Now I bet you thought you would never hear me say it but not all Americans are bad! There is a guy who leaves comments on here called Bobby who is pretty cool. He has also helped with some advertising at Simply Upskirt which was nice of him. I have also been talking to a the guys in the racing league I am in and they are okay as well.
A lot of Americans have the same problem as we have here in England. They are disgusted with their government and know that whoever they elect they won't get listened to. Their politicians will do what is best for them rather than what the voters want.
They live in what is supposed to be the biggest democracy yet when it comes to election time they get to choose between two people who are both in it for themselves. And just like us they watch in disgust as their government has the cheek to try and dictate to the rest of the world about democracy.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
And now some good news!
After you are just getting over the shock of me admitting I was wrong here is another shock. I have some good news for a change! Yes house prices are continuing to fall, 10% in the last year, and it looks like they will fall even further!
This means that the greedy bastards who bought houses purely to let them back to people who can't afford to are now really starting to suffer as they deserve to. They bought these houses, with the potential profit from the house they already owned, and rented them out at exorbitant rents, taking money out of the pockets of those who can least afford it just so they could drive fancy cars and take expensive holidays.
And now they can't afford to pay back the money they borrowed and risk losing all of their properties. And they thoroughly deserve to.
Most of these people obtained their first house by exercising their right to buy and snapping up a cheap council house. This scheme was designed to let people own their own home and not for greedy selfish bastards to live the good life at the expense of people who didn't have the opportunity or money to buy a dirt cheap council house.
Lets hope that prices fall another 10% and these people find themselves having to pay exhorbitant rents themselves!
This means that the greedy bastards who bought houses purely to let them back to people who can't afford to are now really starting to suffer as they deserve to. They bought these houses, with the potential profit from the house they already owned, and rented them out at exorbitant rents, taking money out of the pockets of those who can least afford it just so they could drive fancy cars and take expensive holidays.
And now they can't afford to pay back the money they borrowed and risk losing all of their properties. And they thoroughly deserve to.
Most of these people obtained their first house by exercising their right to buy and snapping up a cheap council house. This scheme was designed to let people own their own home and not for greedy selfish bastards to live the good life at the expense of people who didn't have the opportunity or money to buy a dirt cheap council house.
Lets hope that prices fall another 10% and these people find themselves having to pay exhorbitant rents themselves!
I was wrong!
Yes, I know it's a bit of a shock but I was wrong! A few days ago I said that gormless Gordon and his tax and waste policies were killing 5000 people a year because of dirty hospitals.
The actual figures are 8000 for C-diff alone, with another 3000 being killed by MRSA. That is eleven thousand deaths a year this man is responsible for! To be fair gormless Gordon can be held responsible for throwing billions into the NHS without solving this problem. But he didn't cause it.
The cause of our dirty hospitals is because the cleaning is no longer the responsibility of the NHS but is done by private contactors. So whatever a hospital spends on cleaning straight away a huge chunk of it goes to keep company directors in huge salaries and shareholders in profit. To acheive these profits they use the cheapest cleaning materials they can find and pay their staff minimum wage.
These staff are employed on short term contracts with hardly any legal rights, no entitlement to holidays and because of this their staff turnover is unbelievably high. They cleaners do as little as possible for the pittance they are paid and the end result is filthy hospitals and 11,000 deaths a year.
It also goes to prove another point. That people in the cleaning industry, dustmen, sewage workers, road sweepers etc are doing jobs that are every bit as important and every bit as essential as policeman, fireman, doctors etc. So isn't it about time this was recognised and they were paid the same?
We live in a society where white collar workers and leaches like those in the advertising industry get paid very well yet people in essential jobs that protect us from disease are paid a pittance.
Pay peanuts and you get monkeys. The relatives of 11,000 people last year can testify to that.
The actual figures are 8000 for C-diff alone, with another 3000 being killed by MRSA. That is eleven thousand deaths a year this man is responsible for! To be fair gormless Gordon can be held responsible for throwing billions into the NHS without solving this problem. But he didn't cause it.
The cause of our dirty hospitals is because the cleaning is no longer the responsibility of the NHS but is done by private contactors. So whatever a hospital spends on cleaning straight away a huge chunk of it goes to keep company directors in huge salaries and shareholders in profit. To acheive these profits they use the cheapest cleaning materials they can find and pay their staff minimum wage.
These staff are employed on short term contracts with hardly any legal rights, no entitlement to holidays and because of this their staff turnover is unbelievably high. They cleaners do as little as possible for the pittance they are paid and the end result is filthy hospitals and 11,000 deaths a year.
It also goes to prove another point. That people in the cleaning industry, dustmen, sewage workers, road sweepers etc are doing jobs that are every bit as important and every bit as essential as policeman, fireman, doctors etc. So isn't it about time this was recognised and they were paid the same?
We live in a society where white collar workers and leaches like those in the advertising industry get paid very well yet people in essential jobs that protect us from disease are paid a pittance.
Pay peanuts and you get monkeys. The relatives of 11,000 people last year can testify to that.
Gordon Brown,
New Labour,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Another boat, another babe. Adults Only

