well if you are one of these lazy bastards then do me a favour and fuck off to another site. Politicians get away with treating us like scum because they can. And they can because of people like you. The only people I have more contempt for than politicians and muslims are you scum who can't be bothered to vote and by being so lazy allow the politicians licence to do what they like.
Since coming to power Billy Liar and his new taxes party have intoroduced over 1000 new laws! They regulate every tiny aspect of our lives. All because of you. Get off your arses and go out and vote next Thursday. Vote for a counciller who will put your needs and wishes above those of Europe. But whatever you do vote. because if you don't then you are worse than these scum in New Labour will ever be.
Memo to David Cameron
Dear Mr Cameron
When you have finished saving the planet that you live on how about returning to the one that the rest of us live on and coming up with some sensible policies? Polls this week suggest that most of us want an end to imigration. Most of us do not want anymore asylum seekers or refugees. Most of us want the human rights act scrapped. Most of us want criminlas locked up rather than being allowed to terrorise innocent people. Most of us want lower taxes. Most of us are sick to death of being dictated to by the government.
So how about making these your policies rather than pandering to a tiny minority that seem to think that cutting pollution will solve all our problems? You never know, if you have policies that the majority of us want then we may just vote for you! Just a thought.
When you have finished saving the planet that you live on how about returning to the one that the rest of us live on and coming up with some sensible policies? Polls this week suggest that most of us want an end to imigration. Most of us do not want anymore asylum seekers or refugees. Most of us want the human rights act scrapped. Most of us want criminlas locked up rather than being allowed to terrorise innocent people. Most of us want lower taxes. Most of us are sick to death of being dictated to by the government.
So how about making these your policies rather than pandering to a tiny minority that seem to think that cutting pollution will solve all our problems? You never know, if you have policies that the majority of us want then we may just vote for you! Just a thought.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Melanie Walsh in a Mini. Adults Only

This is Melanie Walsh, direct from page 3 of The Sun. Here she wears a short denim mini just for our pleasure. At last, a woman who knows what she was put on Earth for! See all the pics here.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
New Feature!!!!!!!!

Okay, the eagle eyed among you, that is the ones not reading this because they are only here for the pics of the fit birds, will have noticed that in the side bar on the right there is now a picture of a bird with Babe of the Week written above it.
In theory, if it works, and there is no reason that it shouldn't, apart from nothing ever works as planned on a PC, there should now be a different picture of a bird every day. The same bird for seven days then a new one. Providing I get round to updating that is.
By the way, I've just had a magic Rothmans so this could take a while, but don't worry, I will get to the point in the end.
Anyway this new feature acheives two purposes. Or for those of you educated in the last nine years more than one purpose. Firstly you lot get to see a different picture everyday. Cool eh? Secondly, or fistly again for you New Taxes Party graduates, it makes it easier for me to pick one as there are not so many to choose from!
Granted I now only have about 30 birds to pick the best from instead of 300. But none of them are exactly mingers and they add a new bird every week anyway. I know that a fair few of you regulars are knocking on a bit the same as me. Now come on be honest. If any 18, 19 or 20 year old bird off this site dropped her knickers and told you to get stuck in you would think it's your birthday. I know at least one of you who would have to go on oxygen for a week afterwards just to get their breath back!
So there you go, if it works, you get more pictures to lust at and I save my eyesite for a bit longer. Sorted. Now here is a bird with big tits.
Maja in a Mini Dress. Adults Only

She looks so innocent in this photo. Don't you believe it. Maja from Eastern Europe somwehere, exposes everything in this full frontal photo set. Take a look at her in close up detail here.
Cute Karen. Adults Only

This babe in the short skirt is the very tasty Karen. This gallery is excusive to this site and can't be seen anywhere else on the Internet. Fall in Lust here.
Babes of the World. England. Adults Only

So are you getting the idea now? A Dick of the world cartoon followed by a babe of the world photo set. Sorry if that is obvious but there might be somebody educated since Billy Liar took power looking at this. Then again, if there is they won't be able to read it anyway. See all her bits here.
Babe of the week. Adults Only

At last I have found this weeks babe of the week. Not only has this bird got a lovely body but she is so pretty as well. Have a good look at her naked body here.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Nella in a mini skirt. Adults Only

Here we have another lovely eighteen year old for you in a short skirt. See much more of her here in the full gallery.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
One of the hardest things. Adults Only

