After being pretty ill for the past few weeks I decided that now we were feeling a bit better Peter and I should have a night out. However the miserable git wasn’t interested so I decided to go on my own. I decided to go up the West End but the first thing I needed was transport to and from the station so I asked Abdul next door if he could do me a couple of cab rides. Well he was busy but, kind bloke that he is, he offered to lend me his camel.
Yes it’s true, he has a camel! It lives in the spare bedroom along with his brother and his wife and kids. I was a bit worried at first because I wasn’t sure if riding a camel was legal but I figured that if his license to ride a camel in the Sahara Desert also covered him to drive a cab in London then my English driving license must cover me to ride a camel. So I jumped on and got myself down to the station.
I had a great time, had a few beers in a few different pubs and even found one with an English barmaid! I knew she was English because she couldn’t read or write, got my change wrong three times, was a size 20 and had tit’s the size of a Labour Politicians ego.
When I’d finally had enough to drink I got on the train home and noticed that the blonde in the mini skirt who just happened to be sitting opposite me wasn’t wearing any knickers. Obviously I had a good look and was amazed when her lips suddenly pursed and her pussy blew me a kiss! Three times this happened and I couldn’t help myself, I had to say something.
“It must like you” she told me, “Why don’t you try putting a finger in?”
“You’re not trying to say it whistles as well!” I laughed.
But it did! We left three people on the platform at Putney and some poor bird got her knockers caught in the sliding doors and ended up at Barnes!
Anyway I got back to my local station, went to the car park to get the camel and it was gone! Somebody had nicked it! So I called the police and got the usual recorded announcement that all their officers were busy handing out tickets for smoking in public so wouldn’t be able to come out. It included a number to ring and get a crime number for insurance purposes so when I got home I rang it.
“So what is the camel’s name?” the Asian in the call centre asked.
“No idea” I answered.
“No idea” I admitted.
“How many humps?”
“Not sure” I told her.
“Female” I told her, definitely Female.”
“So you don’t know the camels name, you don’t know what colour it is and you haven’t a clue how many humps it has. Why are you so certain it is female?”
“Easy” I told her. “When I rode it down to the station people kept pointing and saying look at the c**t on the camel!”
And at least I didn’t end the night with the hump!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
At least somebody knows the meaning of Democracy!
Yesterday London Mayor, Boris Johnson anounced that he is scrapping the Western extension of the congestion charge zone. This tax was introduced by previous Mayor, barmy Ken, despite 85% of people in the area saying that they didn't want it. Boris Johnson did his own consultation and found that the vast majority of people still don't want it so has decided to scrap it.
The left wingers, loony left, greens and other minorities are now all up in arms about this, some even threatening to take legal action to try and stop him scrapping it.
But his decision is right. It doesn't matter what the rights and wrongs of the charge itself are. What matters is that the majority of people do not want it. And as we live in a democracy that is the only thing that matters.
Politicians are there for one reason only, to do what we require of them. Their personal opinions are irrelavant, the wishes of minority groups are irrelevant and the opinions of lunatic green groups are irrelavant.
These people are condeming Boris Johnson when all he is doing is doing the job he was elected to do, represent the people and abide by their wishes. It is called democracy. Which is why it has upset the left wingers so much, because, just like their unelected leader, they don't believe in democracy.
The left wingers, loony left, greens and other minorities are now all up in arms about this, some even threatening to take legal action to try and stop him scrapping it.
But his decision is right. It doesn't matter what the rights and wrongs of the charge itself are. What matters is that the majority of people do not want it. And as we live in a democracy that is the only thing that matters.
Politicians are there for one reason only, to do what we require of them. Their personal opinions are irrelavant, the wishes of minority groups are irrelevant and the opinions of lunatic green groups are irrelavant.
These people are condeming Boris Johnson when all he is doing is doing the job he was elected to do, represent the people and abide by their wishes. It is called democracy. Which is why it has upset the left wingers so much, because, just like their unelected leader, they don't believe in democracy.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Now is the time to start squeezing.
The credit crunch, despite how complicated the government try to make it, is really very simple. People with houses were borrowing money that they couldn't afford to pay back in the hope that house prices kept rising so that they could borrow more to pay back what they already owed. When houses prices stopped rising, as anybody with any common sense knew they would, these people got in trouble. Because they cannot borrow anymore money they can't pay their debts. It is as simple as that.
So now they have to find a way to pay off what they owe which is good news for anybody renting property. Buy to let landlords cannot afford to have their properties empty. They need the income or they will not only lose their rental properties but possibly their own home as well. So rental prices are dropping far more quickly than house prices. Anybody with empty property to rent is dropping their rent just to get a tennant in there and get some money coming in. In the Richmond area rent has fallen by almost 20% already and is certain to fall even further.
So if you live in privately rented accommodation you have these people by the balls and it is now time to start squeezing. Write to your landlord and give him or her a choice. Either they lower the rent or you will go elsewhere. At the moment they have no choice. They know that if you go there is not a lot of chance of them renting out the property and even if they do they will not get anywhere near what you are paying. So if you don't get greedy and ask for a sensible reduction, along the lines of what rental prices have fallen in your area, then you will get it.
And don't feel guilty about it! They have spent the past few years driving new cars, enjoying foreign holidays and living the high life at your expense. Now it's your turn to save money and enjoy a better standard of living.
So now they have to find a way to pay off what they owe which is good news for anybody renting property. Buy to let landlords cannot afford to have their properties empty. They need the income or they will not only lose their rental properties but possibly their own home as well. So rental prices are dropping far more quickly than house prices. Anybody with empty property to rent is dropping their rent just to get a tennant in there and get some money coming in. In the Richmond area rent has fallen by almost 20% already and is certain to fall even further.
So if you live in privately rented accommodation you have these people by the balls and it is now time to start squeezing. Write to your landlord and give him or her a choice. Either they lower the rent or you will go elsewhere. At the moment they have no choice. They know that if you go there is not a lot of chance of them renting out the property and even if they do they will not get anywhere near what you are paying. So if you don't get greedy and ask for a sensible reduction, along the lines of what rental prices have fallen in your area, then you will get it.
And don't feel guilty about it! They have spent the past few years driving new cars, enjoying foreign holidays and living the high life at your expense. Now it's your turn to save money and enjoy a better standard of living.
Monday, November 24, 2008
We have a rule. Adults Only

