As it's the weekend and we've got serious sport to follow and worry about, I'm going to leave serious polemic and invective to one side - I'm sure C will provide more than enough in due course. Indeed, before I have had chance to post this I notice the ill worker has already obliged.
The researchers of useless information that we don't need but can't help being interested in, found out that beauty and sex appeal are not just about how we look but how we walk. A six pack or an hour glass figure may not be more attractive than a bit of podge or a greater than "perfect Marilyn Monroe" 0.7 waist to hip ratio physique.
It's all in the wiggle for the women and the swagger for the men. A womanly wiggle or a manly shoulder shrug can make all the difference especially for men. If you men adopt a masculine shoulder swagger you will instantly be twice as attractive to the opposite sex whilst us ladies only improve our attractiveness by a mere 50% [but then I suppose we are starting from a higher platform]. Even with her hour glass figure, Marilyn resorted to adjusting the stiletto heels of her shoes, making one heel shorter than the other so she swayed as she walked.
In rich countries like the UK a low waist to hip ratio is deemed to be "a marker of education, a good diet, good health and higher social class - all desirable qualities in a mate". However, in societies where resources are scarce, a thicker torso may indicate exactly the same things - also true in hunter-gatherer communities where the fittest and most eligible women are expected to perform a lot of manual work. According to the esteemed researchers we select our mate on the basis of a number of bodily cues which will depend upon our cultural expectations and the environment. Now there's a shock!
And further research is being carried out so we can all adjust our hip swing, angle of sway and footwear with precision. And then we can all live happily ever after just like Marilyn.
The researchers of useless information that we don't need but can't help being interested in, found out that beauty and sex appeal are not just about how we look but how we walk. A six pack or an hour glass figure may not be more attractive than a bit of podge or a greater than "perfect Marilyn Monroe" 0.7 waist to hip ratio physique.
It's all in the wiggle for the women and the swagger for the men. A womanly wiggle or a manly shoulder shrug can make all the difference especially for men. If you men adopt a masculine shoulder swagger you will instantly be twice as attractive to the opposite sex whilst us ladies only improve our attractiveness by a mere 50% [but then I suppose we are starting from a higher platform]. Even with her hour glass figure, Marilyn resorted to adjusting the stiletto heels of her shoes, making one heel shorter than the other so she swayed as she walked.
In rich countries like the UK a low waist to hip ratio is deemed to be "a marker of education, a good diet, good health and higher social class - all desirable qualities in a mate". However, in societies where resources are scarce, a thicker torso may indicate exactly the same things - also true in hunter-gatherer communities where the fittest and most eligible women are expected to perform a lot of manual work. According to the esteemed researchers we select our mate on the basis of a number of bodily cues which will depend upon our cultural expectations and the environment. Now there's a shock!
And further research is being carried out so we can all adjust our hip swing, angle of sway and footwear with precision. And then we can all live happily ever after just like Marilyn.
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