Here we have another naked babe on a boat. This time it is the lovely Adelia from Femjoy.
See her in close up detail here in this great gallery.
Femjoy currently have a special promotion offering easy access to all their beautiful women for just $19.95!
Sign up here!
Did you see Victims R Us?
Did you see Victims R Us, also known as Liverpool FC, on TV last night? They were in the qualifying round of the Champions League, playing in front of 40,000 benefit fraudsters at Anfield. And they were rubbish! They were playing against some team from Belguim that would struggle in our second division and finally won with a goal in the twenty seventh minute of extra time.
Their Spanish manager had already made exuses in advance, claiming that Steven Gerrard was tired. Tired after 3 games and four and a half hours work! They build these scousers tough don't they! I heard they will be playing in pink in future. Mind you four and a half hours work is more than most of them in the crowd have ever done.
Anyway one good thing came out of it. Steven Gerrard went home and shagged his wife to celebrate. Unfortunately for him she woke up and he now has a groin strain. This means he won't be fit for Englands World Cup qualifying matches so the Italian Tax Dodger in charge can't pick both him and Fat Frank Lampard. Which means we might have a chance.
Their Spanish manager had already made exuses in advance, claiming that Steven Gerrard was tired. Tired after 3 games and four and a half hours work! They build these scousers tough don't they! I heard they will be playing in pink in future. Mind you four and a half hours work is more than most of them in the crowd have ever done.
Anyway one good thing came out of it. Steven Gerrard went home and shagged his wife to celebrate. Unfortunately for him she woke up and he now has a groin strain. This means he won't be fit for Englands World Cup qualifying matches so the Italian Tax Dodger in charge can't pick both him and Fat Frank Lampard. Which means we might have a chance.
Two birds on a boat. Adults Only

So what is better than a naked bird on a boat? Two naked birds of course! Not only that but they get a little bit intimate so we can do our bit for the sexually challanged community at the same time.
So feast your eyes on these two lovely homosexuals and don't forget to look at the boat!
sexually challenged
The big Interview
After all the gas, oil and electric companies put up their prices by huge amounts, despite also posting record profits, we decided to ask the government just what they intend to do about it. So here today we have Mr Hugh Kares from the department of propoganda to answer some questions for us.
C) Good evening Mr Kares.
HK) Good evening, sorry I am late. Got held up by a convoy of lorrys on the motorway. Bloody idiots are protesting about something as usual. I will be glad when diesel gets so expensive that all we get is foreign lorry drivers.
C) Quite! Well, on behalf of our readers we would like to know if the government has any sort of strategy in place to cope with rising fuel bills.
HK) Good god no! Why on Earth would we concern ourselves with that? We are all going to be out of a job pretty soon so we will leave it to the next lot. We have far more pressing concerns, bringing in new laws and handing more power to the EU while we still have the chance.
C) But doesn't it concern you that the big utility companies are making enormous profits while the people of this country are suffering?
HK) Of course it concerns us! It is one of the reasons we will all soon be out of work. But it's too late to do anything about it now. And why shouldn't people suffer a bit after what we have had to go through? Concerns about our expenses, our wage rise reduced etc. Do these people have any idea what that will do to our pensions? Anyway the press are making too much of it all as usual. So fuel bills are rising. So what? It has it's good points as well.
C) So you are saying that gas, electricity and oil prices rising are good for the country?
HK) Of course. It's something we at New Labour expected and prepared for. If you look at the taxes on all of these essentials you will see that they are taxed at a percentage. Quite simply this means that the more they go up the more tax we get. It was Gordons idea years ago. Brilliant way of balancing the books. It also means we can now borrow more money because as the price of fuel keeps increasing so will our cut!
C) Some Labour MP's are calling for a windfall tax on the power companies. How will this help? Surely the power companies will just put up their prices again to cover the extra tax?
HK) Of course they will! Thats what makes it such a brilliant idea. Not only will we get a huge amount of tax directly we will then earn even more when they put their prices up again.
C) But what about people who can't afford to heat their homes this winter, pensioners especially?
HK) They can just go to Tesco's and buy some more clothes to wear. Thanks to Labour dismantling our manufacturing industry most clothes are now imported from China. They are mostly made in sweat shops with the workers paid a pittance so clothes here have never been so cheap! Anyway if a few pensioners freeze to death we save some more money and it will free up housing for the homeless immigrants.
C) Well that all we have time for. I'm sure our readers will remember your views when it comes to election time. Thank you Mr Kares.
C) Good evening Mr Kares.
HK) Good evening, sorry I am late. Got held up by a convoy of lorrys on the motorway. Bloody idiots are protesting about something as usual. I will be glad when diesel gets so expensive that all we get is foreign lorry drivers.
C) Quite! Well, on behalf of our readers we would like to know if the government has any sort of strategy in place to cope with rising fuel bills.
HK) Good god no! Why on Earth would we concern ourselves with that? We are all going to be out of a job pretty soon so we will leave it to the next lot. We have far more pressing concerns, bringing in new laws and handing more power to the EU while we still have the chance.
C) But doesn't it concern you that the big utility companies are making enormous profits while the people of this country are suffering?
HK) Of course it concerns us! It is one of the reasons we will all soon be out of work. But it's too late to do anything about it now. And why shouldn't people suffer a bit after what we have had to go through? Concerns about our expenses, our wage rise reduced etc. Do these people have any idea what that will do to our pensions? Anyway the press are making too much of it all as usual. So fuel bills are rising. So what? It has it's good points as well.
C) So you are saying that gas, electricity and oil prices rising are good for the country?
HK) Of course. It's something we at New Labour expected and prepared for. If you look at the taxes on all of these essentials you will see that they are taxed at a percentage. Quite simply this means that the more they go up the more tax we get. It was Gordons idea years ago. Brilliant way of balancing the books. It also means we can now borrow more money because as the price of fuel keeps increasing so will our cut!
C) Some Labour MP's are calling for a windfall tax on the power companies. How will this help? Surely the power companies will just put up their prices again to cover the extra tax?
HK) Of course they will! Thats what makes it such a brilliant idea. Not only will we get a huge amount of tax directly we will then earn even more when they put their prices up again.
C) But what about people who can't afford to heat their homes this winter, pensioners especially?
HK) They can just go to Tesco's and buy some more clothes to wear. Thanks to Labour dismantling our manufacturing industry most clothes are now imported from China. They are mostly made in sweat shops with the workers paid a pittance so clothes here have never been so cheap! Anyway if a few pensioners freeze to death we save some more money and it will free up housing for the homeless immigrants.
C) Well that all we have time for. I'm sure our readers will remember your views when it comes to election time. Thank you Mr Kares.
New Labour,
A babe on a boat. Adults Only

