Saturday, December 20, 2008
Furniture sales war hotting up! Adults Only
Well it's nearly Christmas so we all know what is coming next. Yes, endless adverts on TV offering half price furniture that you don't have to pay for until next Christmas. The adverts will be non stop, annoying everybody who sees or hears them and making us all vow never to go anywhere near one of their shops let alone buy their overpriced shoddy goods.
This year with the economy still reeling from eleven years of gormless gordon's mismanagement the competition for our money is getting even hotter so they are all going to be using naked women to promote their goods.
Now while this is obviously a good thing for us people who enjoy looking at a fit babe now and again somebody should really point out to them that after Labour's attempts to kick start the economy the only people with any money left are the rich and middle classes who have benefited from their tax the poor to feed the rich policies and that these people wouldn't be seen dead in one of their stores.
So I guess all we need to do is enjoy the views on offer. Here is a bird on a white sofa.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A health update.
Just wanted to let you all know how things are going now health wise. I have a scan next Monday to see how much bigger the tumours are getting and it's looking like I will be starting the next lot of chemo in January. It's now got to the stage where I am always tired, I'm not eating properly and most of the time I am in pain so I guess it's time for the chemo now. I'm not looking forward to the constant trips to hospital again but I am looking forward to feeling better!
Talking of Foreigners. Adults Only
In 2004 an illegal immigrant, Rashid Ali, arrived in this country claiming to be Algerian and demanding assylum. He was refused and after realising that under Labour the streets are paved with discarded syringes rather than gold he stowed away on a boat to try and go home. He was caught and arrested.
He then tried to leave another four times and was caught and arrested. After the fifth attempt he was held in an assylum centre for three years at a cost of £250,000 while he waited to be deported. But he wasn't deported and two days after his release he stowed away again and was once more arrested!
The judge at his latest court appearance has remanded him in custody, at more expense to the tax payer while he attempts to get some sort of expanation from immigration officials as to why this man is still here.
Now if somebody here illegally who wants to go home can't get out does anybody honestly belive the crap spouted by Labour last week about cracking down on illegal immigrants?
Here is a fit bird.
1.4 million new jobs created last year! Adults Only
Yes it's true, there were 1.4 million new jobs created here last year! So has this cut unempolyment? Well no actually because every one of these new jobs went to a migrant and the amount of British born people out of work actually increased by 62,000!
So, in plain English, our country, which is already over populated, created 1.4 million new jobs that were supposed to go to British people and instead imported 1.4 million foreigners to do those jobs cheaply.
Labour, the party for the poor? Don't make me laugh.
Here is a bird.
Low value of pound to hit foreign holidays?
According to the newspapers the low value of the pound against the Euro is going to stop millions of people from holidaying in Europe next year and they will stay here instead. Really? Are people really that stupid?
France is not the cheapest country in Europe but even with the pound almost on par with the Euro, wine, cigarettes, beer, food, fuel and most other everyday items are still slightly cheaper than in the UK.
Providing I am still alive and well enough Mr Slezy and I are off to the Loire Valley in France in June. We have a three bedroom caravan that is costing us £300 including the ferry. A three bedroom caravan in Torbay at the same time is £500. The average tempreture in the Loire in June is 25%. In Torbay it is 18%. In the Loire parking is always easy and usually free. In Torbay it is very difficult and can cost £20 a day.
In the Loire steets are swept twice a day, bins are emptied twice a day, everything is spotlessly clean, bars and restaurants are welcoming and the staff can't do enough to help. In Torbay by four o'clock in the afternoon the bins are overflowing and the streets are covered in litter. Many bars have bouncers on the door and everywhere you go there are signs telling you what you mustn't do.
Anybody who was planning to go abroad but is staying here instead can either not count or is a complete idiot.
France is not the cheapest country in Europe but even with the pound almost on par with the Euro, wine, cigarettes, beer, food, fuel and most other everyday items are still slightly cheaper than in the UK.
Providing I am still alive and well enough Mr Slezy and I are off to the Loire Valley in France in June. We have a three bedroom caravan that is costing us £300 including the ferry. A three bedroom caravan in Torbay at the same time is £500. The average tempreture in the Loire in June is 25%. In Torbay it is 18%. In the Loire parking is always easy and usually free. In Torbay it is very difficult and can cost £20 a day.
In the Loire steets are swept twice a day, bins are emptied twice a day, everything is spotlessly clean, bars and restaurants are welcoming and the staff can't do enough to help. In Torbay by four o'clock in the afternoon the bins are overflowing and the streets are covered in litter. Many bars have bouncers on the door and everywhere you go there are signs telling you what you mustn't do.
