Yes, according to the mad scientists at the secure unit where this mass murder has spent the past few years playing video games and downloading hardcore porn on the Internet, the Yorkshire Ripper is now cured and could even be released. That much be such a relief to his victims who survived and the relatives of all the ones who didn't. I feel quite sure they have spent all their time since this man murdered their loved ones just hoping that one day this misunderstood monster could be cured and allowed to live a normal life.
Of course, gormless Gordon, the unelected PM of this Labour created cesspit we now all have to live in, had something to say about this. He said it is "unlikely" this man will be released.
Now believe it or not that is not what the vast majority of people in this country wanted to hear. Instead of just opening his mouth he should have taken a little time to think things through and come up with something along these lines.
"After hearing that the Yorkshire Ripper may be eligable for release I have taken steps to change the law and can now assure everyone that this man will never be released"
But that would mean putting the rights of the vast law abiding majority above the rights of a murdering low life piece of scum who should have been executed years ago. And as we all know under this government criminals come first.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
And then the fight started.
After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.
The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.'
And then the fight started...
The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'. So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair. She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability, too.'
And then the fight started...
Two Mini's. Adults Only

Here we have two Mini's. One of them a car and the other one a very short skirt barely covering a very nice babe.
The car is a proper Mini, one of the originals not the silly oversise version, made by BMW and guaranteed to make your willy shrink two inches as soon as you buy it.
The babe in the other Mini is Penthouse Pet Faye Reagan. You can see more of both of them by clicking here.
If you want to see lots more babes in Mini Skirts then take a look at Simply Mini Skirts. This new site already has 28 free galleries of babes in short skirts with more being added daily, chemo allowing.
Friday, February 13, 2009
The strikers are wrong.
As hard as I try I can't feel any sympathy for the people striking over the fact that their jobs are going to foreigners rather than English people. The reason for this is that they are mainly northerners, the same people who got this bunch of clowns elected.
Labour made it quite clear it would be seeking closer ties with Europe, no matter what this did to our country and how badly it would affect our own workforce. Yet these idiots still voted for them anyway.
The people in the South of the country, the ones who make most of the money and pay most of the taxes that keep the northerners in benefits and free syringes made it quite clear that we did not want this government. But thanks to the northerners, the sweaties, the paddy's and the taffy's, the very same people who are crying about their jobs now, we got lumbered with them anyway.
So they should stop moaning and go back to work. They voted Labour for their own selfish reasons and they now have exactly what they voted for. They are responsible for the state this country is in so why shouldn't they be the ones who suffer for it?
Labour made it quite clear it would be seeking closer ties with Europe, no matter what this did to our country and how badly it would affect our own workforce. Yet these idiots still voted for them anyway.
The people in the South of the country, the ones who make most of the money and pay most of the taxes that keep the northerners in benefits and free syringes made it quite clear that we did not want this government. But thanks to the northerners, the sweaties, the paddy's and the taffy's, the very same people who are crying about their jobs now, we got lumbered with them anyway.
So they should stop moaning and go back to work. They voted Labour for their own selfish reasons and they now have exactly what they voted for. They are responsible for the state this country is in so why shouldn't they be the ones who suffer for it?
Another step towards blood on our streets.
Yesterday Dutch MP, Geert Wilders, was banned from entering the UK because he was going to show a film about the religous cult of islam to the House of Lords. This man, who unlike our PM was actually elected by the people of his country, was discriminated against and denied his right as an EU citizen to enter another EU country purely because our government disagrees with his views.
Now the last I heard the UK was supposed to be a democracy where everybody is entitled to an opinion and everybody has the right to express their opinion. So banning this man was nothing more than yet another attempt to appease the minority muslim population and an attack on freedom and freedom of speach.
At the same time as this government is dictating what can and cannot be said, in private, about the religous cult of islam it is sending a private jet, at our expense, to Guantanamo Bay to bring back a sick muslim terrorist who will then live here at our expense and be watched 24 hours a day seven days a week by our security forces at our expense. This government says it has no choice because of EU rules and the human rights act.
So how come it can break the rules and ignore Geert Wilders human rights yet can't do the same when it comes to keeping terrorists out of our country? The answer is quite simple. Mr Wilder is a Christian and the terrorist is a muslim, and quite simply, under this government, muslims are considered far more important than the Christian majority.
When, and I mean when not if, the majority English, Christian population of this country finaly get sick of muslims having more rights than us and dictating to us what we can and cannot do in our own country and take to the streets, burn down the mosques and forcibly take back their own country it will not be the ordinary muslims to blame, nor the far right. The blame will lie purely with this government, it's disgraceful policies of appeasement, it's blatant attempts to buy minority votes and it's discriminatory policies towards the English Christian majority.
Now the last I heard the UK was supposed to be a democracy where everybody is entitled to an opinion and everybody has the right to express their opinion. So banning this man was nothing more than yet another attempt to appease the minority muslim population and an attack on freedom and freedom of speach.
At the same time as this government is dictating what can and cannot be said, in private, about the religous cult of islam it is sending a private jet, at our expense, to Guantanamo Bay to bring back a sick muslim terrorist who will then live here at our expense and be watched 24 hours a day seven days a week by our security forces at our expense. This government says it has no choice because of EU rules and the human rights act.
So how come it can break the rules and ignore Geert Wilders human rights yet can't do the same when it comes to keeping terrorists out of our country? The answer is quite simple. Mr Wilder is a Christian and the terrorist is a muslim, and quite simply, under this government, muslims are considered far more important than the Christian majority.
When, and I mean when not if, the majority English, Christian population of this country finaly get sick of muslims having more rights than us and dictating to us what we can and cannot do in our own country and take to the streets, burn down the mosques and forcibly take back their own country it will not be the ordinary muslims to blame, nor the far right. The blame will lie purely with this government, it's disgraceful policies of appeasement, it's blatant attempts to buy minority votes and it's discriminatory policies towards the English Christian majority.
Babe and a BMW. Adults Only

