For over 2000 years the christian religion has been responsible for shaping our society in this country. Our laws, our morals, our belief in whats right and wrong. But not any more. Because Billy knows better!
Forget your beliefs, forget everything that the bible teaches you, don't worry about the word of god. New Labour is here and you will do things their way. Your personal beliefs mean nothing to them.
Chistian religions, in fact most major religions, see homsexuality as a sin. It is not a lifestlye that they are comfortable with and they certainly don't condone it. But in Tony Blairs brave new world that doesn't matter. He thinks everyone should think the same as him so you will like homosexuality, you will promote it as a lifestyle choice, you will ignore the teachings of your holy book and the words of your god.
And if this means children have to suffer because religious adoption ages refuse to hand children over to people who their religion sees as perveted then so what. If it means trampling all over the beliefs of a huge section of the public then so what.
In england, under this corrupt government there is ony one religion. New Labour. You will think their way, you will believe what they believe. there is one true god and his name is Tony.
Here is a bird getting her tits out.
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