Anybody who was planning to go abroad but is staying here instead can either not count or is a complete idiot.
It's time to stop the EU subsidies.
Every year the UK pays billions of pounds to the EU in subsideis, most of which goes on subsidising European farmers. This adds £832 to the cost of our shopping every year because prices are kept artificially high.
These billions could be far better spent in our own country, helping our manufacturing industries, reducing our taxes, giving our pensioners more money, building hospitals, schools etc as well as reducing our cost of living because of lower food prices.
These subsidies also have a knock on affect across the third world, especially in Africa. To put it simply we pay European farmers to produce food we do not need and then send whats left over and sell it in Africa at a price cheaper than they can produce their own, putting their farmers out of work.
If Africa were to sell just 1% more of it's produce than it currently does then it would no longer need aid. Yet we stop this happening by continually producing far more than we need by paying our farmers these ridiculous subsidies. In the UK over 3.4 billion is payed to our farmers, including the ones that are really struggle to make ends meet, Prince Charles and people like him! And while we are handing out these huge sums of money to already rich people African farmers go bust because they can't sell their produce!
If we were to tell the EU no, we are not paying, we would be hugely better off. We could start to pay off our national debt, our food prices would fall dramatically , we wouldn't need to send millions of ponds of aid to Africa, there would be nowhere near the amount of illegal immigrants fleeing poverty in Africa and the only down side would be that a few European farmers would have to renew their Bentleys every two years instead of every year.
These billions could be far better spent in our own country, helping our manufacturing industries, reducing our taxes, giving our pensioners more money, building hospitals, schools etc as well as reducing our cost of living because of lower food prices.
These subsidies also have a knock on affect across the third world, especially in Africa. To put it simply we pay European farmers to produce food we do not need and then send whats left over and sell it in Africa at a price cheaper than they can produce their own, putting their farmers out of work.
If Africa were to sell just 1% more of it's produce than it currently does then it would no longer need aid. Yet we stop this happening by continually producing far more than we need by paying our farmers these ridiculous subsidies. In the UK over 3.4 billion is payed to our farmers, including the ones that are really struggle to make ends meet, Prince Charles and people like him! And while we are handing out these huge sums of money to already rich people African farmers go bust because they can't sell their produce!
If we were to tell the EU no, we are not paying, we would be hugely better off. We could start to pay off our national debt, our food prices would fall dramatically , we wouldn't need to send millions of ponds of aid to Africa, there would be nowhere near the amount of illegal immigrants fleeing poverty in Africa and the only down side would be that a few European farmers would have to renew their Bentleys every two years instead of every year.
Labour could still win. Adults Only
Frightening as it may be there is still a chance that Labour could actually win the next election. Despite the mess they have made of the economy, despite rising crime, despite them lieing through their teeth at every opportunity and despite what they have done to the poor of this country people are still scared to vote Conservative.
It's not because of the ultra rich Tory supporters, they don't put people off. The mega rich are a breed of people that we have all come to accept. No the sort of Tory that frightens people and makes people nervous about voting Labour are the middle classes, the journailists, advertising executives, estate agents etc who give Conservatives a bad name.
These are the ones who earn over £150,000 a year, over £3000 a week, yet still expect to get their Child alowances and save them up for their luxury holidays. The ones who drive expensive new cars then go to their local RSPCA centre to get free treatment for their pets. The ones who, despite easily being able to afford private health insurance, go to the NHS and expect "free" IVF treatment and cosmetic surgery. The ones who bleat that they may, if their accountant isn't careful, have to pay an extra £20 a week out of their £3000 a week in taxes. The one's who employ illegal immigrants to do their cleaning and their building work to save a few quid then complain that English people are lazy because they won't work for a pittance.
It's these greedy people in non essential jobs who expect everything for nothing and pay as little as possible to anybody they employ that scare people. It's these self centred people who honestly think that pushing paper in an office makes them worth ten times more than a nurse or a dustman who stop people voting Conservative.
Thats why Gormless raised the tax rate. He knows he won't get any extra money out of them. Our dodgy tax laws and their dodgy acountants will see to that. But he also knew that the first thing these people would do is complain that they may have to start making some sort of useful contribution to society. All he was trying to do was expose just how greedy, selfish and obnoxious these people really are.
And he succeeded. Labour are catching the Conservatives in the polls. Not because anybody thinks that they are doing a good job. But because they are worried that should these idle, greedy middle classes get their way then things could get even worse.
Here is a bird.