Well Peter has finally let me have the head back at last. He gets like that, hogging it days at a time. But he isn't feeling that well at the moment so he has left it to me for now.
Anyway now the olypics is over I am at a bit of a loss as to what to feature next. Or I was! I then decided why not feature some boats? And even better, some boats with horny birds draped all over them. So here is the first one.
To see more of this nice bird, and the boat, click here.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Thank god for global warming. Adults Only

I am so glad that the scientists discovered global warming! Could you imagine what the weather would have been like this month without it? We would have all drowned I think.
And doesn't it make you feel good paying all those extra taxes so you can go out in August with an umbrella close at hand? And how good does it make you feel paying the exra £1000 a year in taxes that Labour saddle you with to protect the environment that reduce pollution enough to allow the Chinese to open a new coal powered electricity plant every week?
But what if, as the majority of scientists believe, global warming doesn't actually exist? What if the hotting up of the climate in Roman times was down to nature rather than the Romans feeding their troops on baked beans? What if it turns out to be a completely flawed scientific theory based on computer models that are not accurate because there isn't enough proven data to put in?
Will we get our money back?
Here is a bird.
Teaching Maths
1. Teaching Maths In 1970
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price.
What is his profit?
2. Teaching Maths In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or £80.
What is his profit?
3. Teaching Maths In 1990
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is £80.
Did he make a profit?
4. Teaching Maths In 2000
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is £80 and his profit is £20.
Your assignment: Underline the number 20.
5. Teaching Maths In 2008
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands.
He does this so he can make a profit of £20.
What do you think of this way of making a living?
Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers. )
6. Teaching Maths 2018أ المسجل تبيع حموله شاحنة من الخشب من اجل 100 دولار. صاحب تكلفة الانتاج من الثمن. ما هو الربح له؟
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price.
What is his profit?
2. Teaching Maths In 1980
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or £80.
What is his profit?
3. Teaching Maths In 1990
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is £80.
Did he make a profit?
4. Teaching Maths In 2000
A logger sells a truckload of timber for £100.
His cost of production is £80 and his profit is £20.
Your assignment: Underline the number 20.
5. Teaching Maths In 2008
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands.
He does this so he can make a profit of £20.
What do you think of this way of making a living?
Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers. )
6. Teaching Maths 2018أ المسجل تبيع حموله شاحنة من الخشب من اجل 100 دولار. صاحب تكلفة الانتاج من الثمن. ما هو الربح له؟
Monday, August 25, 2008
The most sickening thing
The most sickening thing was watching gormless Gordon standing with these athletes trying to hog some of the limelight.
New Labour have spent the last eleven years selling off school playing fields and closing swimming baths. They stopped physical education being compulsory in schools, made our streets so unsafe that kids no longer go out to play and did away with any sort of competition between youngsters in case it upsets them when they lose.
These athletes acheived what they did despite New Labour not because of them and to see this unelected dictator basking in their glory makes me want to vomit.
New Labour have spent the last eleven years selling off school playing fields and closing swimming baths. They stopped physical education being compulsory in schools, made our streets so unsafe that kids no longer go out to play and did away with any sort of competition between youngsters in case it upsets them when they lose.
These athletes acheived what they did despite New Labour not because of them and to see this unelected dictator basking in their glory makes me want to vomit.
Because it is the BBC
Because this love in is being broadcast by the BBC we also have to put up with a load of politically correct claptrap. They interviwed one bird who says that because we won medals in cycling everyone should take it up and not only will we save the planet but we will win more medals at future olympics.
If this is the case then why is Bejing, a city with as many cyclists as motorists, one of the most polluted in the world and how come the Chinese didn't win all the cycling medals?
If this is the case then why is Bejing, a city with as many cyclists as motorists, one of the most polluted in the world and how come the Chinese didn't win all the cycling medals?
Gormless Gordon is back as well. Adults Only

