Yes it's nearly the first of January, which means that Romania and Bulgaria will ne joining the EU and criminals all over Eastern Europe are clapping their hands with joy.
From Monday morning Romanian and Bulgarian criminals will be flooding into our country to join the thousands of others already here.
They say that about two and a half million people are preparing to leave their countries to find work in other EU countries and a huge chunk of them will end up here.
So if you are working in an unskilled job be prepared for another cut in wages as the Bulgarians and Romanians join the Poles in doing your job for half price.
And if you are single and on the council's housing list then give up now. By the time this lot have joined the Poles in jumping the queue because they have kids it is going to be another fifty years before you have a chance of getting housed.
These people might be poor, and might be entitled to a better standard of living but shouldn't their own country be sorting that out? Why should their lives improving be at the expense of the poor in this country?
Why should they get access to health care they haven't paid for? Why should they get schooling for their children that they haven't paid for? Why should they get priority in housing etc?
What right has this government got to destroy the British way of life and keep raising taxes to pay for these people coming here? Why should we have to put up with even more crowded roads, lower wages, longer hospital waiting lists, rising crime, overcrowded schools and all the other problems that are being forced upon us by this mass imigration?
If you are in eastern Europe, reading this and thinking of coming to England then I have one message for you. Don't. You are not wanted. Yes Tony Blair might want you, and a few businesses looking for cheap labour might want you. But the vast majority of us don't.
Do us all a favour, stay where you are. Try turning the shit holes you live in into proper countries. Rather than coming here and turning our country into a shit hole.
Here is a bird with her clothes off.
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