Here we have something I know you all enjoy. A babe and a car. The babe is nineteen year old Ann Angel. The car is a BMW M6.
Just why any man would drive a BMW of any sort is beyond me, you might just as well walk round with a tatoo on your forehead saying "I am a prat and have a small willy"
So if you have a small willy and want to see more of the BMW, or you are normal and want to see more of the babe, then take a look here.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Comparing Beckham to Bobby Moore is an insult. Adults Only

David Beckham last night equalled Bobby Moore's record of England caps and the press are all comparing the two. That is nothing but an insult to Bobby Moore.
Firstly he played over 1000 more minutes, eleven whole games, more than Beckham who has got many of his caps coming on for the last couple of minutes. Secondly Bobby helped us win a world cup. Beckam, by acting like a spoilt child and getting sent off against Argentina and persistently declaring himself fit for tornaments when he clearly wasn't helped lose us world cups. Bobby put England first, Becks put his bank balance first.
Then there is the fact that David Beckham takes millions of pounds in sponsership from sports companies, money he doesn't need and can never possibly spend, while ignoring the fact that whist he is taking these millions the people who work for these companies get paid a pittance, work 12 hour days without breaks and live in poverty, in many cases not being able to feed their families.
Finally if Bobby Moore had have married a talentless bimbo he would have put his foot down and stopped her from inflicting her out of tune screeching on the rest of us.
Comparing the great Bobby Moore, a real man, with this overpaid prima donna is nothing but an insult to Bobby Moore.
Here is fit brunette Shyla again.
Just Because. Adults Only

This rather lovely brunette is on here just because I like her, no other reason. It's my site so I will post what I like.
To see more of brunette babe Shyla Jennings take a look here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Introducing Simply Mini Skirts. Adults Only

Now we all like to see a nice looking bird in a short skirt so with that in mind we have added another site to our portfollio, the fantastic Simply Mini Skirts. This new site is packed with women of all ages with one thing in common, they are all wearing short skirts or mini dresses.
To see more of this brunette in the denim mini skirt take a look here.
Or to visit Simply Mini Skirts go here.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Happy Birthday Mr Slezy. Adults Only