Gordon Brown,
short skirt,
A new invention! Adults Only
This Christmas we have decided to get into the spirit of things and have come up with a new idea to make Christmas a lot easier. And here it is, the Christmas gift that unwraps itself!
So come on girls save your guys a lot of time and effort and get him one of these for Christmas. All he has to do is get up, crack a can and watch as this great gift idea unwraps itself and does all the work.
Take a good look at this great idea here.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just a blonde. Adults Only
Just realised we have been a bit short of crumpet on here lately so I figured I should put that right. So here, for no other reason than she is gorgeous, is naked blonde babe Kinga posing on a leather sofa.
Have a good look at her here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The letter that should be sent.
Dear Mr and Mrs De Menezes.
I would like to apologise to you for the accidental shooting of your son. At the time the police officers involved, normal human beings with normal human failings, were under intense pressure due to terrorists setting off a series of bombs and killing several innocent men women and children. These pressures were added to by the fact that in today's society whatever decisions they made could be considered the wrong ones and that any action they took would be scrutinised in minute detail by lawyers looking to earn a fast buck and newspaper editors looking for headlines. For a salary of around £20,000 a year these police officers are expected to be perfect, never make mistakes and be able to recognise a terrorist at 200 paces.
However I would like to also point out that your son had previously enetered into a contract with the people of the United Kingdom. We had allowed him to come here and study on the condition that he returned home to Brazil when his visa expired. He chose not to honour this contract and to stay here illegally.
Yes our police officers made a mistake however had your son chosen to meet his legal obligation to return home rather than abusing our hospitality then he would not have been there to get shot and it would have been impossible for the police officers to have made a mistake.
I understand your grief and I am sorry for your loss and I feel the best thing for all involved is that we draw a line under the matter and move on. If you could please send us two cheques, one for £20 Million to cover the cost of the enquiry and one for £19.99 to cover the cost of the bullets then we will consider this matter closed.
Yours Sincerely
Gordon Brown
I would like to apologise to you for the accidental shooting of your son. At the time the police officers involved, normal human beings with normal human failings, were under intense pressure due to terrorists setting off a series of bombs and killing several innocent men women and children. These pressures were added to by the fact that in today's society whatever decisions they made could be considered the wrong ones and that any action they took would be scrutinised in minute detail by lawyers looking to earn a fast buck and newspaper editors looking for headlines. For a salary of around £20,000 a year these police officers are expected to be perfect, never make mistakes and be able to recognise a terrorist at 200 paces.
However I would like to also point out that your son had previously enetered into a contract with the people of the United Kingdom. We had allowed him to come here and study on the condition that he returned home to Brazil when his visa expired. He chose not to honour this contract and to stay here illegally.
Yes our police officers made a mistake however had your son chosen to meet his legal obligation to return home rather than abusing our hospitality then he would not have been there to get shot and it would have been impossible for the police officers to have made a mistake.
I understand your grief and I am sorry for your loss and I feel the best thing for all involved is that we draw a line under the matter and move on. If you could please send us two cheques, one for £20 Million to cover the cost of the enquiry and one for £19.99 to cover the cost of the bullets then we will consider this matter closed.
Yours Sincerely
Gordon Brown
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I have a question.
I have a question for all of those middle class twats complaining about the higher rate of tax. Do you really think you work ten times as hard as a nurse, a dustman, a sewarge worker or anybody else earning £15,000 a year rather than the £150,000 a year you are on?
If not then shut up complaining and think yourself lucky. And if you do, like that idiot Gaunt in The Sun, think you are being hard done by having to pay a bit extra then why not go on strike about it and see how much the rest of us miss you?
Gaunty seems to think that making these high earners pay their way will stop people trying to "better themselves" and "make something of their lives" because in his inflated opinion of himself and his kind he honestly thinks that nurses, dustmen etc are all inferior to him when the truth is that every one of them is worth ten of him.
And just say all these people in these low paid jobs did follow his example and say sod the real work I am going to be a journalist or an advertising executive, anything but working and getting my hands dirty? Who will then empty our bins, keep our streets clean etc?
The only thing wrong with raising the tax rate was that they didn't conbine it with a crack down on expenses and the loop holes in the tax laws and force these over paid, self employed, middle class idiots to pay what they should. And their complaints about the slight increase in taxes show them for what they really are. Selfish scum.
If not then shut up complaining and think yourself lucky. And if you do, like that idiot Gaunt in The Sun, think you are being hard done by having to pay a bit extra then why not go on strike about it and see how much the rest of us miss you?
Gaunty seems to think that making these high earners pay their way will stop people trying to "better themselves" and "make something of their lives" because in his inflated opinion of himself and his kind he honestly thinks that nurses, dustmen etc are all inferior to him when the truth is that every one of them is worth ten of him.
