To be fair University top up fees are a bit of a piss take. Not that I object to them, anything that encourages young people to go to work rather than spend a few years on a piss up at everybody else's expense is fine by me. It's the way that the English are discriminated against when it comes to top up fees that is wrong.
You see if you are English you have to pay about £20,000 to doss for four years before getting your qualifications that allow you to join the advertising industry, become a lawyer, work in media or any other of the occupations that involve fleecing poor people and feathering your own nest. But if you live in scotland you don't have to pay a penny!
Our wonderful New labour MP's voted top up fees out in Scotland yet imposed them on the UK. It also means other students from all over the EU can go to scotland and doss for four years for free!
Except of course it is not free. The good old ENGLISH tax payer is funding it. And it doesn't stop there, the sweaties have access to cancer fighting drugs that are denied English people because they are too expensive!
What right have these new labour scum got to take huge chunks of ENGLISH tax payers money and spend it on making sure the scots are better off than us? The answer is quite obviously that they don't have the right. But they do it anyway because without the moron's from north of the border voting for them they would be the third choice party and would never get elected again.
England now is run by the scots, for the scots and purely because 300 new labour MP's don't want to lose their £200,000 a year jobs. Like everything else to do with Billy Liar and his new taxes party it is a complete disgrace.
Every student should pay the full cost of their tuition fees which would mean most of them couldn't afford to go and would get a proper job instead. This would mean we wouldn't need to have anymore imigrant workers, the tax payer wouldn't be funding their four year piss up, we would end up with less lawyers, less media people, less advertising agencies and lower prices because we wouldn't be paying double for everything just to keep graduates in non jobs.
Best of all more birds like Katlin here would have to get their kit off to pay the fees. which is fine by me. See her spread them here.
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