Well every now and again Peter lets me drive the car, but only if we are on our own, and he has made some rules for when I do. One of them is that we don't stop for hitch hikers. However if we came across this babe thumbing a lift I bet I could get him to change his mind!
See if you would stop here.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The funniest thing this week
The funniest thing I saw this week was when Martina Navratilova realised that she was actually on I'm a celebrity get me out of here and not I'm a lesbian get me a battery charger as she had expected to be. And the look on her face when she realised she had actually signed up for three weeks of bug munching not carpet munching was priceless!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Double delight. Adults Only

Today we had a bonus in our mailbox. No, not the news that Gordon Brown and his new labour cronies are being prosecuted for murder, we are still waiting in hope for that, but a couple of nice blondes requesting an interview for the jobs of nurse and maid to Peter and I.
Check out their suitability here.
One last thing. Adults Only

I almost forgot! we have had another applicant for the job of nurse, the lovely Rachel Victoria.
See what you think of her here.
Before we go. Adults Only

Before we go to bed for the night I would just like to introduce you to this very cute brunette. Her name is Jana and you can see her strip naked here.
To see lots more cuties like her then visit our sister site Simply Cute and to see lots more babes stripping out of their clothes visit Simply Strippers.
They have both been recently updated and are well worth a look.
We finally have to give in. Adults Only

As a lot of you already know Peter and I have to do another lot of chemo because our cancer came back. We have been putting it off as long as possible because, to be blunt, the sooner we have it the sooner we die.
The next lot is our last lot so although it should make us feel much better for a few months after that the only thing we have to look forward to is a slow painful death. But we are too ill now to wait much longer.
It has started to become a struggle to do anything at all now and this week we still haven't been shopping because we just were not capable of doing it. We are taking the maximum amount of pain killers we can take yet still spend half our time in pain.
So Peter is going to ring the hospital when we get up tomorrow and try and get things moving.
So, just to cheer us up, here is a very lovely eighteen year old blonde getting her kit off. You can lust over her here. We just don't have the energy.
A blonde on a trike. Adults Only

