Well last week I promised that once I get elected I will bring in some electoral reform so that people once more have a say in who gets rich at our expense by pretending to govern the country. As I said, an English parliament would be the first step, just to give the English the same rights as everybody else, but the next step would be to abolish all political parties. Conservative, Labour, Liberal, all of them would go.
The idea of electing an MP from your local area is so that they can go to the house of commons and represent the people who elected them and try to govern the country according to their needs. With a party system this doesn't happen. We vote them in then they go to London and vote for what their party leader tells them to! If they toe the line and grovel enough they are then given a job in the cabinet or shadow cabinet and we have to pay them even more money! This is not democracy!
We should go back to basics with every MP being independant and representing just his local constituents. They could elect a cabinet and a prime minister between them, with every one of them getting to vote for who they think would be best for the job.
The other big problem with our Electoral system is that being an MP has now become a career move rather than a genuine desire to serve the people and make a difference. Too many of our MP's left university and went straight into politics and have never done a proper days work in their lives and have absolutely no idea what it is like to live in the real world. But this is easily solved.
There should be an election every five years and it should be against the rules for anybody to stand for election twice in a row. If they want to stand again after a five year break then fine but by stopping them standing twice in a row it does away with the career option and they could then spend the majority of their time running the country rather than trying to keep their cushy job as they do at the moment.
So there we have it, my first policy! I hope you like it.
Now here is some eye candy.
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