Gordon Gormless was on the plane with the athletes as well and unfortunately for us our unelected leader survived the journey safely.
He was in China to advise the Chinese on population control. He advised them on the use of CCTV to watch over people and make sure they obeyed all the important laws like not smoking in public or using your mobile phone while driving. He offered extremely useful advice to the Chinese on how to keep the poor in their place and subservient to their lords and masters and invaluable advice on how to milk as much tax as possible out of the poor to avoid taxing the well off and risking upsetting them.
By far the most usefull advice he gave the Chinese was how to reduce the population by letting the elderly freeze to death in the winter, witholding drugs and medicine from the sick and killing people off in filthy hospitals.
Unfortunately he wasn't able to advise the Chinese about democracy because it is a subject he knows nothing about.
Here is a bird.
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