Despite what the thought police think joking about somebodies race or colour is not racial discrimination. Neither is using somebodies colour or race in an argument, IE calling somebody a Welsh Git, a thick paddy etc.
Racial discrimination is when you use somebodies race or colour to hold them back or disadvantage them and when you use their race or colour to deny them the same rights as everybody else.
Giving Welsh people free prescriptions while making the English pay for them is racial discrimination. Stopping white people from applying for jobs because companies have to meet their ethnic quota is discrimination. Having seperate unions for blacks and Asians as they do in most government run organisations is racial discrimination.
Giving scotish cancer patients drugs that are denied to English patients is racial discrimination. Allowing the Welsh, Irish and Scotish their own parliaments yet refusing the English the same is racial discrimination.
All over the country you will find immigrants moaning they are discriminated against and trying to get on the compensation gravy train when the truth is that the only people racially discriminated against in Labour's Britain are white English people.
Here is a bird.
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