And just say all these people in these low paid jobs did follow his example and say sod the real work I am going to be a journalist or an advertising executive, anything but working and getting my hands dirty? Who will then empty our bins, keep our streets clean etc?
The only thing wrong with raising the tax rate was that they didn't conbine it with a crack down on expenses and the loop holes in the tax laws and force these over paid, self employed, middle class idiots to pay what they should. And their complaints about the slight increase in taxes show them for what they really are. Selfish scum.
There will be an Election next year.
Okay, I have a prediction. There will be an Election next year. Gormless Gordon will finally allow us to vote on if we actually want him and his fellow thieves running the country. There are a number of clues leading me to this conclusion.
Firstly they have announced a crack down on people recieving benefits. Now we all know that all this means is that people who genuinely need help will be bullied out of getting it by ignorant arrogant job centre staff while the fraudsters who have never done a days work in their lives will carry on as normal. Teenage girls will still get pregnant just to get a council flat, junkies will still cost the state billions and genuine people, put out of work by this governments incompetence, will get a pittance. But it sounds good and will win some votes and thats all that matters.
They have also stated that immigrants will be cracked down on and won't get benefits or council houses until they have been here ten years. Again this sounds good but can you really see the human rights lawyers, scum like Cherie Blair, missing the chance to line their pockets and letting this happen? If an illegal immigrant turns up with a wife and two kids are the government really going to tell them no they can't have food or a place to live? Of course they are not. We can't even send convicted terrorists home because it's against their human rights. But it will win some votes and thats all that matters.
But the biggest clue of all is that Gormless Gordon says there will not be an Election. And as this lying conman wouldn't recognise the truth if it jumped up and punched him in the face then if he says it's not going to happen then we know full well it will.
Firstly they have announced a crack down on people recieving benefits. Now we all know that all this means is that people who genuinely need help will be bullied out of getting it by ignorant arrogant job centre staff while the fraudsters who have never done a days work in their lives will carry on as normal. Teenage girls will still get pregnant just to get a council flat, junkies will still cost the state billions and genuine people, put out of work by this governments incompetence, will get a pittance. But it sounds good and will win some votes and thats all that matters.
They have also stated that immigrants will be cracked down on and won't get benefits or council houses until they have been here ten years. Again this sounds good but can you really see the human rights lawyers, scum like Cherie Blair, missing the chance to line their pockets and letting this happen? If an illegal immigrant turns up with a wife and two kids are the government really going to tell them no they can't have food or a place to live? Of course they are not. We can't even send convicted terrorists home because it's against their human rights. But it will win some votes and thats all that matters.
But the biggest clue of all is that Gormless Gordon says there will not be an Election. And as this lying conman wouldn't recognise the truth if it jumped up and punched him in the face then if he says it's not going to happen then we know full well it will.
Gordon Brown,
Friday, December 05, 2008
Getting things in perspective.
Now people get arrested by armed police merely for embarassing the government people have been comparing living in England under this communist government with living in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabwe. Lets get this in perspective please! Robert Mugabwe was actually elected!
Some Christmas cheer. Adults Only
Well it's coming up to the annual spend fest known as Christmas. This is the time of year when muslim's who have spent all year slagging off Christianity quite happily charge us double in their mini cabs because it is a religous holiday and supermarkets lower their prices to what they should have been all year to try and entice us to save money.
There are a few people who do still actually treat Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of christ but they are far outnumbered by those who treat it as a chance to make money at every opportunity.
I just see it as a chane to see babes like this blonde here all dressed up in Christmas outfits!
See Santa's little helper reveal a lot more here.
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Christmas present.
A young man called Chris from London wanted to buy a Christmas present for
his new girlfriend.
They hadn't been seeing each other for very long and she lived in Scotland .
Chris consulted with his sister and decided, after careful consideration, that a pair of good quality gloves would strike the right note... not too romantic and not too personal.
Off he went with his sister to Harrods and they selected a dainty pair of fur lined quality leather gloves.. His sister bought a pair of sexy knickers for herself at the same time.
Harrods had a free gift wrap offer but the assistant mixed up the two items, the sister got the gloves and Chris unknowingly got the knickers.
Good old Chris sent off his gift wrapped present in a parcel with the following letter.
Dear Maggie,
I chose these because I've noticed that you are not wearing any when we go out in the evenings. If it had not been for my sister I would have chosen the long ones with buttons, but she wears shorter ones (which are easier to remove).
These are a very delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from showed me the pair she had been wearing for the past three weeks and I hardly noticed any marks.
