Frightening as it may be there is still a chance that Labour could actually win the next election. Despite the mess they have made of the economy, despite rising crime, despite them lieing through their teeth at every opportunity and despite what they have done to the poor of this country people are still scared to vote Conservative.
It's not because of the ultra rich Tory supporters, they don't put people off. The mega rich are a breed of people that we have all come to accept. No the sort of Tory that frightens people and makes people nervous about voting Labour are the middle classes, the journailists, advertising executives, estate agents etc who give Conservatives a bad name.
These are the ones who earn over £150,000 a year, over £3000 a week, yet still expect to get their Child alowances and save them up for their luxury holidays. The ones who drive expensive new cars then go to their local RSPCA centre to get free treatment for their pets. The ones who, despite easily being able to afford private health insurance, go to the NHS and expect "free" IVF treatment and cosmetic surgery. The ones who bleat that they may, if their accountant isn't careful, have to pay an extra £20 a week out of their £3000 a week in taxes. The one's who employ illegal immigrants to do their cleaning and their building work to save a few quid then complain that English people are lazy because they won't work for a pittance.
It's these greedy people in non essential jobs who expect everything for nothing and pay as little as possible to anybody they employ that scare people. It's these self centred people who honestly think that pushing paper in an office makes them worth ten times more than a nurse or a dustman who stop people voting Conservative.
Thats why Gormless raised the tax rate. He knows he won't get any extra money out of them. Our dodgy tax laws and their dodgy acountants will see to that. But he also knew that the first thing these people would do is complain that they may have to start making some sort of useful contribution to society. All he was trying to do was expose just how greedy, selfish and obnoxious these people really are.
And he succeeded. Labour are catching the Conservatives in the polls. Not because anybody thinks that they are doing a good job. But because they are worried that should these idle, greedy middle classes get their way then things could get even worse.
Here is a bird.
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