Well what about the weather? Can you believe how hot it is? It makes a change in this country doesn't it? But it also brings it's problems as well. I don't mean sunburn, heatstroke or anything like that. I mean the army of busybodies employed by Billy Liar and his New Taxes Party to try and spoil it for us.
While everybody else is enjoying the sunshine this bunch of parasites, recruited from the Guardian and paid huge amounts of tax payers money just so they will vote for Billy Liar, are full of doom and gloom.
Apparantly we should all stay out of the sun in case we get cancer, dont swim in the sea in case we get stung by jellyfish, don't swim at our local swimming pool in case we drown, hardly likely because your local swimming pool has probably been closed anyway so that the money saved can go towards building the Olympic pool in Stratford.
The NHS Direct website has been updated and is full of usefull advice. for example, if you are hot get out of the sun!
Why do these prats have to try and spoil everything? why does this sad sorry excuse for a government have to interfere in everything? Yhe answer is quite simple, it's because they are socialists. Which means they are sad sick wankers with an inferiority complex who can only get their kicks by controlling other people.
I have a message for all you socialists out there. get a proper job, get a life and stop trying to ruin everybody else's fun.
Now, just to lighten things up a bit here is a bird who has ignored all the advice and gone out in the sun wearing next to nothing.
See all the pics here.