Gordon Gormless was on the plane with the athletes as well and unfortunately for us our unelected leader survived the journey safely.
He was in China to advise the Chinese on population control. He advised them on the use of CCTV to watch over people and make sure they obeyed all the important laws like not smoking in public or using your mobile phone while driving. He offered extremely useful advice to the Chinese on how to keep the poor in their place and subservient to their lords and masters and invaluable advice on how to milk as much tax as possible out of the poor to avoid taxing the well off and risking upsetting them.
By far the most usefull advice he gave the Chinese was how to reduce the population by letting the elderly freeze to death in the winter, witholding drugs and medicine from the sick and killing people off in filthy hospitals.
Unfortunately he wasn't able to advise the Chinese about democracy because it is a subject he knows nothing about.
Here is a bird.
Gordon Brown,
Hero's? Are they having a laugh?
Live on the BBC at the moment there is a program on to "welcome our olympic hero's back home"
Now our olympians did a good job and quite rightly are getting a lot of praise for it. But hero's? Is somebody having a laugh?
If somebody funded by lottery money decides not to work and to take up a career in athletics is a hero then what do we now call a fireman who rushes back into a burning building to rescue a child? Or a soldier in Afghanistan who rescues his mates? How can you compare people who commit selfless acts like that with somebody who is paid to ride a bike or sail a boat?
Calling these people hero's is an insult to the genuine hero's that this country still produces in abundance.
Now our olympians did a good job and quite rightly are getting a lot of praise for it. But hero's? Is somebody having a laugh?
If somebody funded by lottery money decides not to work and to take up a career in athletics is a hero then what do we now call a fireman who rushes back into a burning building to rescue a child? Or a soldier in Afghanistan who rescues his mates? How can you compare people who commit selfless acts like that with somebody who is paid to ride a bike or sail a boat?
Calling these people hero's is an insult to the genuine hero's that this country still produces in abundance.
Another fact they keep quiet. Adults Only

Everytime the government need some publicity they announce another crackdown on benefit fraud. Fair enough you might say, people fiddling their benefits cost taxpayers a lot of money. And you would be right. 0.6% of the benefit budget, 800 million pounds is lost through fraud. But it is not the benefits systems biggest loss, far from it in fact.
Mistakes by claimants, because of the over complicated system designed to stop people claiming what they are entitled to, and mistakes by their incompetent staff cost far more. 1.9 billion last year to be exact!
So rather than trying to grab headlines wouldn't everybody be far better off if they simplified the system and sent all the staff back for retraining so that they actually know what they are doing? Maybe they could teach them some manners and respect for the people they are supposed to be helping at the same time?
But of course this will never happen while the clowns we have at the moment are in charge. These idiots are far more concerned with what looks good in the papers than what actually benefits the people of this country.
Just another perfect example of why our taxes are so ridiculously high in this country.
Here is a bird.
Mini Skirt,
Sunday, August 24, 2008
One law for them
You probably didnt read it in the newspapers, they didn't give it too much coverage, but during the week an Asian policeman was forced to apologise to a member of the public. The guy, a white man, saw the copper illegally reverse up a one way street and park outside a chip shop. So he took a photo of it. The copper then smashed his camera, verbally abused him, arrested him and wrongly tried to charge him with being drunk and disordely. The man spent five hours in the police station then was released without charge. He quite rightly made a complaint and got an apology!
Imagine if the copper had of been white and the guy who took the photo an Asian. Do you think an apology would have been all that happened? Would the newspapers not have milked it for a week? Would there not have been headlines claiming "Racist PC attacks Asian" etc? How much compensation would the victim have got?
And this thug, who attacked an innocent man whose only crime was to catch him breaking the law is still in uniform and free to attack, abuse or fit up anybody he feels like and he is free to do this for one reason only. Because he is an ethnic minority and in this country now there is one law for them and a thousand others for us.
Imagine if the copper had of been white and the guy who took the photo an Asian. Do you think an apology would have been all that happened? Would the newspapers not have milked it for a week? Would there not have been headlines claiming "Racist PC attacks Asian" etc? How much compensation would the victim have got?
And this thug, who attacked an innocent man whose only crime was to catch him breaking the law is still in uniform and free to attack, abuse or fit up anybody he feels like and he is free to do this for one reason only. Because he is an ethnic minority and in this country now there is one law for them and a thousand others for us.
Amanda Beard in Playboy. Adults Only

One of the American swimming team at the olympics was also a Playboy model. her name is Amanda Beard and much as I would like to say that I have Amanda Beards Playboy photo shoot here I don't.
I have searched the entire database of Playboy galleries searching for Amanda Beard but she just isn't there. So it look like Playboy missed out on a great marketing opportunity.
But here is another bird from Playboy.
Naked Pairs Gold Medal. Adults Only

