Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Low value of pound to hit foreign holidays?

According to the newspapers the low value of the pound against the Euro is going to stop millions of people from holidaying in Europe next year and they will stay here instead. Really? Are people really that stupid?

France is not the cheapest country in Europe but even with the pound almost on par with the Euro, wine, cigarettes, beer, food, fuel and most other everyday items are still slightly cheaper than in the UK.

Providing I am still alive and well enough Mr Slezy and I are off to the Loire Valley in France in June. We have a three bedroom caravan that is costing us £300 including the ferry. A three bedroom caravan in Torbay at the same time is £500. The average tempreture in the Loire in June is 25%. In Torbay it is 18%. In the Loire parking is always easy and usually free. In Torbay it is very difficult and can cost £20 a day.

In the Loire steets are swept twice a day, bins are emptied twice a day, everything is spotlessly clean, bars and restaurants are welcoming and the staff can't do enough to help. In Torbay by four o'clock in the afternoon the bins are overflowing and the streets are covered in litter. Many bars have bouncers on the door and everywhere you go there are signs telling you what you mustn't do.

Anybody who was planning to go abroad but is staying here instead can either not count or is a complete idiot.

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