Here we have a blonde draped all over a three wheel Harley. See more of both here in the full gallery.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
People have been asking.
Labour voters have been mailing me asking why I keep calling them scum. So i will explain.
The one and only reason I call Labour voters scum is because I am being polite.
The one and only reason I call Labour voters scum is because I am being polite.
What is racist?
What is racist about returning discipline to schools?
What is racist about putting more police on the streets and reclaiming them from the crooks?
What is racist about closing the doors on immigration because the country is full to bursting point?
What is racist about giving the pensioners of this country a good standard of living?
What is racist about pulling out of the corrupt EU?It is gobblong up billions of our taxes each year.It’s accounts haven’t been sanctioned for twelve years.
What is racist about rebuilding British industry?
What is racist about saving the environment with well thought out plans, not the woolly headed ideas coming from the LibLabCon?
What is racist about looking after our armed forces and giving them the equipment and respect that they deserve?
What is racist about making the punishment fit the crime,doing away with soft prison terms and making the criminals pay a price?
Finally what is racist about loving your own country?
The above are all BNP priorities and part of their manifesto. Take a look at their site rather than believing the rubbish spouted by the newspapers. You might be very surprised.
What is racist about putting more police on the streets and reclaiming them from the crooks?
What is racist about closing the doors on immigration because the country is full to bursting point?
What is racist about giving the pensioners of this country a good standard of living?
What is racist about pulling out of the corrupt EU?It is gobblong up billions of our taxes each year.It’s accounts haven’t been sanctioned for twelve years.
What is racist about rebuilding British industry?
What is racist about saving the environment with well thought out plans, not the woolly headed ideas coming from the LibLabCon?
What is racist about looking after our armed forces and giving them the equipment and respect that they deserve?
What is racist about making the punishment fit the crime,doing away with soft prison terms and making the criminals pay a price?
Finally what is racist about loving your own country?
The above are all BNP priorities and part of their manifesto. Take a look at their site rather than believing the rubbish spouted by the newspapers. You might be very surprised.
There really is no hope for this country
Pc Steve Bettley, of Merseyside Police, has now been suspended from duty because he is a member of the BNP, a political party that hundreds of thousands of people vote for, that have councillers all over the coutry and are as entitled to their views as anybody else is.
Yet in Harringey the people responsible for leaving a baby to be tortured to death are still in their jobs despite a pettition being signed by over half a million people calling for them to be sacked.
This is typical Labour. Looking after their own in Harringey and bullying and intimiating anybody who dares show allegenace to any party but their own or who dares to question their racist and discriminatory policies.
Only one in five English people were stupid enough to vote for this bunch of murdering thieves but unless the Welsh, The Irish, The Scots and the work shy northereners wake up and realise just what these filth are doing to our country then we are likely to have them forced upon us against our will again.
Unless these filth are removed from power soon then there will be no hope left for our country whatsover. There is not a lot left now.
Yet in Harringey the people responsible for leaving a baby to be tortured to death are still in their jobs despite a pettition being signed by over half a million people calling for them to be sacked.
This is typical Labour. Looking after their own in Harringey and bullying and intimiating anybody who dares show allegenace to any party but their own or who dares to question their racist and discriminatory policies.
Only one in five English people were stupid enough to vote for this bunch of murdering thieves but unless the Welsh, The Irish, The Scots and the work shy northereners wake up and realise just what these filth are doing to our country then we are likely to have them forced upon us against our will again.
Unless these filth are removed from power soon then there will be no hope left for our country whatsover. There is not a lot left now.
You have to laugh!
We just got an e-mail from somebody called Wayne complaining that some time back I called scousers lazy. I guess it has taken him a couple of months to write it! Anyway this is what he says.
"How can you call us scousers lazy? I get up and sign on dead on time once a fortnite and unlike you lazy southerers I go down the post office to collect my money rather than have it paid direct into my bank account."
"How can you call us scousers lazy? I get up and sign on dead on time once a fortnite and unlike you lazy southerers I go down the post office to collect my money rather than have it paid direct into my bank account."
So what happened to Democracy? Adults Only

One of the things that has emerged because of the leaking of 12,000 BNP members details is that people in certain occupations are banned from being members of the BNP. How can this be? I thought we lived in a Democracy? One of the corner stones of Democracy is the right to free speach and the right to your own political opinion so how in a Democracy can anybody be banned from joining any political party?
Apart from anything else, despite what the press say, I have never yet seen any evidence whatsoever that the BNP or it's policies are racist. Yet as a white Englishmen I am a victim of Labour Party racist policies every day of my life.
So if we are no longer a democracy, which given that not one English person voted for gormless Gordon we probably no longer are, then can we please have anybody in sensetive jobs, including politicians, banned from being members of the only party proven to be racist. The Labour Party.
Here is a bird getting her kit off.
What about the rest of us? Adults Only

