I’ve just been sitting here watching spam e-mails come in. When I started on the net I gave my e-mail address to everyone and everything and have never bothered changing so I get shitloads.! Just in the last half hour I could, if I had the money have the biggest dick in the world, a stockpile of Viagra and as much hardcore porn as I want to use it on.
They even had a special offer on baby oil if you bulk buy it. I forwarded that one on to Mr Ezy.
I could have also helped a Nigerian Princess flee her country, invested in several pyramid schemes, and have been invited to reply to an e-mail from my bank asking for all my bank details.
Is this what the Internet was for? I thought it was supposed to be a great new tool for knoledge and communication. But it's turned into one big advertsing machine, the only real information available if you dig deep enough. It was also supposed to enable people to communicate with people in opressed countries so they could let the world know what is going on. It was supposed to be the first uncensored source of information that the world has ever seen.
But it isn't. People in China, Cuba, Zimbabwee and countless other countries throughout the world risk their lives going online to tell people the truth. The huge companies who now control the net then collaborate with the dictators that run these countries and censor these people out and basically grass them up to the authorities.
All for the great god of money.
Now here is a bird. get your credit cards ready!
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