Friday, November 07, 2008

Half white is not black!

The first "black" president of America, voted in purely because of the colour of his skin, and the new "black" Swiss/Jamaican F1 world champion have one thing in common. Neither of them are black! They are mixed race, one half of their family is white!

Like it or not the biggoted black populations of America and Britain have to accept that the success of both of these men is due just as much to the white genes in their make up as it is to their black genes and their white relatives were just as important in their upbringing as their black ones.

So depsite the newspapers and media not letting the truth get in the way of a good headline we still do not have a black F1 world champion or a black president of the worlds biggest slum. And until the racist blacks in both America and Europe stop obssesing about their colour and get off their asses and do something for themselves rather than expecting everything to be handed to them on a plate just because they are black we never will have.

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