So now our unelected foreign leader has once more feathered the nests of homeowners and scum buy to let landlords what about the rest of us? He forced interest rates down so that while the rest of us have to contend with rising fuel costs, food costs and rampant inflation the homeowners and landlords who with the governments help got us into this mess save £80 to £100 a month on their mortgages so are not affected. Those who saved and planned for the future lose out as well because they now get less interest on their savings as well as having to pay much more for everything.
So when do the rest of us get some help? And I don't mean extra tax credits or phoney tax cuts that will be paid for in the future because the government has to borrow money to fund them. I mean real help. Like a large cut in VAT that benefits everybody.
The answer is of course that we wont get any help at all, especially the English. The only people gormless will help will be those he thinks might vote for him at the next election and his handling of the economic crisis, just like every other Labour policy in the past eleven years is geared towards keeping him and his fellow bunch of conmen and thieves in their cushy jobs and if that means destroying what is left of a once great country then he will quite happily do it.
If you vote Labour just how do you sleep at night?
Here is a bird
We haven't been well!
The site hasn't been updated this week because we really haven't been well enough. We had a chest infection anyway then got a bad cold as well. We had a fever, vomiting a couple of times, sore chest, sore throat, non stop cough etc and thought we were dieing! But we have just had our first proper sleep in four days and feel a bit better so hopefully will be back with you soon.
Monday, November 17, 2008
How much? Adults Only

When you want to buy a TV you go into a shop, see what you want, and pay the price it is marked up at. If it is £500 it is £500, not £500, plus tax, plus £10 for the box, plus £20 for fuel to get if from the docks to the shop. You don't have to pay an extra £15 if you buy two and want them in your house next to each other. The price is £500, you pay £500.
So why are holidays and flights not priced the same? The price you see is the price you pay? The airlines and holiday companies all advertise pices that are quite simply lies. There are always extras. Some charge extra for your luggage, they charge extra for food on the plane, if you book two seats they charge you extra to guarantee sitting next to each other. They charge tall people extra when what they should be doing is increasing the legroom so everybody can sit in comfort and safety and not just midgets.
They even charge extra for the fuel! That is crap! Surely they should include the price of the fuel in the price of the ticket because without the fuel the ticket is useless anyway because you can't go anywhere? Cab drivers dont charge extra for the fuel, neither do buses or coaches. So how an earth are the airlines allowed to get away with it?
The price advertised for a holiday should be inclusive of everything. The same with flights. The advertised price should be the price you pay.
How much do you think this bird would cost?
I hope she doesn't get fined!
I have just realised that in the picture below Paris has a cigarette! I hope she doesn't get fined for smoking in public but I wouldn't bet that she doesn't. I bet the government already has a whole legal department trying to prove that the Internet is a public place.
If they manage that they can then ban English people from complaining about them and close down our sites. They could make it illegal to protest on the Internet just like they made it illegal to protest outside the house of commons. They already now routinely read our e-mails and listen to our phone conversations while watching our every move via CCTV cameras. So a ban on any sort of protest against the government is the next logical step for them in creating the state dependant oppressed society that they want?
They are blaming the economy for the amount of Eastern Europeans going back home but it is nothing to with that.
These people have already seem what a socialist government can do to a country. They have seen the poverty that socialism causes and they have lived with the oppression and under state control. They have seen what huge government borrowing just to pay the bills can do to an economy. The last thing they want is to do it again. Unless these filth in power are kicked out soon then this country will be a mirror image of Russia forty years ago.
If they manage that they can then ban English people from complaining about them and close down our sites. They could make it illegal to protest on the Internet just like they made it illegal to protest outside the house of commons. They already now routinely read our e-mails and listen to our phone conversations while watching our every move via CCTV cameras. So a ban on any sort of protest against the government is the next logical step for them in creating the state dependant oppressed society that they want?
They are blaming the economy for the amount of Eastern Europeans going back home but it is nothing to with that.
These people have already seem what a socialist government can do to a country. They have seen the poverty that socialism causes and they have lived with the oppression and under state control. They have seen what huge government borrowing just to pay the bills can do to an economy. The last thing they want is to do it again. Unless these filth in power are kicked out soon then this country will be a mirror image of Russia forty years ago.
Eastern European,
A question for gormless Gordon.
When you wrote to the banks offering to bail them out did you charge them £25 for the letter?
Half a Million! Adults Only