So here are our last alternative olypians. These are the winners of the gold medal in the Naked Pairs event. See their full entry here.
alternative olympics,
gold medal,
Naked Pairs Bronze Medal. Adults Only

Today was the last day of the real Olympics so also the last day of ours. Our final event was the naked pairs and here we have the bronze medal winners.
See their entry here.
alternative olympics,
bronze medal,
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Journey of man
When I was 14, I hoped that one day I would have a girlfriend.
When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion, so I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life.
In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency; she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability.
When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided that I needed a girl with some excitement.
When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but had no direction. So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition.
When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned.
I am now older and wiser, and am looking for a girl with big tits.
When I was 16 I got a girlfriend, but there was no passion, so I decided I needed a passionate girl with a zest for life.
In college I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was an emergency; she was a drama queen, cried all the time and threatened suicide. So I decided I needed a girl with stability.
When I was 25 I found a very stable girl but she was boring. She was totally predictable and never got excited about anything. Life became so dull that I decided that I needed a girl with some excitement.
When I was 28 I found an exciting girl, but I couldn't keep up with her. She rushed from one thing to another, never settling on anything. She did mad impetuous things and made me miserable as often as happy. She was great fun initially and very energetic, but had no direction. So I decided to find a girl with some real ambition.
When I turned 31, I found a smart ambitious girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground and married her. She was so ambitious that she divorced me and took everything I owned.
I am now older and wiser, and am looking for a girl with big tits.
Just an example. Adults Only

Here we have an example of the quality of crumpet that we now feature on our sister site Simply Cute. This Eastern European babe is Rusya and she is one fine looking woman!
To see more of Rusya click here.
Or click here to visit Simply Cute
Thursday, August 21, 2008
While we are on the subject
While we are on the subject of Pete Townshend and child molesters I have a question for Pete Townshend.
Just when is that book going to be published?
Just when is that book going to be published?
Garry Glitter arrested!
Gary Glitter has just been arrested trying to swim into the country via the Thames Estuary. They found him out of breath bobbing up and down on a small buoy. They belive he was heading for Richmond to join up with Pete Townshend to form a new band called Kiddy and the Fiddlers.
My row with Clacton parking office continues.

A while back I posted the letter I sent to Clacton parking office. I then got back the reply on the right.
I have now responded to this letter and here is my reply in full.
Dear Mrs Davies
Thank you for your letter dated 23rd July 2008
Firstly I must point out that I have already made you a reasonable offer of £10 per month, an offer that you accepted when you cashed the first cheque.
As you have already accepted my offer of £10 a month I fail to understand why I should provide you with personal financial details. Should these details prove necessary I will of course provide them, once I receive the correct form with the data protection statement required by law when requesting this sort of private and personal information.
I haven’t enclosed a cheque for the next payment because nowhere in your previous letters does it state who I make the cheque payable to. I left the last one blank but have since been advised that it is not safe to send a cheque through the post like this as anybody could cash it. Once you have notified me as to who I make the cheque payable to, or given me details so I can set up a direct debit through the bank, I will make the next and subsequent payment.
I should also point out that as somebody with a terminal illness I value my time very highly and don’t feel I should have to waste it pointing out legal requirements and requesting information that somebody in your position should know and supply automatically.
Therefore if I have to engage in anymore correspondence, other than making the £10 a month payment you accepted, then I will have no alternative but to charge you for my time and efforts.
Yours sincerely.
Peter McClarnon
Britney Spears is at it again.
Skimpiest School Uniform. Gold Medal. Adults Only

The Gold medal winner in the skimpiest school uniform event is nineteen year old blonde Tera. See her winning entry here.
alternative olympics,
gold medal,
school uniform
Skimpiest School Uniform. Silver Medal. Adults Only

Our skimpiest school uniform silver medal winner is brunette Krissy. See her second place entry here.
alternative olympics,
school uniform,
silver medal
Skimpiest School Uniform. Bronze Medal. Adults Only

