I live in what used to be called the Royal Borough of Richmond Upon Thames that is now more commonly known as the NIMBY borough. This area is full of women driving their four by fours two hundred yards to take their kids to school before using another gallon of petrol to stop off at the recycling bins on their way to a save the planet coffee morning. From there they use another gallon of fuel to get to the anti aircraft noise meeting before driving to pick their kids up from school and then jumping on a jet for a weekend away because it is just sooo convenient living so close to the airport.
Most of these brainless bimbo's have never done a days work in their lives, have no idea of what happens in the real world and the only decision they ever have to make is what colour knickers to wear with their new dress. They have now idea about politics so rather than strain their limited supply of brain cells when it comes to voting they opt for the easy option and vote for a party with no policies. The Liberals.
This means that I live in a borough with a Liberal controlled council who waste tax payers money at such a rapid rate that they are always looking for new ways to get more.
Their latest tax scam is unbelievable and I am sure it won't be long before other boroughs catch on and start using it as well.
Outside Twickenham Station there is a bus lane on London Road. You can't turn left at the main junction anymore, haven't been able to for years, so you have to turn left at the end of the bus lane. At the top of the bridge is sign telling you this and a huge white arrow painted in the road directing you into the bus lane. Behind the sign telling you which lane to be in to turn left and after the arrow directing you into the bus lane they have now put a camera so when you follow the road markings and do as they say you now get nicked for driving in the bus lane!
When you appeal against what is quite obviously a completely ridiculous situation they automatically reject it and you have no choice but to pay up or go to a tribunal. Of course most people just pay the fine and the council end up quids in.
They know that you haven't commited any offence. They know that their signage is illegal and they know that all they are basically doing is blackmailing people. But they also know that people will just pay up so they do it anyway.
It is a complete scandal and nothing more than legalised theft and a perfect example of what you can all expect if the Loony Liberals ever get into power in your area.