Well now I have decided on my career I guess I should think of some policies. But it is difficult to know where to start. Immigration? Crime? The EU? Taxes? The NHS? Terrorism? Transport? Education? The list of things this corrupt government have made a mess of is endless.
I think for a start I would completely revamp the electoral system so that people actually have a choice. We are supposed to be a democracy so how come, at election time, sixty million people only actually have a choice between three candidates?
Okay it's not as bad as America where hundreds of millions of people only have a choice between two candidates chosen and funded by big business and organised crime. But apart from the Americans themselves nobody seriously considers America to be a democracy.
So yes my first priority will be to update the electoral system and give people a real say in how the country is run. Details on how I will acheive this will follow.
Now here is a bird.
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