Well all that typing, and all that thinking of what to write, has got to me for a minute. So it's time for some more crumpet while I think about what to write about next. As usual there are a million things running through my head, things about this country and this government that disgust me mainly.
And I have to be careful as well. The thought police are everywhere. I can't say what I really think about certain things, gay rights, Illegal immigration, crime etc without having to word it in a way that doesn't leave me open to prosecution under one of the many laws this government has bought in to discourage free speach.
And I am not being paranoid when I say that. Christians have been arrested in this country for handing out leaflets that quote the Bibles view of gays. Websites are closed down everyday purely because somebody doesn't agree with the writers point of view.
Everybody knows the truth about certain things in this country. We all know "the benefits" illegal immigration has bought us. We all know "the benefits" millions of Eastern Europeans doing our jobs at cut price has bought us. We all know who is committing the crime, we all know that certain sections of our community are hell bent on destroying our society and everything this country has ever stood for.
But we are not allowed to say it. Freedom of speach, the cornerstone of democracy, is being steadily erroded by this government and every day they make it a little bit harder to complain.
Here is a bird in a pair of kinky boots.
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