Regular readers will know exactly what I think of the advertising industry. A bunch of self serving, lying, parasites leeching off of the rest of society and serving no useful purpose whatsoever. Last night, while watching TV I found yet more proof of this.
I was watching Star Trek Voyager, the very first episode and was amazed by the choice of adverts. Now it doesn't take a genius to work out who is likely to be watching this program at eleven o'clock in the evening. They are most likely to be men, single men to be exact, sitting at home bored with nothing else to do. They will most likely be sitting at their computer or taking a break from it before customising another Consulate and sitting up half the night.
So what do the geniuses in the advertising department at Bravo choose to tempt these people into parting with their money? A Marks and Spencer advert! A long annoying Marks and Spencer advert with a lighthouse in it designed specifically to con members of the inferior sex, females, out of their money.
What did they think was going to happen? Did they think we would all watch this annoying piece of crap then rush out today and buy some new skids at M&S? Did they actually think at all? Is anyone in the advertising industry even capable of thought? Do they have the equipment?
Basically M&S just wasted their money. Or, more realistically, our money. Because the cost of keeping these idiots in BMW's and foreign holidays comes out of our pockets everytime we buy anything at all and we are subsidising their champagne lifestyles and complete stupidity.
The advertising industry is nothing more than a con and a tax on consumers and something badly needs to be done about it.
Here is a bird.
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