At the moment the media are all wetting their pants about puff being reclassified as a class B drug instaed of class C. Why? What difference do they think it will make? Apart from making it easier to get hold of.
It was downgraded to free up police time and allow them to deal with proper crime instead of hassling adults who just want to have a puff. Has anything changed? Has crime suddenly gone down so much that the police can take a break form working as tax collectors and once more hassle us?
Of course not! Crime gets worse everyday and the police have even less time. So what would reclassifying it actually achieve?
It is about time these idiots in the media started looking at the big picture instead of jumping on every bandwagon that come along. The choices are very very simple.
Do we want our police force hassling motorists, hassling pot smokers, hassling cigarette smokers and generally acting as the military wing of the "lets stop everyone enjoying themselves" brigade? Or do we want them catching violent criminals, dealing with crack cocaine and heroin dealers, sorting out gun crime and making it once more safe to walk the streets? The choice is simple for real people who live in the real world. Unfortunately our politicians live in a world of their own.
Over the past ten years New Labour have proved that they dont give a damn about crime providing they raise money. Anybody who voted for them should be ashamed.
God made grass, man made beer. Which one do you trust?
Here is a bird.
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