One if the hardest things going through all these gallerys of half naked birds, apart from the obvious, is remembering which ones we've had before. So if you see the same gallery twice sorry. Anyway it's not like you have to marry them when you've had them twice. Which is all just an excuse for the fact that I can't remeber of we've had this gallery before. Anyway it's a bird and a car. See all the pics here.
You getting bored yet? Adults Only

Are you getting bored with all these nubile young birds in short skirts yet? I hope not because here is another one. See all the pics here.
Bear With me. Adults Only

Okay, if you are actually on the site while I am updating, as sometimes happens, you might wonder why there are quite long delays between postings. Well there are two reasons. One is that I have to keep my other sites updated as well and that takes a bit of time. This is the site I prefer working on, my fun site, but the others get more visitors so are actually more important. So basically it's your own fault for not telling enough people to visit here!
The second reason is that this site isn't exactly planed. It wasn't even planned from the start. I was just sitting bored one night, had a few beers, souped up a couple of Rothmans, went out on the Internet and woke up with this site.
I should have listened to the warnings from Blueyonder, AOL, Freeserve etc and locked myself into their little bubble, only gone to the sites that are safe, seen what they wanted me to see and in the process earn them a lot of money! But did I listen? No. So off I went and woke up in the morning with this.
What was I supposed to do? Abort it? Now doing that to a baby I haven't got too many problems with. But to a Web Site? That's going a bit too far! And I couldn't just abandon it. So, I update it when I can, the way it was conceived. Stoned out of head and writing whatever comes into my head at the time.
And here is a bird in a short dress.
Brunette in a short skirt. Adults Only

Continueing this months obsession, sorry, theme, here we have another bird in a short skirt. I haven't got a clue what her name is bit does it really matter? She's a bird, she gets her kit off so who cares what her name is? See all the pics here.
Babes of the World: FRANCE. Adults Only

To go with the Dicks of the World cartoons I am going to be featuring I am doing a babes of the world feature as well. So here is the French one. See all the pics here.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Minger of the Month

