Well firstly I have to apologise for not updating the site lately but there has been some shit happening. As you all know I went on holiday with Slezy and his bitch.
We had a good time but when we got back I was feeling pretty rough and a week later I found out why. My cancer is back. Which is a bit of a pisser! So I have had to deal with that in my head before dealing with the usual assult on the poor of this country by Gordon Brown and the rest of his thieving friends.
Now this time my treatment will only be pallative. It will make me feel better and make me last longer but the truth is that I will die. The cancer will kill me. But compared to what gormless and his bum chums are doing to us it is a minor matter.
We now have a situation in this country where an unelected piece of pond life is using tax payers money to bail out rich bankers and pay their debts while the rest of us live in poverty. Some of the very poor and the elderly will die this winter simply because they cannot aford heating yet gormless will give billions to bankers who are struggling and risk losing their Mercedes and BMW's because of their greed.
He has now guaranteed that anyones savings are safe, up to £50,000. How is he paying for this? Easy. Out of the money taken in taxes from people who don't have £50 in savings let alone £50,000!
I have spent my life being told by poor people that I should vote Labour because they are the party for the poor. I am proud that I have never done so. The Labour party is not now and has never been a party for the poor. Socialism is not about equality or sharing the wealth. It is envy and nothing more.
In an ideal world then yes everybody would get paid the same and we would all be rich. But we don't live in an ideal world. We live in a world created by man and operating under rules decided by man. The best the poor can ever hope for is to live their lives as best they can and pray that their children will have something better. This will never happen under socialism.
The capitalists, the ones that we are told to despise so much and told make too much profit, have a vested interest in our well being and our wealth. Without us they cannot continue to make their profits. If we don't have money to spend then they cannot take it from us. So they make sure we have enough to keep them in their mansions.
The socialists just take it anyway and sod the future. Yes I agree with their ideals, but as i said we dont live in an ideal world. Until we do then the only thing socialism will ever achieve is to make poor people poorer and rich people richer.
Under a capatilst system things are not fair. The rich get the best houses, the best health care, the best education for their children. And it really isn't fair. But along the way they give other people a chance to escape the poverty they were born into. And a lucky few get the chance to live a better life.
Under socialism nobody gets the chance. They don't want them to have it, and are envious of them. Because of this envy they deny anybody else the chance to improve their lot and everybody suffers for it.
Years ago, when the Unions were just getting started, then socialism and Labour surved a purpose. Then they were the party of the poor and the working class and they helped improve things for the poor.
But in the modern world all they do is make things harder. Labour have destroyed this country, destroyed everything this country stood for and have destroyed any hope of poor people being able to find their way out of poverty.