Monday, January 05, 2009

It's time to bring in Internment

Hamas is a terrorist organisation with only one agenda, the complete destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. It doesn't want peace talks because it doesn't want peace. The only thing that will satisfy it's leaders and members is the death of every follower of the Jewish faith. To try and acheive their evil ideals these cowards hide among women and children and fire rockets into Israel aimed at women and children. They are the lowest of the low, evil scum who should have been drowned at birth.

But now Israel has had enough of these scum targeting their women and children and are fighting back we have people taking to the streets in this country and demonstrating against Israel! According to these, mostly muslim, people it is Israel and the Jews that are wrong. They are supposed to just accept the wholesale slaughter of their women and children and not fight back!

When these Hamas supporters next take to our streets to support these terrorists and show their hatred of the Jews then our Police and Army should immediately move in and arrest them. Those not born here should be immediately deported and those who were born here should be locked away in Internment camps.

Because anybody who supports an organisation whose sole reason for existence is to kill people because of their faith is a danger to our society and no better than the cowardly animals of Hamas itself.

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