Just when you thought that Billy liar couldn't debase polotics any further what happens? He gets pulled in by the ploice for questioning over the cash for honours scandal.
Not that he would ever get nicked for it, despite being in it up to his neck. Everbody responsible for any prosecutions in this case has been appointed to their job by him, and not because they are qualified but because they are friends of his or have done him favours in the past.
In Billy Liars brave new Britain that is the way things work. Just look at when he got pulled in. The same day that the headlines were all about the Pricess Doggie, sorry diana, enquiry. Then two hours later he was off out of the country thus avoiding any embarrasing questions from the press.
This piece of scum thoroughly deserves to be locked away for a long time but because of the way he has corrupted the criminal justice system in this country it will never happen.
Here is a bird.
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