Well it's a bit late this month but here is the Minger of the Month. This months most obnoxious person is Fiona Phillips, the stupid blonde tart from one of the breakfast TV programs who also lowers the Daily Mirrors already crap reputation by writing a load of drivel every Saturday and passing it off as a column.
So what don't I like about her? How long have you got? Firstly there is her iritating whineing voice and her smug, I'm better than you, attitude. She is also a big fan of Billy Liar and his new taxes party and a typical socialist. She thinks her shit doesnt't stink and thinks she's gods gift to the planet.
Over the past few weeks she has been banging on about a parking ticket she got that she claims she shouldnt have and has even taken the matter to court claiming she pais her parking fee but left the ticket on the dashboard and not stuck to the window of the car. Fine you might think, why should she get a huge fine if she bought a ticket and just didn't display it properley?
Except she didn't. Buy a ticket that is. The council concerned have a photo taken by the warden who issued the ticket proving that the ticket was not on the dashboard where she said it was.
This is simply a case of a champagne socialist thinking the rules don't apply to them and crying like a baby when they find out that they do. She has simply been using her fame, her column in the Mirror and her TV program to try and blackmail a local council into letting her off a parking ticket that she thinks she is too important to pay!
She has now lied in court, which is perjury. With a bit of luck the court involved will charge her with it and use her as an example to others. Six months in prison might make her think twice about abusing her position in this way again.
Blonde Driver
As a lorry driver in Essex stops for a red light, a blonde in her car
pulls up alongside.
She jumps out of her car, runs up to his lorry, and knocks on the door.
The driver lowers the window, and she says,
"Hi, my name is Tracey and you are losing some of your load."
The lorry driver ignores her and proceeds down the street. When the truck
stops for another red light, the girl again catches up.
She jumps out of her car, runs up and knocks on the door. Again, the lorry
driver lowers the window.
As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly,
"Hi, my name is Tracey, and you are losing some of your load!"
Shaking his head, the lorry driver ignores her again and continues down
the street.
At the third red light, the same thing happens again. All out of
breath, the blonde gets out of her car, runs up, and knocks on the cab
The lorry driver lowers the window.
Again she says, "Hi, my name is Tracey and you are losing some of your
When the light turns green, the lorry revs up and races to the next light.
When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets out of the lorry, and runs back
to the blonde.
He knocks on her window, and as she lowers it, he says, "Hi, my name is
Kevin and I'm driving a bloody gritter lorry!!!"
pulls up alongside.
She jumps out of her car, runs up to his lorry, and knocks on the door.
The driver lowers the window, and she says,
"Hi, my name is Tracey and you are losing some of your load."
The lorry driver ignores her and proceeds down the street. When the truck
stops for another red light, the girl again catches up.
She jumps out of her car, runs up and knocks on the door. Again, the lorry
driver lowers the window.
As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly,
"Hi, my name is Tracey, and you are losing some of your load!"
Shaking his head, the lorry driver ignores her again and continues down
the street.
At the third red light, the same thing happens again. All out of
breath, the blonde gets out of her car, runs up, and knocks on the cab
The lorry driver lowers the window.
Again she says, "Hi, my name is Tracey and you are losing some of your
When the light turns green, the lorry revs up and races to the next light.
When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets out of the lorry, and runs back
to the blonde.
He knocks on her window, and as she lowers it, he says, "Hi, my name is
Kevin and I'm driving a bloody gritter lorry!!!"
The Slut Machine
Well good morning everybody. It is Easter Saturday, 07:30 am and I am already bored! So I am going to customise a Rothman and have a little play with my sites. To start things off here is a slot machine with a difference. Many thanks to Ian for this one, and many of the other funnies on this page. See how it works here.
Bird Flu
A bear, a lion and a chicken meet.
The bear says: "if I roar in the forest, the entire forest is shivering with
The lion says: "if I roar in the desert, the entire desert is afraid of
The chicken says: "big deal I only have to cough, and the entire planet
shit's itself."
The bear says: "if I roar in the forest, the entire forest is shivering with
The lion says: "if I roar in the desert, the entire desert is afraid of
The chicken says: "big deal I only have to cough, and the entire planet
shit's itself."
Friday, April 14, 2006
The Graduates
The graduate with a science degree asks, "Why does it work?"
The graduate with an engineering degree asks, 'How does it work?"
The graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"
The graduate with an arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"
The graduate with an engineering degree asks, 'How does it work?"
The graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"
The graduate with an arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"
Welsh Farmer
A Welsh man buys several sheep, hoping to breed them for wool. After
several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are getting pregnant, and phones a vet for help. The vet tells him that he should try artificial
The farmer doesn't have the slightest idea what this means but, not
wanting to display his ignorance, only asks the vet how he will know
when the sheep are pregnant. The vet tells him that they will stop
standing around and instead will lie down and wallow in grass when
they are pregnant.
The man hangs up and gives it some thought. He comes to the conclusion
that artificial insemination means he has to impregnate the sheep himself.
So, he loads the sheep into his Land Rover, drives them out into the
woods, has sex with them all, brings them back, and goes to bed.
Next morning, he wakes and looks out at the sheep. Seeing that they
are all still standing around, he deduces that the first try didn't
take, and loads them in the Land Rover again. He drives them out to
the woods, bangs each sheep twice for good measure, brings them
back, and goes to bed exhausted.
Next morning, he wakes to find the sheep still just standing round.
"Try again" he tells himself, and proceeds to load them up, and drive
them out to the woods. He spends all day shagging the sheep and upon
returning home, falls listlessly into bed.
The next morning, he cannot even raise himself from the bed to look
out of the window. He asks his wife to look, and tell him if the sheep are
lying in the grass.
"No," she says, "they're all in the Land Rover, and one of them is
beeping the horn."
several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are getting pregnant, and phones a vet for help. The vet tells him that he should try artificial
The farmer doesn't have the slightest idea what this means but, not
wanting to display his ignorance, only asks the vet how he will know
when the sheep are pregnant. The vet tells him that they will stop
standing around and instead will lie down and wallow in grass when
they are pregnant.
The man hangs up and gives it some thought. He comes to the conclusion
that artificial insemination means he has to impregnate the sheep himself.
So, he loads the sheep into his Land Rover, drives them out into the
woods, has sex with them all, brings them back, and goes to bed.
Next morning, he wakes and looks out at the sheep. Seeing that they
are all still standing around, he deduces that the first try didn't
take, and loads them in the Land Rover again. He drives them out to
the woods, bangs each sheep twice for good measure, brings them
back, and goes to bed exhausted.
Next morning, he wakes to find the sheep still just standing round.
"Try again" he tells himself, and proceeds to load them up, and drive
them out to the woods. He spends all day shagging the sheep and upon
returning home, falls listlessly into bed.
The next morning, he cannot even raise himself from the bed to look
out of the window. He asks his wife to look, and tell him if the sheep are
lying in the grass.
"No," she says, "they're all in the Land Rover, and one of them is
beeping the horn."
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Just a taster. Adults Only