We have now had 500,000, half a million, visitors to our sites! Thats quite a lot of people, roughly the same amount as New Labour has culled with their failure to keep our hospitals clean, pay proper pensions so our elderly can afford heating, witholding essential drugs from cancer patients, failing to get a grip on crime and allowing gangsters from all over the world into our society.
So as Peter and I have entertained half a million people while all New Labour have managed is to kill half a million off maybe we should stand for election? After all we really couldn't do any worse could we?
Here is a bird getting her kit off.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Joking isn't racial discrimination. Adults Only

Despite what the thought police think joking about somebodies race or colour is not racial discrimination. Neither is using somebodies colour or race in an argument, IE calling somebody a Welsh Git, a thick paddy etc.
Racial discrimination is when you use somebodies race or colour to hold them back or disadvantage them and when you use their race or colour to deny them the same rights as everybody else.
Giving Welsh people free prescriptions while making the English pay for them is racial discrimination. Stopping white people from applying for jobs because companies have to meet their ethnic quota is discrimination. Having seperate unions for blacks and Asians as they do in most government run organisations is racial discrimination.
Giving scotish cancer patients drugs that are denied to English patients is racial discrimination. Allowing the Welsh, Irish and Scotish their own parliaments yet refusing the English the same is racial discrimination.
All over the country you will find immigrants moaning they are discriminated against and trying to get on the compensation gravy train when the truth is that the only people racially discriminated against in Labour's Britain are white English people.
Here is a bird.
Gordon Brown,
Which group is the most disadvantaged?

Which ethnic group of children do you think is the most disadvanteged and suffering the most from Labours diseducation policies? Blacks? Asians? Eastern Europeans?
No actually. According to official figures released yesterday the group of children suffering the most from Labours disastarous education policies are white, English, working class children. They get the lowest grades and are most likely to not find work when they leave school and most likely to live their lives in poverty.
Firstly this makes a complete mockery of the main excuse used to explain away the amount of black and other immigrant kids who turn to crime, a far greater proportion than of English kids. Secondly it once more makes a mockery of Labours claims to be the party for the poor and working class.
Personally I believe it is a deliberate policy being carried out by Labour just to try and keep votes. Firstly the millions of racist blacks we now have living in this country are far more likely to vote for a government that keeps us whites in our place. Secondly Labour gets a lot of votes from poor white working class families and if they ever allowed these people a proper education and a chance in life they would soon realise that the party that has been keeping them in poverty their whole lives is in fact Labour.
Here is a bird.
Gordon Brown,
1500 jobs lost every day.
Thanks to gormless gordon destroying our economy there are now 1500 people being put out of work everyday. And just what is our government doing about this? Making it harder to get a job is what!
At a time when people are struggling to find work they have INCREASED the ampount of jobs available to potential immigrants from 700,000 to 800,000!
Yet another kick in the teeth for British workers from the self proclaimed party of the poor and working class.
At a time when people are struggling to find work they have INCREASED the ampount of jobs available to potential immigrants from 700,000 to 800,000!
Yet another kick in the teeth for British workers from the self proclaimed party of the poor and working class.
Gordon Brown,
A babe and a black bike. Adults Only

As all you regular readers know we can't resist showing a bike on this site, especialy if it happens to have a babe draped over it. So that is exactly what we have here, a babe and a bike.
Admire them both here.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I will now get mail. Adults Only

