Before Peter went off into his own little world he left me a note telling me not to forget to do something for the homosexual community. Homosexual Community? What on Earth is that all about? I remember when they used to be queers, queens, poofs, sausage jockies, faggots etc!
But of course they then became an official minority and all the rules changed! They now have more rights then the rest of us who are vainly shagging our brains out trying to make sure the human race survives. Because if they have their way and we all turn homosexual then where are the kids going to come from?
And now, because they are an official minority they are having the rules changed to suit them, as minorities always do. One of the first things Tony Blair did was make it legal to bugger sixteen year old boys in a public toilet. That was a law we all wanted introduced wasn't it? And strangely enough I didn't hear them boasting about it in their election campaign at the time.
But how does this affect us? I can hear you asking. Well what it means is that every now and again, just to keep the thought police off our backs, we have to do something for the homosexuals.
So here are a couple of dykes.
Oi, lay off us Homos.
Tony's a hero of mine.
You've got me worried here.
"But how does this affect us? I can hear you asking. Well what it means is that every now and again, just to keep the thought police off our backs, we have to do something for the homosexuals."
Are the Thought police all shirt lifters as well then?
If thats the case, us straight guys don't have much choice by the sound of it. A bent thought policeman on your back, slipping you something you don't want, or your on your knees in front of the likes of Back door Billy doing something you don't really want to be doing.
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