Sunday, January 28, 2007

New Model. Adults Only

Here is a bird you won't have seen before. She is a new model and this is her first set of pics ever on the Internet. Now how many sites give you that eh? So, to see this bird while she is still fresh and before she is on every porn site take a look here.

Hannah. Adults Only

Here we have another babe who is here purely because she is well shaggable. And why not? Thats what women were put on this earth for, to make men happy, give us something to look at Take a good look at her here.

The Ultimate Holiday

Now firstly let me tell you that this holiday seems expensive at first. It is around £1400 plus flights for a week on a Caribean island.

But then you look at what it includes. For a start all your food and drink and water sking, golf etc. Starting to look a bit better but still expensive when compared to a package holiday.

But this holiday has something that no package holiday can offer. The price also includes a different girl everyday! Yes you get an excort for 24 hours a day and on one day you get two! Thats right, a bird, like the one in the picture for 24 hours, then chop her in for another one! Eight different birds in one week included in the price. Suddenly it doesn't seem so expensive after all.

Take a look here.

Just another bird. Adults Only

Time for another bird just for the sake of it. This time a not bad looking brunette. Take a closer look here.

Two more. Adults Only

Well I enjoyed that gallery so much I have decided to feature another one. And I guess that while I am at it I should make a confession. I have been going through all of these galleries tonight trying to find the best for you and I have been thoroughly enjoying looking at them. So yes my secret is out. I am actually a lesbian! See if you are to by clicking here.

Now a treat. Adults Only

With the new laws coming in to protect homosexuals from homophobia and forceing everybody to accept then no matter if they find homosexuality offensive or not I figured it might be time to donate a little bit of the site to promoting homosexuality.

I might as well get used to it. It will be law soon anyway. Schools are already forced to teach kids about it and encourage it as a lifestlye choice so it won't be long before every website, newspaper book or advertisement is forced to promote it. Don't forget that thanks to New Labour it is now perfectly legal for a sixty year old man to bugger a sixteen year old boy in a public toilet.

So for all you lesbians looking in I would like to say hi and welcome to my site. You will find lots of pics of lovely birds on here. Not a minger among them. you will also get a valuable insight into the workings of the mind of the superior sex.

So here we go ladies, just for you, here are two birds getting at it. And I don't want any of you straight men clicking this link!

Next door Nicki. Adults Only

Just some eye candy. See the pics here.

A bird and a bike. Adults Only

Here we have a bird and a bike. Enjoy them both here.

Kathy Ash. Adults Only

This blonde in boots is Kathy Ash. See the full gallery here.

Rachel Ricci. Adults Only

This brunette is Rachel Ricci. You can see the full gallery here.

It's one of those nights. Adults Only

Yes it's one of thoese nights when I should be updating all my sites but I really can't get into it. I should have done the others before I customised a Rothman but it didn't work that way so now I am just sitting here dazed and confused and can't be bothered to keep going from one site to the other making up boring captions for the galleries of crumpet I am posting.

Which means it's your lucky day. Or it is if you come here for the fanny rather than my wit and repartee. So thats most of you then!

What it means when I am like this is that instead of putting any nice birds I come across on the appropriate site I end up putting them on here. So here comes some crumpet, starting with Kelly.

God? Who is he? Adults Only

For over 2000 years the christian religion has been responsible for shaping our society in this country. Our laws, our morals, our belief in whats right and wrong. But not any more. Because Billy knows better!

Forget your beliefs, forget everything that the bible teaches you, don't worry about the word of god. New Labour is here and you will do things their way. Your personal beliefs mean nothing to them.

Chistian religions, in fact most major religions, see homsexuality as a sin. It is not a lifestlye that they are comfortable with and they certainly don't condone it. But in Tony Blairs brave new world that doesn't matter. He thinks everyone should think the same as him so you will like homosexuality, you will promote it as a lifestyle choice, you will ignore the teachings of your holy book and the words of your god.

And if this means children have to suffer because religious adoption ages refuse to hand children over to people who their religion sees as perveted then so what. If it means trampling all over the beliefs of a huge section of the public then so what.

In england, under this corrupt government there is ony one religion. New Labour. You will think their way, you will believe what they believe. there is one true god and his name is Tony.

Here is a bird getting her tits out.

Getting their priorities right! Adults Only

Thanks mainly to Billy Liar and his New Taxes party letting criminals from all over the world into our country, plus a liar of a home secretary who has promised everything and delivered nothing, our prisons are now full.

And what is our corrupts governments response to this? Use some of the huge amount of tax they steal from us to build more? Build decent accommodation for our armed forces and use the slums they live in now to house prisoners? Or let convicted criminals walk the streets and put the public in danger?

Yes you have guessed it. Judges have now been told only to jail people who who are a danger to the public and let everyone else go. So lets have a look at how this works on the planet that our judges live on.

A News of the World journalist is found guilty of bugging the royal family and eavesdropping on their mobile phone conversations. No doubt he deserves to go to prison for this. In fact the idea of any journalist who works for Rupert Murdoch going to prison fills me with deep joy. He was given four months and as I write is learning to love his new cell mate.

However, at the same time that he was being sentenced, another two judges let two peodophiles go free because there wasn't any room for them in prison!

Now hold on a minute. Which do you think is the biggest danger to the public? A self serving obnoxious prat of a reporter working for one of the worlds biggest gangsters or a pervert who abuses children?

If we have to let one of them free, and it seems we do, then surely it should be the reporter. He might be scum but at least he isn't a danger to the public.

