You have to admire his cheek really. When it looks like the man who has taxed us the most ever over such a short period looks like he might get the job as PM he suddenly gives us tax cuts! Except he didn't. Well not if you are poor anyway.
Under his "tax cuts" the very poor are worse of. If your taxable income is less that two hundred pounds you will pay more income tax. Because the first £100 of that used to be taxed at 10% and the rest at 22%. Now the whole lot will be taxed at 20% and you will pay more tax.
But what about tax credits? Can you not get it back on that? Well not if you are single and childless you can't. Because if you are single you have one purpose in life. To support those who have chosen to have children.
Despite only using a fraction of the healthcare a family does, despite not using the education system because you have no kids, despite using only a fraction of all the other resources you are expected to pay to support those who do use it.
Then he froze taxes for people using "greener" cars. So if you can afford to upgrade your car to a newer more environmently friendly model then you save money. But if you are poor and can't afford to change your ten year old banger then it will cost you more to tax it. Plus more to run it as again he has put the price of fuel up.
So once again the Labour party, the party that was founded to improve the lot of poor people in this country, is kicking them in the nuts for the sake of a few votes off of the middle clases. Gordon Brown, along with the rest of New Labour, is nothing but a self serving hypocrit who doesn't give a damn about anything other than lining his own pocketes and satisfying his own immense ego. He is nothing but scum.
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