I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart in them even though they were a little bit tight on her. She also said that they rub against her ring which helps keep it clean. In fact she hasn't needed to wash it since she began wearing them.
I wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt many other hands will touch them before I have a chance to see you again.
When you take them off remember to blow into them a little bit because they will be naturally a little damp from wearing.
Just imagine how many times my lips will kiss them during the coming year.
I hope you will wear them for me on our next date.
All my love,
P.S. My mum tells me that the latest style is to wear them folded down with a little bit of fur showing.
his new girlfriend.
They hadn't been seeing each other for very long and she lived in Scotland .
Chris consulted with his sister and decided, after careful consideration, that a pair of good quality gloves would strike the right note... not too romantic and not too personal.
Off he went with his sister to Harrods and they selected a dainty pair of fur lined quality leather gloves.. His sister bought a pair of sexy knickers for herself at the same time.
Harrods had a free gift wrap offer but the assistant mixed up the two items, the sister got the gloves and Chris unknowingly got the knickers.
Good old Chris sent off his gift wrapped present in a parcel with the following letter.
Dear Maggie,
I chose these because I've noticed that you are not wearing any when we go out in the evenings. If it had not been for my sister I would have chosen the long ones with buttons, but she wears shorter ones (which are easier to remove).
These are a very delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from showed me the pair she had been wearing for the past three weeks and I hardly noticed any marks.
I had her try yours on for me and she looked really smart in them even though they were a little bit tight on her. She also said that they rub against her ring which helps keep it clean. In fact she hasn't needed to wash it since she began wearing them.
I wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt many other hands will touch them before I have a chance to see you again.
When you take them off remember to blow into them a little bit because they will be naturally a little damp from wearing.
Just imagine how many times my lips will kiss them during the coming year.
I hope you will wear them for me on our next date.
All my love,
P.S. My mum tells me that the latest style is to wear them folded down with a little bit of fur showing.
It's now official. We really do live in a Police State.
Last week seven armed police officers from the anti terrorist squad arrested Conservative MP Damian Green and held him in custody for nine hours. His crime? He embarrassed the government by leaking details of them issuing licenses to become security guards to 5000 illegal immigrants. In other words he did the job we pay him to do and made facts that the government tried to cover up public. And this arrest was made with the full backing of the government who still cannot see what all the fuss is about.
Even if telling the truth about government incompetence is now a crime why were the anti terrorist squad involved? How can embarassing the government by exposing facts they tried to hide be considered a threat to national security? Because that is the only time the anti terrorist squad and anti terrorism laws are supposed to be used. And if this can happen to an elected member of parliament then what chance do the rest of us have?
Councils all over the country already use anti terrorism laws to bug peoples dustbins and make sure they are obeying local recycling rules. The DVLA already sell all your details to debt collectors and anybody else with the cash to buy them. Very soon a law is being passed allowing these same people to monitor all our phone calls and e-mails. They won't need permission or any reason to do so, just critiscizing the local council will be enough reason for them to tap your phone.
How long will it be before websites like this that dare question the motives and honesty of the bunch of lying theieving con men running this country start to get closed down? How long before speaking out against the government becomes a criminal offence?
This government has the cheek to condemn the BNP as Nazi's and accuses the Conservatives of being fascist yet every day under Labour we lose more of our personal freedom and it is now persecuting people just for embarassing them. This wrongful, shameful arrest was an official decleration that we are now a Police State.
How does any Labour voter sleep at night?
Even if telling the truth about government incompetence is now a crime why were the anti terrorist squad involved? How can embarassing the government by exposing facts they tried to hide be considered a threat to national security? Because that is the only time the anti terrorist squad and anti terrorism laws are supposed to be used. And if this can happen to an elected member of parliament then what chance do the rest of us have?
Councils all over the country already use anti terrorism laws to bug peoples dustbins and make sure they are obeying local recycling rules. The DVLA already sell all your details to debt collectors and anybody else with the cash to buy them. Very soon a law is being passed allowing these same people to monitor all our phone calls and e-mails. They won't need permission or any reason to do so, just critiscizing the local council will be enough reason for them to tap your phone.
How long will it be before websites like this that dare question the motives and honesty of the bunch of lying theieving con men running this country start to get closed down? How long before speaking out against the government becomes a criminal offence?
This government has the cheek to condemn the BNP as Nazi's and accuses the Conservatives of being fascist yet every day under Labour we lose more of our personal freedom and it is now persecuting people just for embarassing them. This wrongful, shameful arrest was an official decleration that we are now a Police State.
How does any Labour voter sleep at night?
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