After daring to criticise islam I will now probably get mail from irrate, tolerant, peace loving muslims threatening to disembowel me and all sorts of other interesting things. So I will answer your mail in advance.
England, the country I live in, despite the best efforts of the current socialist dictator in charge, still has a thing known as free speach and people are still allowed to have their own opinion. I understand that as followers of a cult that preaches intolerance, hatred and that any non muslim is evil will find that hard to understand but I'm sorry thats what happens in the civilised world.
So if you don't like my opinions please shut the door on the way out.
Here is a bird.
An apology.
In the tags at the bottom of each post you may have noticed that islam and muslim both have capital letters. This is not an error on my part but something that can't be helped because of the way this website works, all the tags get capital letters.
Using a capital letter for words such as muslim, islam, Christian etc is a mark of respect, which is why I will never knowingly use one in connection with the religous cult of islam.
And I would like to apologise on Bloggers behalf to anybody offended by the use of capital letters for islam and muslim in the tags.
Using a capital letter for words such as muslim, islam, Christian etc is a mark of respect, which is why I will never knowingly use one in connection with the religous cult of islam.
And I would like to apologise on Bloggers behalf to anybody offended by the use of capital letters for islam and muslim in the tags.
I am confused again.
A little while back a female follower of the religous cult known as islam was awarded £600,000 compensation after the company she worked for suspended her after she made jokes about herself being related to Bin Laden, a terrorist resonsible for the murder of thousands of Christians the world over.
This week a police officer was sacked because a colleague overheard him joke that an illegal imigrant he had arrested was going back to the jungle to throw spears, a practice that many Africans do actually still do and something that every African nation glorifies whenever they have a celebration of their culture.
So is that the law in this country now then? That a follower of what many, including myself, believe to be an evil, wicked exuse for a religion can joke about killing thousands of Christians and if you object to it you are racist yet a white man jokes about something that is actually a fact and actually happens and when somebody objects he gets sacked?
Because if it is then not only is there really a two tier legal system, one for whites and one for everybody else, but it also means that we now live in one of the most racist societies ever known to man.
This week a police officer was sacked because a colleague overheard him joke that an illegal imigrant he had arrested was going back to the jungle to throw spears, a practice that many Africans do actually still do and something that every African nation glorifies whenever they have a celebration of their culture.
So is that the law in this country now then? That a follower of what many, including myself, believe to be an evil, wicked exuse for a religion can joke about killing thousands of Christians and if you object to it you are racist yet a white man jokes about something that is actually a fact and actually happens and when somebody objects he gets sacked?
Because if it is then not only is there really a two tier legal system, one for whites and one for everybody else, but it also means that we now live in one of the most racist societies ever known to man.
Supermarket check out sign 2
We would like to apologise to any of our disabled customers who have had to walk from the disabled bays at the other end of the car park. We realise the sensible thing would be to make all the parking bays close to the entrance disabled bays but unfortunately you tend to spend less than able bodied customers and people with children. This is all part of our ongoing policy of maximising our profits while paying lip service to the disability laws rather than providing any real help or benefit to our disabled customers. Thank you for shopping at Shitco's.
Supermarket check out sign 1
We no longer have our carrier bags on display at our check outs. Please ask our staff if you require any. We realise this will take longer and many of you will now buy bin liners rather than use the free carrier bags we used to provide for this purpose. This is due to having a socialist government that does everything in it's power to make things more expensive for the poor and whose MP's all have shares in bin liner manufacturing companies. Thank you for shopping at Shitco's.
How come? Adults Only

