Thursday, August 21, 2008

As you all know.

As you all know Castonya and I have lung cancer. This means we can't work and have to live on benefits. This, according to the staff at the different benefits agencies we have to deal with, automatically makes us second class citizens and scroungers.

A perfect example is our sick certificate from the doctors. We have to provide a new one every three months and if it is even a day late our benefits are stopped. As they obviously expect us to suddenly get well again I have asked them on several occasions if they could send the miracle cure for cancer they have found to my doctors but to date they haven't replied.

Contrast this to somebody else I know. He is off sick with a bad back and recently went to see a doctor from the benefits agency. He was asked a few questions then told to come back in 2011. He doesn't need to get sick certificates, see his doctor or anything.

So if you are going to get ill under this government make sure you get the right illness. Get a bad back or bad kneees or something but whatever you do don't get something as trivial as cancer. Because if you do you will spend half your life being hassled by the people who are supposed to be helping you.


Bobby P. said...

Hey Peter,

Sorry to hear about the lung cancer. But you have at least a government that will take care of you. Here in the USA they will let us lose all of our possessions and than let us die, so you don't have it all that bad.

Peter said...

Have you read the posts about the NHS?