Okay, the eagle eyed among you, that is the ones not reading this because they are only here for the pics of the fit birds, will have noticed that in the side bar on the right there is now a picture of a bird with Babe of the Week written above it.
In theory, if it works, and there is no reason that it shouldn't, apart from nothing ever works as planned on a PC, there should now be a different picture of a bird every day. The same bird for seven days then a new one. Providing I get round to updating that is.
By the way, I've just had a magic Rothmans so this could take a while, but don't worry, I will get to the point in the end.
Anyway this new feature acheives two purposes. Or for those of you educated in the last nine years more than one purpose. Firstly you lot get to see a different picture everyday. Cool eh? Secondly, or fistly again for you New Taxes Party graduates, it makes it easier for me to pick one as there are not so many to choose from!
Granted I now only have about 30 birds to pick the best from instead of 300. But none of them are exactly mingers and they add a new bird every week anyway. I know that a fair few of you regulars are knocking on a bit the same as me. Now come on be honest. If any 18, 19 or 20 year old bird off this site dropped her knickers and told you to get stuck in you would think it's your birthday. I know at least one of you who would have to go on oxygen for a week afterwards just to get their breath back!
So there you go, if it works, you get more pictures to lust at and I save my eyesite for a bit longer. Sorted. Now here is a bird with big tits.
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