This week, despite the wishes of a lot of Labour MP's, the government finally caved in and allowed people who can afford it to buy their own drugs and top up their cancer treatment, giving them the best chance of survival and prolonging their lives. But how come the NHS doesn't just supply the drugs needed?
Well according to NICE, who dictate what drugs cancer patients can or cannot have it's because the NHS can't afford the drugs because they are too expensive. Now while it's true that these drugs are very expensive and the drug companies could and should reduce their prices the argument that the NHS can't afford them is rubbish.
Firstly they are quite happy to provide fertility treatment to people too selfish to adopt. Not being able to have a baby is not a life threatening condition and treating people for it at the same time as saying you can't afford drugs to keep people alive is shameful.
Then there is the huge problem in the A&E departments. People without a national insurance number, those who to put it bluntly are here illegally and shouldn't be getting free health care, are not allowed to register with a GP so everday they clog our accident and emergency departments up getting treatment they are not entitled to and using up vast amounts of money and resources. So we can treat people from all over the world for free but can't afford to give our cancer patients life saving drugs? Shameful.
Then there are the translators. Anybody who doesn't speak English, even if they are illegal, is entitled to a translator in hospital, provided for free by the NHS. Now if you live in this country, pay your taxes in this country and therefore entitled to treatment then you should be able to speak our language and shouldn't need a translator. So cancer patients are denied the drugs they need while people not entitled to treatment or too lazy to learn our language get special help. Shameful.
Then what about the free prescriptions that the Welsh get, given to them just to try and win votes and keep Labour in power? Last year that cost 385 million pounds! So our MP's can use our money to buy votes but can't afford to give cancer patients the drugs they need. Shameful.
The truth is that were it run properly, and as a health service rather than a political football, the NHS could easily afford to give us people who need them the drugs we require. But that won't get this scum of a government many extra votes so they would rather bribe the Welsh and pander to minorities while cancer patients die.
It is nothing more than another part of the genocide and mass murder that Labour are carrying out against the sick, poor and elderly in this country.
Here is a bird.
free medical care,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How about a fat tax?
Just when the government should be cutting down on expenditure it is instead trying to spend and borrow it's way out of the financial mess that gormless gordon got us in.
In another total waste of time and money "health initiative" it's now piloting a scheme where fat people will get a reward card and gain points for walking their kids to school and going to exercise classes etc.
Leaving aside the obvious question, why should the tax payer reward these lazy fat bastards at all, what has happened to this governments usual method of trying to tax people into submission?
To try and stop us driving our cars they tax us. To try and stop us smoking they tax us. To try and stop us drinking they tax us. So why not have a fat tax as well?
Every station, supermarket, airport, etc should have three turnstyles, small, medium and large abd people should be chraged according to their size and weight with the lardy arses paying more. A bus, train or plane full of normal size people will use far less fuel than the same vehicle full of obese people so why shouldn't they pay extra?
We could have scales on a bus linked to the Oyster card reader so the overweight pay extra. And then just like smokers, drinkers and motorists fat gits could either pay extra taxes or stop eating so much and do some exercise now and again.
The reason these people are overweight is their own fault and using tax payers money to try and bribe them into eating less and taking more exercise is a disgraceful waste of tax payers money.
In another total waste of time and money "health initiative" it's now piloting a scheme where fat people will get a reward card and gain points for walking their kids to school and going to exercise classes etc.
Leaving aside the obvious question, why should the tax payer reward these lazy fat bastards at all, what has happened to this governments usual method of trying to tax people into submission?
To try and stop us driving our cars they tax us. To try and stop us smoking they tax us. To try and stop us drinking they tax us. So why not have a fat tax as well?
Every station, supermarket, airport, etc should have three turnstyles, small, medium and large abd people should be chraged according to their size and weight with the lardy arses paying more. A bus, train or plane full of normal size people will use far less fuel than the same vehicle full of obese people so why shouldn't they pay extra?
We could have scales on a bus linked to the Oyster card reader so the overweight pay extra. And then just like smokers, drinkers and motorists fat gits could either pay extra taxes or stop eating so much and do some exercise now and again.
The reason these people are overweight is their own fault and using tax payers money to try and bribe them into eating less and taking more exercise is a disgraceful waste of tax payers money.
Gordon Brown,
A message to all imigrants.
Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on London , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Brits.
However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the 'politically correct' crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others.
I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain . However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of England being a multicultural centre for community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of wars, struggles, trials and victories fought by the untold masses of men and women who laid down their lives and of the millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. If St.George's cross offends you, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.
We didn't force you to come here. If you don't like it GO HOME!!
You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted YOU. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the 'politically correct' crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others.
I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain . However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of England being a multicultural centre for community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of wars, struggles, trials and victories fought by the untold masses of men and women who laid down their lives and of the millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. If St.George's cross offends you, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.
We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.
But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.
We didn't force you to come here. If you don't like it GO HOME!!
You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted YOU. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Simply Mature!

