The front page of The Sun today has photographs of several people in London who have been murdered over the past few years. They have now decided to run a petition for readers to lobby their MP's for a big clean up and to do something about the violent crime that is turning a lot of London into a no go area for normal people.
However nowhere in everything they have written today does it address one of the biggest issues. The fact that ethnic minorities are responsible for over half the murders on the streets of our capitol city.
That isn't a racist thing to say. It is a fact. Until the powers that be and the media stop ignoring this fact then nothing can ever be acheived.
I want to know why these people are commiting these murders. I want to know what makes them think they have the right to come into my country and turn it into a replica of the crap hole they have come from. I am always reading about how alienated some of these people feel but I very rarely hear anything about how alienated some of the original population feel.
How do the original inhabitants of places like Hounslow, Southall, Hackney and the East end feel seeing the areas they grew up in being changed beyond all recognition? How do they feel walking down their local high street and very rarely hearing a word of English spoken? How do they feel about not being able to communicate with people because they don't speak the language? Seeing churches closed and Mosques opened? Do they not feel alienated?
And do these English people who are virtually cut off from their own culture then turn to crime and roam the streets murdering people? Of course they don't! So why is being alienated and cut off from your culture considered an acceptable excuse for an imigrant to commit crime?
The biggest problem this country faces today is the uncontrolled influx of people from all over the world, many of whom have absolutely no respect for our culture, our way of life and our laws. Until these people are dealt with, left in no doubt that they will obey our laws or else, then nothing can be done.
Our MP's and the media need to stop burying their heads in the sand and start dealing with facts. Rather than trying to sell more newspapers or get themselves re-elected.
This is Heather.
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