With the new laws coming in to protect homosexuals from homophobia and forceing everybody to accept then no matter if they find homosexuality offensive or not I figured it might be time to donate a little bit of the site to promoting homosexuality.
I might as well get used to it. It will be law soon anyway. Schools are already forced to teach kids about it and encourage it as a lifestlye choice so it won't be long before every website, newspaper book or advertisement is forced to promote it. Don't forget that thanks to New Labour it is now perfectly legal for a sixty year old man to bugger a sixteen year old boy in a public toilet.
So for all you lesbians looking in I would like to say hi and welcome to my site. You will find lots of pics of lovely birds on here. Not a minger among them. you will also get a valuable insight into the workings of the mind of the superior sex.
So here we go ladies, just for you, here are two birds getting at it. And I don't want any of you straight men clicking this link!
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