Saturday, March 03, 2007

A celebration

Well I don't know if any of you ever look at that lttle counter at the bottom of the page. But if you do you will see that it is rapidly approaching fifty thousand! Yes thats right. Fifty thousand visits to this site, to see what I have written, what birds I've featured and how far out of my head I am this time.

Now I was going to do an opinion poll, find out what you think, get some feedback, Network with my viewers, all that sort of stuff. Then I thought why? Why would I want your opinion? Why should I listen to any of you? If you didn't like it you wouldn't be here. And if you don't like it you can sod off and have a go youself, see if you can do any better.

This site is run the same way as this country. It's a dictatorship. As it is with this country, the only opinion that matters is Tony Blair's, it is with this site. The only opinion that matters is mine.

But, unlike Tony Blair, I am entitled to do that, I am entitled to have an opinion. It's my site, I started it and I wasn't voted in. He however, like any other politician, is not entitled to an opinion. That is not his job. He is supposed to represent us and the only opinions he should have are our opinions.

So all in all I am doing a far better job than Tony Blair. But lets face it, who couldn't?

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