Now one of the things I have to do whilst I am here is put up another pic of Britany Spears with no knickers on. Or Britany Spears with no panties on if you are a yank. I have got eight of them all together but I am going to post them one at a time.
You see my strategy has worked. Since I posted the last pic of Britany Spears showing her pussy I have been getting three times the amount of visitors! All the sad gits with nothing better to do than try and find pics of so called celebrities flashing thir bits end up coming here!
Best of all they don't read the words, most of them have been educated under billy liar and can't read. No, they just make like a Sun reader and look at the pictures. So they don't even know I am taking the piss out of them.
So, here as promised, and in the hope of attracting a few more sad gits with a credit card, we have Britany Spears with no knickers, Britany Spears with no panties, Britany spears flashing her pussy in this uncensored photo. Get a life you sad bastards.
people don't know that you're taking the piss out of them??!! try spelling Britney's name correctly, you fool!
rather than wait for this twat to send 1 pic at a time, go to this site for all the pics now
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