As Peter told you a while back I put an advert in the job centre for a secretary. Or I tried to. They rejected it. Some bird rang me. Said it was sexist, biggoted and homophobic! This is something I had written this foreign dyke was saying this about. I was shocked.
So I tried to explain that no foreigners wasn't because I was racist. It's because I live in West London and I'm sick of the sodding sight of them and think that as I'm the one paying the wages I should be able to choose who I want to employ. I go to the pub and the barmaid is Polish, the chemist and get served by an Italian. One of the paper shops is run by a Bangledeshi and the other by a Somalian. The local skunk dealer is a Jamaican, the heroin dealer a Turk, my identity was stolen by a Romanian and my car was nicked by a pikee trying to get home from the pub one night.
Foreigners are all very well, I have no problem with them. But if I wanted to live my life surrounded by foreigners I would move to France! I am English, I live in England and I want to employ English staff. That is not racism. It is my personal preference. I was just trying to save foreigners wasting their time applying because I am not going to employ one. But I am not allowed to say so. It's racist. So people will sit their filling in forms to apply for a job they have no hope of getting. A waste of my time and theirs.
And I am not allowed to say I want a bird not a bloke! Why? Okay the bit where it says that the successful aplicant must look good in a mini skirt and stockings should give people a clue that it's a female I am looking for but you never can tell these days. I am looking for someone I can fantasise about after work. Maybe sneak into the loo during the day and knock one out over. I hardly want a bloke do I? So I thought I would save them the bother of applying. But no. I am not allowed to do that either. So these poor sods will sit filling in forms for a job they are never going to get. Just like the foreigners.
And the bit where I asked them to send a pic of them in their sexiest office outfit has to go as well. Again I tried to explain that the bird looking good was a must. I don't want a minger. I don't want to try and sneak a peak up the skirt of a bird the size of Vanessa Phelps or Fern Britton. So the fat mingers are going to have to join in with the men and the foreigners, filling in forms and desecrating rain forests applying for a job they are never going to get.
And no dykes wasn't because I am homophobic! I enjoy watching a couple of birds getting at it as much as the next red blooded male but I don't want to employ one! I'd never keep my mind on my work! If I am employing a fit bird she has got to be available. So the single women bit only has to go as well. So the married birds and the dykes will join the foreigners, the men and the mingers filling in forms applying for a job that they are never going to get!
The under twenty five bit was a no no as well. Am I seriously going to employ a bird with saggy tits, wrinkles or stretch marks? Of course she has to be under twenty five! But I'm not allowed to say so! So more people wasting their time filling in forms!
No disabled was because I am on the third floor and most of the time the lift doesn't work not because I'm discriminating. Nobody with kids is because I want somebody who will turn up everyday and not keep having to have days off for school holidays, sickness, teachers strikes and INSET days, etc etc.
I know who I want to employ. I know who I wont employ. So why mislead people and make them think they have a chance of a job when they don't actually have a hope in hell? But that is what I have to do. What a waste of time.
Here is a fit bird.