Bronze medal winner in the skimpiest school uniform competition is redhead Kate. See her third place entry here.
alternative olympics,
bronze medal,
school uniform
Can Gordon sink any lower?
The governemt have decided to make it easier for pensioners to claim help they are entitled to by simplyfying the process of claiming for pension credits and other benefits. Great you might think. Except that at the same time they have decided to reduce the time limit for back claims from a year to three months.
So anybody who didn't understand the system, was missinformed by incompetent staff or just didn't realise they were entitled to benefits will now lose out.
Once again this heartless government has found a way to save a few quid by stealing it from those who need it most.
This government are scum and if you are a Labour supporter then that makes you scum as well.
So anybody who didn't understand the system, was missinformed by incompetent staff or just didn't realise they were entitled to benefits will now lose out.
Once again this heartless government has found a way to save a few quid by stealing it from those who need it most.
This government are scum and if you are a Labour supporter then that makes you scum as well.
New Labour,
Two American Tourists
Two American tourists were walking through London when they came across a dog licking it's own bum.
"Whats that dog doing?" one of them asked.
"Don't worry" said the other. "It's just bitten a Labour voter and is trying to get the taste out of it's mouth"
"Whats that dog doing?" one of them asked.
"Don't worry" said the other. "It's just bitten a Labour voter and is trying to get the taste out of it's mouth"
As you all know.
As you all know Castonya and I have lung cancer. This means we can't work and have to live on benefits. This, according to the staff at the different benefits agencies we have to deal with, automatically makes us second class citizens and scroungers.
A perfect example is our sick certificate from the doctors. We have to provide a new one every three months and if it is even a day late our benefits are stopped. As they obviously expect us to suddenly get well again I have asked them on several occasions if they could send the miracle cure for cancer they have found to my doctors but to date they haven't replied.
Contrast this to somebody else I know. He is off sick with a bad back and recently went to see a doctor from the benefits agency. He was asked a few questions then told to come back in 2011. He doesn't need to get sick certificates, see his doctor or anything.
So if you are going to get ill under this government make sure you get the right illness. Get a bad back or bad kneees or something but whatever you do don't get something as trivial as cancer. Because if you do you will spend half your life being hassled by the people who are supposed to be helping you.
A perfect example is our sick certificate from the doctors. We have to provide a new one every three months and if it is even a day late our benefits are stopped. As they obviously expect us to suddenly get well again I have asked them on several occasions if they could send the miracle cure for cancer they have found to my doctors but to date they haven't replied.
Contrast this to somebody else I know. He is off sick with a bad back and recently went to see a doctor from the benefits agency. He was asked a few questions then told to come back in 2011. He doesn't need to get sick certificates, see his doctor or anything.
So if you are going to get ill under this government make sure you get the right illness. Get a bad back or bad kneees or something but whatever you do don't get something as trivial as cancer. Because if you do you will spend half your life being hassled by the people who are supposed to be helping you.
Wanted for Mass Murder.

Have you seen this man? He is wanted for Mass Murder. As leader of the Labour party he is preciding over the systematic murder of countless English people.
Because of his and Labour's incompetence almost five thousand people a year die in our filthy hospitals. Because of his tax and waste policies countless pensioners will freeze to death in their own homes this winter.
Because of Labours failure to deal with crime hundreds of people are dying on our streets, shot or stabbed to death by scum that any decent government would have locked up years ago. Then even more die, killed by thugs released early from prison to make room for council tax protesters.
Many more die on our roads, killed by tiredness caused by sitting in artificially created traffic jams, created purely as an excuse to raise taxes to ease the congestion they created. Then there are the others killed by the extra pollution these government made traffic jams cause.
When you add on those killed by stress because they just cannot cope with the god awful society they now have to live in and the soldiers killed as this unelected fool trys to force democracy on others then this man becomes the biggest serial killer this country has ever seen.
Anybody who voted Labour should be ashamed of themselves because the blood is well and truly on your hands as well.
Gordon Brown,
New Labour,
What a bunch of clowns. Adults Only

Last night England's so called football team played a friendly against the Czech Republic at Wembley. And, as usual, they were hopeless. As usual the manager will get the blame but we keep changing the manager but whoever is in charge the result is the same. A team that just cannot play football or just can't be bothered to play football.
The players we had on the pitch all have three things in common. They all play for topclass football clubs. They all earn obscene amounts of money for doing very little and they are all incapable of playing in an England shirt.
So surely it is now time for a change? We could start with the manager. An England team needs an English manager not an Italian tax dodger. Harry Redknapp would be the perfect choice. He may not have won any major competitions but the results he acheives at small clubs with very little money speak for themselves.
Then we should kick out the so called stars. Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Terry etc should all be told that their England careers are over and they should be replaced with people who want to play for England and whose minds are on the game and not on how they are going to spend the huge amounts of money they earn.
Until this overpaid, lazy, self centered bunch of parasites are shown the door then the England football team will never win anything.
Here is a bird.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dear Castonya
Dear Castonya
My name is Maggie, I am a nineteen year old student and I need some advice. I have beeen giving my boyfriend oral sex for a while now but have never actually finished him off with my mouth. I intend to do so on the bank holiday weekend and have a question.
Basically what do I do with the result? Should I spit or should I swallow? Hope you can help.
Dear Maggie
Well I know you girls agonise over things like this for hours but the truth is that it really doesn't matter. Once the guy finishes what you do with the product is of no interest to him whatsoever. All he is interested in is the service you provided.
But there is one thing you should always remember. Never try to kiss him afterwards!
Hope that helps.
My name is Maggie, I am a nineteen year old student and I need some advice. I have beeen giving my boyfriend oral sex for a while now but have never actually finished him off with my mouth. I intend to do so on the bank holiday weekend and have a question.
Basically what do I do with the result? Should I spit or should I swallow? Hope you can help.
Dear Maggie
Well I know you girls agonise over things like this for hours but the truth is that it really doesn't matter. Once the guy finishes what you do with the product is of no interest to him whatsoever. All he is interested in is the service you provided.
But there is one thing you should always remember. Never try to kiss him afterwards!
Hope that helps.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A blonde and a car. Adults Only

The blonde is Alison Angel. The car? Who knows but from what you can see it looks pretty good.
See if you can work out what it is here.
One of the best upskirts you will see anywhere! Adults Only

