The comic, sorry, The Mirror, was having a shit hernia today because Jeremy Clarkson was seen driving down the A40 at 70mph talking on his phone! he was a disgrace, a danger to the public and when you see him coming you should all lock up your daughters. They even mentioned it in the editorial.
Now were he driving a six speed manual and cutting through traffic with a phone in his hand the coverage this sad sorry excuse for a newspaper gave it would be excessive. But he wasn't. He was driving in a straight line, and more importantly driving an automatic.
Now if it is as dangerous as The Mirror claim for him to hold a phone in his left hand while driving then is it not just as dangerous for everybody driving a manual to take their hand off of the wheel to change gear? Are they now going to demand all manual cars are banned?
Or was all the fuss just because it was Jeremy Clarkson who just happens to write a column for their biggest rivals, the Sun?
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