When Peter was babbling on about electoral reform the other night I did start to think that he may have a point. It is about time something was done about the voting system. If we ever want to have a country fit to live in again we are going to have to go back to basics. We can start by stopping women from voting.
Okay back when women were first given the vote it might have seemed a good idea. But since that day this country has been in decline. Women now have far too much power and are no longer fit for purpose.
We all know what wife stands for, washing, ironing, fucking etc, and that is the way women used to be. They were here purely to meet the needs of the superior gender, men.
But then we gave them the vote and now look at them! Some of them laughingly believe that they are our equals!
Take the vote away from them, widen the pay gap so it isn't worth them working and lets get them back in the kitchen and the bedroom where they belong. If we do this the world will be a far better place.
Here is a half naked bird.
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