Haven't had a lot of time for updates lately but I'm hoping to make up for it over the Easter weekend. Hoping for some jokes, some comment, some bikes, some cars and of course plenty of crumpet. So here is a little taste of what's to come. A babe in a short skirt leaning on a car. See all the pics here.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Lia. Adults Only

This bird has been on here before I think. But here she is again in a short skirt. I don't remember nineteen year olds looking like this when I was young. In fact I'm finding it hard to remember being nineteen! See all the pics here.
Alison in a short skirt. Adults Only

Finding galleries of birds in short skirts is turning out to be a lot easier than finding ones of them in bikinis. So here is another one. Let me know when you get bored with them. See all the pics here.
Nissan's new advertising campaign. adults Only

In a bid to sell more cars to teenage boys and old men Nissan have enlisted the help of porn star Alison Angel. I am reliably informed, by a little voice in my head I get after too many beers, that this is going to be their new advertising campaign. Be one of the first to see it here.
This set has it all. Adults Only

Well, here we go, a set of pics that kills a few birds with one stone. Not as many as the flu will kill if this lunatic government is on it's usual form but then not even I can be that incompetent.
Any way here we have a bird, a custom truck and a pair of the dodgy sort of socks that one of our regular perverts, sorry, visitors, likes. And she's wearing a short skirt! See all the pics here.
Good Morning. Adults Only

Yes it's Saturday morning again which means it's update time again. I know a few of you, the homosexuals and women mainly, are getting a bit worried because all I seem to be doing lately is posting pics of women but I've been a bit busy so I have had to leave the chat out for a while. But don't worry, it will be back.
In the mean time why not try a woman? You never know you might like it! Especially all you babes out there. Make it your mission for april to try another woman. And don't forget to send us the pics!
Anyway here is another babe in a short skirt to feast your eyes on. She should have been babe of the week last week but I couldn't find the link. So here she is this week. Lust after her here.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Seanna. Adults Only

I seem to have an endless supply of babes in short skirts. I hope you don't get bored with them. This cutie is Seanna. Take a close up look here.
Blonde in a Mini Dress. Adults Only

This hot eighteen year old from Canada is Princess Blue Eyes. Here she is in a very short pink dress. Take a look at this fantastic photo shoot here.
Another Popular Request. Adults Only

This is another babe one of the regular visitors asked for more of, the very lovely Nextdoor Nikki. So here she is, Nextdoor Nikki in a very short skirt. See all the great pics here.
Megan in a Mini. Adults Only

Here we have another cutie in a very short denim mini skirt. This time it is the lovely Megan. Take a good look at her lovely body in this full photo gallery.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Yes Sir. Adults Only

This is what I like to see, a bird who can take orders, and obey them! She is also wearing a short skirt which is why she is here. See the full gallery here.
Another short skirt

Yes, here we have another babe in a short skirt. This time Clara poses for you in a short denim skirt. See all the photographs here.
More of Naomi

This gorgeous blonde proved very popular when I posted a pic of her in a bikini. So here she is again, this time stripping out of a school uniform. See the full gallery here.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Babe of the week. Adults Only

This weeks babe of the week is Sandra from Russia. Not because she is that special but because I am tired and going to bed and as she is also wearing a short skirt she fits into this months theme. Now I'm off to bed thinking about fitting into her theme! See all her bits here.
Girl and a gun. Adults Only

Can you imagine if England was the same as the States and we had a gun counter in every supermarket? I bet things would be a bit different. Imagine it, ordinary people with guns, not just the criminals!
I know that the argument is that if guns were easily available then we would end up like the States with huge crime problems. But we have that anyway, it's caused by pathetic judges and crap politicians refusing to lock criminals away and a refusal to deal with the scum dealing heroin and crack cocaine.
Anyway, it's just a thought, and an excuse to show a half naked bird with a gun. See all the pics here.
This months theme. Adults Only

Well it's April already and another month means another theme. Last month we all drooled over all those gorgeous babes in their bikini's. This month it's going to be short skirts. So, all through the month of April I will be featuring hot bodied babes in short skirts. To see the first of these babes click here.
Anna again. Adults Only

Back by popular request we have that hot eighteen year old Ukranian babe Anna. Enjoy all the pics here.
Just to Celebrate

Just to celebrate being back in action I thought I would show some gorgeous babes. After all, with no babe of the week last week you must be gagging for some. So here is the lovely Milli. See all the pics here.
Hi all. Sorry for the disruption in service, had a few problems with my pc and wasn't able to update last week. But everything is fine now and hopefully normal service is resumed.
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