Monday, March 03, 2008

International Women’s Day!

Apparantly March the 8th is International Women’s Day. Is somebody taking the piss? International Women’s Day? They cannot be serious! Every day is womens day! Never in the history of mankind have men been so discriminated against and women so pampered!

A man wants a holiday so he works hard. A woman wants a holiday so she opens her legs and gets a man to pay for it. The same for anything else a man or woman wants. It is the same in the work place. A man wants promotion so he works hard. A woman wants a promotion and she shags the boss.

That is why there are so many women with their own business now. Men can't compete. A man wants to land a new client he has to work hard at it. A woman just shags him. How is that fair?

It's about time this all changed. Lets get women back where they belong, in the kitchen and at home looking after the kids. lets make it illegal to pay a woman more than £7 an hour and keep them in the menial jobs they are best suited for and let the superior male do the important jobs and make the decisions. And while we are at it stop them voting as well.

International Women’s Day? What a joke!

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