Good morning. Just a quick update today. I have had a change of heart. I no longer want to be an MP. I want to be in charge! I want Gordon Browns Job! After all I am better qualified for the job than he is.
Firstly I am English. And as the English are still just about the majority in the UK then surely an Englishman in charge is a must? Secondly I can count. Something Gordon Brown has proved he can't do on countless occasions. Thirdly, because unlike Gordon Brown I don't have private medical insurance, I have first hand experience of the NHS. I also don't have a chauffer, police escorts or bodyguards so know what the traffic is really like and see how the ever rising crime rate affects people and their lives.
Because I don't get anywhere near the amount of money he does I have first hand experience of what it's like trying to live in a country that taxes the poor unmercilessly but allows the rich to pay virtually nothing in taxes. I have had to not only try and survive while New Labour has systematically destroyed everything good about this country but also had to sit by and watch because they have fiddled the voting system so much that it's almost impossible for the English to have a say in who runs the nation.
All in all I am a far better candidate for the job and feel I should start straight away. What do you mean I haven't been elected? Neither was he!
Now here is some totty.
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