It is not just on TV that the morons in the advertising world get it completely wrong. Yesterday I was in Sainsbury's and saw their new marketing campaign in action.
Some genius, probably with a degree in marketing or consumer exploitation has come up with the great idea of putting a sign on everything they sell cheaper or at the same price as Tesco's pointing it out. A wonderful idea apart from one small detail.
You see what this actually means is that every product that doesn't have a sign saying it is cheaper than in Tesco's or the same price as in tesco's is actually dearer in sainsbury's than in Tesco's! Otherwise they would be boasting about it!
So all this wonderful advertising campaign is actually doing is pointing out to people that on the whole Sainsbury's prices are higher than Tesco's! Brilliant! What a marketing strategy! Shop with us because we are more expensive!
And somebody got paid a lot of our money to to come up with this. As I said before, advertising is nothing more than a tax on consumers.
Here is a bird.
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