This brunette, who lets face it isn't too terrible to kook at anyway, is on here not for this pic but for one in the gallery that I can't show here without getting closed down! I am talking about one of the best upskirt pics you will see anywhere. She then puts on a bit of a show with a toy. But it's worth taking a look just for the upskirt pic.
Take a look here.
No Panties,
short skirt,
Monday, August 18, 2008
Summer on a Suzuki. Adults Only

No I don't mean that this years summer has got on it's bike and left, although it certainly seems like it! This blonde in the tight jeans is called Summer and as you can see the bike is a Suzuki. So you get Summer on a Suzuki!
Take a look at both her and the bike here.
While Wolf was away.
More help for selfish bitches.
This joke of a government is now going to change the law and make companies pay women for a year when they are off having a baby. Why?
No doubt the feminists are pleased, but only because they are as stupid as the selfish cows who think that they should be able to have babies and keep their careers.
When a woman has a baby there is only one job that matters. Bringing up the child they have given birth to. Everything else takes second place. And the only way to do that properly is to stay at home and look after it yourself.
Rather than encourage these heartless, selfish bitches to dump their kids on somebody else while they persue their careers the government should penalise them. Any woman with kids who works full time should pay tax at double the normal rate. Because until these stupid women realise that their kids are their own responsibility and not everybody else's then their children will continue to grow up as selfish as their mothers, with no respect for anybody else and expecting everybody to do everything for them.
Once a woman has a child her place is in the home bringing that child up. It worked for thousands of years and is one of the main reason human beings became civilised. It is also no coincidence that since these moronic career woman decided to shirk their responsibilities that society has become more violent, children more badly behaved and crime has gone through the roof.
No doubt the feminists are pleased, but only because they are as stupid as the selfish cows who think that they should be able to have babies and keep their careers.
When a woman has a baby there is only one job that matters. Bringing up the child they have given birth to. Everything else takes second place. And the only way to do that properly is to stay at home and look after it yourself.
Rather than encourage these heartless, selfish bitches to dump their kids on somebody else while they persue their careers the government should penalise them. Any woman with kids who works full time should pay tax at double the normal rate. Because until these stupid women realise that their kids are their own responsibility and not everybody else's then their children will continue to grow up as selfish as their mothers, with no respect for anybody else and expecting everybody to do everything for them.
Once a woman has a child her place is in the home bringing that child up. It worked for thousands of years and is one of the main reason human beings became civilised. It is also no coincidence that since these moronic career woman decided to shirk their responsibilities that society has become more violent, children more badly behaved and crime has gone through the roof.
I dont get this at Tesco's! Adults Only

I usually get KYP washed at Tesco's or Sainsbury's while I am doing my shopping. But I don't get service like this! Maybe I should look further afield.
To see what a car wash should be like then click here.
Non Nude Bikini. Gold Medal

And here we have the gold medal winner in the non nude bikini event. Take a much better look at her winning entry here in the full gallery.
Non Nude Bikini. Silver Medal

Here we have the silver medal winner in the non nude bikini event. Take a better look at her entry here.
Non Nude Bikini. Bronze Medal

Here we have the bronze medal winner of the non nude bikini event. See more of this lovely brunette here.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
An older bird. Adults Only

Well all these young birds are great to look at but lets face it we are all getting older and our chances of getting hold of one are not that high. So I figured why not feature an older bird now and again and try and keep some perspective on things. So here is old biddy Leticia.
Enjoy her here.
Wolf is back.
Sometimes I just dispair.
I have just got an e-mail, from a bird, telling me that I made a mistake and posted two pictures of my computer set up instead of one of mine and one of Castonya's.
What planet are these people on? Castonya and I share the same head! Which means that we share the same body! Which, unsurprisingly, means we also share the same computer!
What did she think we do? When I have control of the head I use my PC then when Castonya takes over I pack it away in a box and he gets his out? What part of Schizophrenia does she not understand?
What planet are these people on? Castonya and I share the same head! Which means that we share the same body! Which, unsurprisingly, means we also share the same computer!
What did she think we do? When I have control of the head I use my PC then when Castonya takes over I pack it away in a box and he gets his out? What part of Schizophrenia does she not understand?
Naked Beach Babe. Gold Medal. Adults Only

This gorgeous blonde playing in the sand won the Gold medal hands down. See why here in her full naked beach babe gallery.
Naked Beach Babe. Bronze Medal. Adults Only

Well at the boring olmpics they have the beach volleyball. Here at PMT we have something far more interesting. The naked beach babe. Here is the bronze medal winner getting naked in the sun.
alternative olympics,
bronze medal,
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This is just like old times. Adults Only

This just like old times, sitting here updating the site, Castonya safely locked away in his box. I just had a food break. Had them new Korean meatballs. You should try them, they are the dogs bollocks.
Now I have a fully customised Rothman to enjoy while I decide if I should carry on updating, go and play golf or just watch some porn.
Anyway while I make my mind up here is a bird to look at.
This one is at it as well! Adults Only

Two in one night! Yes, this bird has exactly the same party trick as the one below! You did start below right? You do know how to read a blog? You start at the bottom? Just checking.
Take a look here if you want but once again it is hardcore.
I cant believe she is doing that! Adults Only