But that is the way things work under New Labour. Defraud a bank or an insurance company, refuse to pay your council tax, dont pay a fine, insult a muslim or discriminate against a homosexual and there will always be a cell waiting for you. Assault someone, mug someone, steal their car, burgle their house, rape their wife or abuse their children and you will find yourself on probation or doing community service.

Just another example of Billy Liars contempt for the people of this country. Now here is a bird with a nice bum, just to cheer you up.

Now here is an invitation! Adults Only

I do like a bird who knows what she wants. And this eighteen year old blonde definately seems to. Take a look here to see if you would take her up on her invitation.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

When I started. Adults Only

When I started this site I could count the regular visitors on the finger of one hand. For those of you educated under New Labour that is less than five.

Now however i have over two hundred regular visitors! For those of you educated under new labour that is more than five.

It's amazing really. Over two hundred people come back here time and time again to look at the birds I fancy and hear me waffle on about the things that piss me off in this country.

Some of you I know, but not many, so it's not just friends and relatives coming, it is real people, strangers, who have the same opinion as me.

No that is really quite frightening!

So here is a bird getting her kit off.

Have you any idea? Adults Only

Have you any idea how hard it gets sitting here trying to find the best galleries to show you? Actually you probably are not interested in that. Let me rephrase it!

Have you any idea how difficult it gets sitting here trying to find the best galleries to show you? I have to sit here going through gallery after gallery of hot babes just trying to decide which ones to feature.

At least on this site I only have to find ones I think you might like. I know that none of you are ever going to get your credit card out. For the other sites I have to decide what is most likely to sell.

So what do you think sells best? Brunettes? Blondes? Lesbians? No, none of them. What actually sells best on the Internet is Gay Porn! But there is no way on earth I am ever going to sit here going through galleries of men just to satisfy the sausage jockies amongst you.

But it does raise an interesting question. Why is gay porn so popular? Are gays more perverted than the rest of us? They are definately more promiscuous. I read a survey that said that the average middle aged gay man has a different partner once a month. The avaerage middleage straight man has to make do with a mouse and a box of tissues!

The actual answer is that gays have more money so can afford it. Luckily for the human race most countries in the world still consider the female of the species to be inferior to men and don't pay them as much as the superior species. Also women get pregnant and have kids, which means a lot of financial investment.

Gays don't have this problem. A gay couple start of with two mens salleries, meaning more money. Then they don't have kids, which means they are better off. This is why we see so many new laws pushed through parliament forcing us to accept them. It's why so much money is spent teaching our children that all our religous beliefs are wrong and that homosexuality is right and hetrosexuality is wrong. They have the money to, how shall I put this, "persuade" the politicians.

In the mean time the rest of society, the majority, will carry on having kids, paying huge sums in taxes and funding the "alternative" lifestyle of these people.

Now don't get me wrong. If these people wan't to shag each other stupid in the privacy of their own homes it really doesn't matter to me at all. But I am sick to death of them forcing their views upon everybody else.

So a message to the government. Most of us are straight. Most of us like it that way! How about spending some time and money promoting and protecting our lifestyle, our beliefs and our quality of life?

Just so you can make your own minds up I have provided a gallery of a couple of lesbians getting to know each other intimately. Just for research purposes you understand. See them get at it here!

Babe and a car. Adults Only

Well here is something I havent featured for a long time. A babe with a car. I have to admit that I don't know what the car is, a Lamboghini maybe? However I do know that the bird is Jessica, eighteen years old, low mileage but well and truly run in. See all of the pics here.

Was Big Brother Racist? Adults Only

Despite all the other problems this country has, drugs, gun crime, yobs, mass imigration, highest inflation in Europe, bent MP's etc the problem that seemed to occupy the minds of the gutter press, the media and our corrupt government this week was the debate over big brother and alleged racism in the program.

So I am going to ask the question as well. Was Big Brother racist this week? And the answer is clear. It certainly was.

I am not talking about the rubbish that has got crooked MP Keith Vaz so worked up, or the stuff that has had the Sun and the mirror wetting themselves. No I don't belive Jade keep calling an Indian an Indian was racist. I don't even belive that calling her princess popadom was racist.

No I am talking about the blatant racism earlier in the program, the racism that the newspapers don't seem to want to report. In particular Jermaine Jackson calling Jades mother white trash.

This was a clear cut racist remark, it doesn't need any discussion or debate. It doesn't need any complicated explanations. It was racist, pure and simple.

So why is there not a huge outcry about this? Why is he not being prosecuted? Why are shops not taking his records off of the shelves? Why were there not 38,000 complaints about it?

The answer is simple. White English people have become so used to being discriminated against under this corrupt government that we no longer bother to complain. We are also as a whole fairly tolerant lot and accept most things, unlike the Indians, pakistanis, africans and west indians who lose no time in complaining about every real or imagined slur upon them or their culture.

Also racism directed against white English people is now so common place that it doesn't sell newspapers and the days of the newspapers reporting news rather than publishing sensationalist crap are long gone.

Jade Goody might be an ignorant bitch but I don't beleive what she siad and did was racist. What Jermain Jackson said was definately racist. So when will we see him prosecuted for it?

And here is a bird for you.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Leggy Laura. Adults Only

Our final offering from the college's is leggy Laura. See much more of her here.

Our third example. Adults Only

Here is our third example of what the average student is now earing to college. This is Fifi. Enjoy her here.

Jasmine. Adults Only

Our next ponce, too lazy to go to work, sorry, student, is Jasmine. She is wearing a rather nice new uniform. See all of her here.

Back to college. Adults Only

Well now the festive season is over all the students go back to college. So I thought it might be a good idea to show you all some of the uniforms they will be wearing. First off we have Luisa. See all of the pics here.