Today we have a perfect example of just what is wrong with our electoral system. Today our MP's begin the debate on the Lisbon treaty that Gordon Brown signed us up to not so long ago. This is the original EU constitution that was rejected by half of Europe and that we were promised a referendum on.
My first point is fairly obvious. Why is it being debated after Brown has signed it? Why was this not debated before he sneaked in the back door and signed away rights on our behalf?
And where will our unelected leader be when this hugely important debate starts? At the front line defending his decision to sign and supporting this treaty? No actually. He will be in India, scouting out locations for new call centres presumably. If this treaty has his backing and is something he believes in then why did he turn up late for the original signing and why is he not there today?
And this debate and the subsequent vote. Is it a free one where every MP of whatever party gets to vote on what is best for the country? No again. As usual they will be expected to follow party policy and vote for what they have been told to vote for. And make no mistake, the majority of them will. Because for most of these MP's doing what is best for the country comes second to making sure they keep themselves in a cushy well paid job.
In a democracy our MP's would be voting for what is best for us. But we don't live in a democracy anymore so once more we will be sold down the river for the sake of a few political careers.
Here is a bird.
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