Well that was a fantastic success for the Iranian government wasn't it. They got exactly what they wanted. They needed a popularity boost and the perfect way to get some of their citizens back on track was to humiliate the west.
What you have to remember about Iran is that it's government was voted in. Western comentators have remarked on how fair the vote was. And unlike this country, where less than 25% of Englishman voted for the lying, thieving piece of scum that runs the country, 68% of Iranians voted for the religous nutter who runs theirs. They are the ones who actually live in a democracy. It's us who live in a dictatorship.
So they do have to worry what the public think. If they want to impose their will on their society they have to have the support of the people to do it. Our government does what it pleases because it knows that we can't do anything about it.
So they kidnapp some British sailors, to get some publicity, and as usual or press was ready to give it to them. Instead of just reporting the essential facts, keeping the fuss to as little as possible and deny the Iranians their propaganda coupe our wonderful democratic press decided selling more newspapers was far more important than the lives of anybody else unfortunate enough to suffer when the next nutter wan't some publicity.
In matters like this the only thing the newspapers should report is the facts. Coverage should be kept to a bare minimum, just what people need to know. Our media gave these lunatics free publicity throuhout the world.
Without the whole world knowing, discussing and coveribg it all over their front pages there would be no point these idiots pulling stunts like this. But all the time our media is run by the corrupt businessmen who finance the corrupt politicians we have then national security and people's safety will come second to selling newspapers and advertising space on prime time TV.
Now here is a bird.
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