Which ethnic group of children do you think is the most disadvanteged and suffering the most from Labours diseducation policies? Blacks? Asians? Eastern Europeans?
No actually. According to official figures released yesterday the group of children suffering the most from Labours disastarous education policies are white, English, working class children. They get the lowest grades and are most likely to not find work when they leave school and most likely to live their lives in poverty.
Firstly this makes a complete mockery of the main excuse used to explain away the amount of black and other immigrant kids who turn to crime, a far greater proportion than of English kids. Secondly it once more makes a mockery of Labours claims to be the party for the poor and working class.
Personally I believe it is a deliberate policy being carried out by Labour just to try and keep votes. Firstly the millions of racist blacks we now have living in this country are far more likely to vote for a government that keeps us whites in our place. Secondly Labour gets a lot of votes from poor white working class families and if they ever allowed these people a proper education and a chance in life they would soon realise that the party that has been keeping them in poverty their whole lives is in fact Labour.
Here is a bird.
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