Another week, another lot of time to kill and another hundred or so galleries of half naked women to go through. Life is hard sometimes!
The observant amongst you may have noticed that the pics on this page have got smaller. Don't worry! Too much looking at the pics hasn't affected your eyesite. It has been done deliberately!
I was getting complaints from people with erzat broadband, the stuff that comes down a phone line rather than a cable, that the page was loading slowly. So I have reduced the size of the pics to make things quicker for these poor people. If you click on them you still get the same full size pics, it's just the preveiw on the page that is smaller.
But why should I have to do this? Why isn't there a law stopping BT and others from claiming what they are selling is broadband when it isn't?
You cannot get real broadband down a phoneline! To get real broadband you need cable. It is that simple. So why are they advertising their second rate, slow, unreliable connections as broadband? It is misleading and should be illegal.
Here is a bird.
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