Well while I have control of the head I thought that I would help Castonya out and judge a few catergories in the alternative olympics. And in one of the first galleries I looked at I found this bird doing this! I couldn't believe my eyes! Her name is Leslie and she isn't that special but she could certainly liven up a party!
Take a look here if you dare but be warned it's hardcore!
A public health announcement. Adults Only

As somebody with cancer I feel I should make a special plea to all of you smokers out there. Don't buy them in this country, buy them in Corfu!
They are £25 to £30 a carton cheaper there than here and you can legally bring 16 cartons back with you so you get the holiday in the sun for free! You can still go in May or October for less than £200!
Then when you smoke them you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you perfectly legally screwed the government and had a week eating, drinking and having fun instead of giving them the tax!
They also won't then be able to then use this tax to provide free health care to the non smokers and non drinkers who contribute far less taxes yet clog up our hospitals being treated for self inflicted injuries that could easily have been avoided if they had just of had a drink and a fag and chilled out.
Here is a fit nineteen year old.
Well done you scousers.
Okay this is a bit complicated so pay attention. Carlsberg sponser Liverpool football club. Liverpool football supporters hate the Sun because they falsly reported bad stuff about Liverpool when there was a disaster a good few years back and ninety odd Liverpool fans were killed. Then Carlsberg decided to do a promotion the Sun offering free coupons for a free pint over the bank holiday weekend. So Liverpool fans went beserk and apparantly it is now cancelled. Well done you thick scousers, you just made the Sun's day!
Both the Sun and Carlsberg were doing this to gain publicity for their products. And that is exactly what they got! But instead of it costing them a lot of money in giving away pints, printing coupons and exchanging them etc they got it for free! And all thanks to you dickheads!
But I have to ask. Are you going to be boycotting and abusing your captain, Steven Gerrard, who, for a large sum of money, had his autobiography serialised in the News of the World, a newspaper owned by the Sun? Just how far are you going take this grudge? Will you all abuse Danish players because Carlsberg is made in Denmark? Will the protestants among you be abusing Torres because he is Spanish and the Spanish lead the Inquisition?
And what if Carsberg were to stop sponsering your team of failures? How would you pay the ref for needlessly sending of opposition players in Champions League games? How would you pay them to disallow perfextly good goals by the opposition and allow dodgy goals by your team? Maybe you could get the benefits agency to sponser you? After all they already keep 25% of the population of Liverpool in beer, fags and Sky Sports subscriptions.
This year Liverpool is laughingly the city of culture. The only culture in Liverpool seems to be the mold growing between the ears of Liverpool football suporters.
Both the Sun and Carlsberg were doing this to gain publicity for their products. And that is exactly what they got! But instead of it costing them a lot of money in giving away pints, printing coupons and exchanging them etc they got it for free! And all thanks to you dickheads!
But I have to ask. Are you going to be boycotting and abusing your captain, Steven Gerrard, who, for a large sum of money, had his autobiography serialised in the News of the World, a newspaper owned by the Sun? Just how far are you going take this grudge? Will you all abuse Danish players because Carlsberg is made in Denmark? Will the protestants among you be abusing Torres because he is Spanish and the Spanish lead the Inquisition?
And what if Carsberg were to stop sponsering your team of failures? How would you pay the ref for needlessly sending of opposition players in Champions League games? How would you pay them to disallow perfextly good goals by the opposition and allow dodgy goals by your team? Maybe you could get the benefits agency to sponser you? After all they already keep 25% of the population of Liverpool in beer, fags and Sky Sports subscriptions.
This year Liverpool is laughingly the city of culture. The only culture in Liverpool seems to be the mold growing between the ears of Liverpool football suporters.
A post card from Wolf.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Black panties. Gold Medal. Adults Only

Winner of the gold medal in the black panties event was the very lovely Olivia. See her full free winning entry here.
Black panties. Silver Medal. Adults Only

Second place in the black panties event went to brunette babe Rose. Take a look at her in those transparent panties in her full free photo gallery.
Bloody Wolf and his camera!
Red Fishnets. Gold Medal. Adults Only

And the winner of the Gold medal is Rachel. Take a look at this fit babe's entry here in her full free photo gallery.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Sleazy Chair!
This advert has been banned. Adults Only

This advert, by a French sweet company advertising a new brand of lollipop, has just been banned.
To see why take a look here.
Salome, for one reason only. Adults Only

This bird is on here for one reason only. Her name is Salome and she is an Arab. And putting up a whole gallery of pics of an Arab bird getting her kit off is a sure fire way of upsetting the muslim followers of the cult of islam.
So if you really want to upset one of the lunatic fringe then take a look here.
He is getting there!
A little while back we despatched the official site photographer, Mr Wolf, to Brands Hatch to get some exclusive pics of a motor racing event. And he nearly got it right!
Yes he remembered the camera this time, and it even had fresh batteries so it worked as well! But unfortunately he forgot his wallet so all the pics were from outside looking in.
But hey, he is getting there. He even managed to get a shot of a car in one of the pics!
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