Got an e-mail from cousin Ian this morning, aka Mr Ezy. He said it was Bash the Bishop day! Said The Sun had started a campaign! Now because it was his birthday and he has been stockpiling the baby oil again I figured it was wishful thinking on his part. I thought it was just a birthday wish, his favourite hobby legitamised!
But no! It was true! I couldn't believe it! There on the front page of The Sun it said, in huge letters, Bash the Bishop!
So I had to go straight back to bed. I mean who I am I to argue with Rupert Murdoch? This is a man who was born in the worlds first open prison and ended up the biggest criminal of the lot.
Two coughing fits later I made a cup of coffee and read the article. Mr Ezy had got it wrong! It wasn't anything to do with our sex lives, it was all about that god botherer in charge of one of the richest businesses in the land trying to justify his job by coming out with crap about sharia law, just to remind us all he is there.
The last thing the muslims want in this country is sharia law! They would be in big trouble! Fiddle their benefits and it would be theft. Bang, off comes their hand. Rip off a punter in their cab. Off comes the other hand. Short change you in a shop. Same result. Half the muslim population would be disabled!
The muslim population are quite happy with English law. The law that lets them come here, not learn our language, not bother intergrating, allows them to build mosques where they can slag our country and our values off to their hearts content. The law that stops us deporting the illegals amongst them and not only allows them to commit bigamy but also pays for the keep of their wives!
It's the English who want sharia law bought in. Because the English version is clearly not working.
Here is a bird.
1 comment:
I think the Sun should send a reporter around to Micky Dolenz's to see what he thinks of all this.
You never know we may get a
Beat the Monkey day next week.
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