Yes it is Mr Slezy's birthday today. I won't tell you how old he is but I will say that if he were ever to get hold of this busty babe she would kill him! But I know he likes them big and has recently aquired another lorry load of baby oil so I thought I would put her on here just for him.
See more of busty Danielle here.
Thats how the fight started.
Saturday morning I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, grabbed the dog, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the truck, and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.
I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."
My loving wife of 10 years replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"
And that's how the fight started...
I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back, now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."
My loving wife of 10 years replied, "Can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"
And that's how the fight started...
Just a teaser. Adults Only

This very lovely brunette babe is called Megan. She is not here just because she looks good, but also as a teaser for the sort of girls we feature on our sister site Simply Cute.
Take a much better look at Megan here.
Visit Simply Cute and see lots more babes like her here.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Who is Kate Walsh?

Well I decided it was time do do something for the sad perverts who go looking on the Internet for celebrities flashing their bits but all I could come up with were some upskirt pics of Kate Walsh. Now apparantly she is a celebrity and many people will search for Kate Walsh upskirt pics but I don't know who she is!
But we have her anyway. Kate Walsh flashing her white lace panties in some upskirt pics and Kate Walsh showing her naked bum when her short skirt blows up in the wind. So roll up and get your Kate Walsh upskirt pics here!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
And then the fight started
My wife and I are watching "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" while we were in bed. I turned to her and said,
"Do you want to have sex?"
"No," she answered.
I then said, "Is that your final answer?"
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes."
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And then the fight started....
"Do you want to have sex?"
"No," she answered.
I then said, "Is that your final answer?"
She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, "Yes."
So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And then the fight started....
Jeremy Clarkson gets it right again.
Now this chemotherapy and all the pills I am taking has played havoc with my bowels and I just found out I have run out of koran paper. So in desperation I turned to the next best thing, the Daily Mirror. I was just about to finish the paper work when one of their "news stories" caught my eye. They were slagging off Jeremy Clarkson because he described gormless Gordon as a one eyed, Scottish idiot.
Now as gormless Gordon only has one eye, is Scottish and proves he is an idiot every time he opens his mouth then that description is far more accurate than the one the Daily Mirror used, "our PM" After all he can hardly be "our PM" when "we" didn't get to vote for him can he?
Now as gormless Gordon only has one eye, is Scottish and proves he is an idiot every time he opens his mouth then that description is far more accurate than the one the Daily Mirror used, "our PM" After all he can hardly be "our PM" when "we" didn't get to vote for him can he?
Being away so long. Adults Only

Being away so long has of course meant that we haven't been able to meet our obligation to the homosexual community and we have been living in fear of the thought police knocking on the door and nicking us for it.
So we will put that right now and hopefully keep the gays off our backs for another month.
So here, just for all you homosexuals out there, are two birds getting it on. See them at it here.
Furniture sales still on. Adults Only

The furniture sales that started in 1973 are still on and they are getting better than ever. Now you can get this cute eighteen year old with the pigtails free when you buy this repulsive brown leather chair.
See more of both the chair and the free gift here.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Easing my way back in. Adults Only

Now I am still very tired from the chemo so I am not going to just jump back in and start putting the world to rights straight away. I thought I would just ease my way back in and feature some crumpet before getting down to the important stuff.
So here we have an eastern European bird stripping naked. I hope thats okay?
See the full set of pics here.
I think we are back. Adults Only

Well we are definitely feeling much better now and don't have anymore chemo for another nine days so I think we may be back, or at least until we fall asleep we are anyway.
And what better way to come back than with a bird? And a nice fit long haired half naked eighteen year old bird at that.
To see more of the lovely Anya take a look here.
Monday, February 02, 2009
The chemo kid rides again!
Yes, I have now started my chemo again, a week ago today in fact. After having one of the worse weeks in my life I am now starting to feel like a human being again so hopefully will be updating fairly soon.
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