Next week Londoners get to vote on who will run our slum of a city for the next four years. Despite once saying that nobody should be allowed three terms as London Mayor the man who turned this once great city into a slum is standing again. Barmy Ken, the terrorists friend once more wants your vote. For Gods sake dont give it to him!
This self confessed moron, "only a moron would scrap the Routemaster bus" he said before scrapping them, is single handedly responsible for just about everything that is wrong with London.
Under his leadership crime has increased, traffic has increased, public transport has become even more expensive, the streets are covered with litter and only the rich can afford to use the roads.
He lied to us about how much the Olympics will cost. He invites muslim extremeists into our city to spout their hate filled propaganda. He spent millions asking if we wanted an extension to the congestion charge and when four out of five of us said no he imposed it anyway.
Knowing full well that the biggest killer on our roads is tiredness he deliberately created traffic and congestion just to justify his congestion charged. His traffic policies have probably killed and injured more Londoners than the IRA ever did.
He is a racist who will spend any ampount of taxpayers money on minorities but refuses to do anything to help the majority English population of London.
Vote for Ken Livingstone? If I had my way he would be in prison.
Here are a couple of birds.
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