Yes we have another new site! This time one especially for all you perverts who like to look at pics of older women and housewifes getting naked. The redhead in the photo, Valentine is just an example of the sort of women featured.
See more of Valentine here and to see more women like her visit Simply Mature.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I'm broke.
Yesterday I answered a knock on the door, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner.
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.'
'Go away!' I said. 'I haven't got any money!', 'I'm broke!' and proceeded to close the door.
Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open.
'Don't be too hasty!' he said. 'Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.' And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto my hallway carpet.
'If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Sir, I will personally eat the remainder.'
I stepped back and said,
'Well I hope you've got a F*cking good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning. What part of 'broke' do you not understand?'
'Good morning,' said the young man. 'If I could take a couple of minutes of your time, I would like to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.'
'Go away!' I said. 'I haven't got any money!', 'I'm broke!' and proceeded to close the door.
Quick as a flash, the young man wedged his foot in the door and pushed wide open.
'Don't be too hasty!' he said. 'Not until you have at least seen my demonstration.' And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse manure onto my hallway carpet.
'If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse manure from your carpet, Sir, I will personally eat the remainder.'
I stepped back and said,
'Well I hope you've got a F*cking good appetite, because they cut off my electricity this morning. What part of 'broke' do you not understand?'
Friday, November 07, 2008
Half white is not black!
The first "black" president of America, voted in purely because of the colour of his skin, and the new "black" Swiss/Jamaican F1 world champion have one thing in common. Neither of them are black! They are mixed race, one half of their family is white!
Like it or not the biggoted black populations of America and Britain have to accept that the success of both of these men is due just as much to the white genes in their make up as it is to their black genes and their white relatives were just as important in their upbringing as their black ones.
So depsite the newspapers and media not letting the truth get in the way of a good headline we still do not have a black F1 world champion or a black president of the worlds biggest slum. And until the racist blacks in both America and Europe stop obssesing about their colour and get off their asses and do something for themselves rather than expecting everything to be handed to them on a plate just because they are black we never will have.
Like it or not the biggoted black populations of America and Britain have to accept that the success of both of these men is due just as much to the white genes in their make up as it is to their black genes and their white relatives were just as important in their upbringing as their black ones.
So depsite the newspapers and media not letting the truth get in the way of a good headline we still do not have a black F1 world champion or a black president of the worlds biggest slum. And until the racist blacks in both America and Europe stop obssesing about their colour and get off their asses and do something for themselves rather than expecting everything to be handed to them on a plate just because they are black we never will have.
More help for the rich and the greedy.
Thanks to massive pressure from the government the Bank of England has cut the interest rate in an effort to boost the economy.
Surely a cut in the basic rate of tax would have been a far better option? Then everybody would benefit from having more money in their pockets rather than just the rich and those who got into trouble because of their greed. There would be more money going into the economy meaning it would recover more quickly and the people most effected by rising inflation, the poor, would also benefit.
Which is exacty why this scum government didn't cut taxes. The last thing they want is for the poor to have money to spend and to be able to help themselves. The whole Socialist ideal is based on people being dependant on the government and grateful for every crumb they drop from their table.
If you vote Labour how on Earth do you sleep at night knowing that you are partly responsible for the misery and suffering of millions?
Surely a cut in the basic rate of tax would have been a far better option? Then everybody would benefit from having more money in their pockets rather than just the rich and those who got into trouble because of their greed. There would be more money going into the economy meaning it would recover more quickly and the people most effected by rising inflation, the poor, would also benefit.
Which is exacty why this scum government didn't cut taxes. The last thing they want is for the poor to have money to spend and to be able to help themselves. The whole Socialist ideal is based on people being dependant on the government and grateful for every crumb they drop from their table.
If you vote Labour how on Earth do you sleep at night knowing that you are partly responsible for the misery and suffering of millions?
Legalised Robbery. Adults Only

Well it seems that not all banks and loan companies are being affected by the mess gormless Gordon has made of our economy. Some of them are all set to do very well from it.
I just recieved a mailshot from Provident offering me an unsecured loan to help pay for Christmas, anything from £50 to £500 with easy weekly payments based on my ability to pay rather than my credit history.
No doubt millions of others have recieved this letter as well and no doubt many of them will be tempted. This is all very well except for one thing. Their interest rate on these cash loans is 183.2% APR! Basically if you borrow £300 you pay back over £500! This is theft, pure and simply. Nothing more than legalised robbery.
These loans with this extrortionate rate of interest are targeted specifically at those who can't get credit elsewhere and who can least afford these sort of rates, the poorest of our population.
How can this be legal? How can these extortionate rates of interest be justified? Why haven't Labour, the "party for the poor" done anything to stop people like Provident taking advantage of the poor and putting them further into debt?
The answer is simple. Labour are not now and never have been for the poor. They exist purely to allow their members to extort as much money as possible from the tax payer in as short a time as possible.
The only problem Labour have with companies like Provident stealing from the poor is that they didn't think of it first.
If you vote Labour you are scum, you know you are and you are just too selfish to care.
Here is a bird.
Gordon Brown,
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Another portion of Peaches. Adults Only

Well I still had the taste of Peaches in my mouth when I came across this gallery. So here we have another portion of Peaches to help keep us healthy. It also gives me an ideal opportunity to plug our sister site Simply Legs, the site where all the girls wear stockings. A bit like Liverpool really except at Simply Legs they wear them on their legs and not their face!
Get your second helping of Peaches here.
A guest appearance. Adults Only

Here, to brighten up a cold winters day, we have a guest appearance form the very lovely Jenni from Simply Cute.
Ogle her lovely body here and see lots more babes like her at Simply Cute.
Eat a Peach. Adults Only

Well we all know by now that five portions of fruit and veg a day is supposed to be good for you. Well this babes name is Peaches and after five portions of her in one day I would be good for nothing!
But she has the right name, she really is a peach. Drool over her here.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Footballs biggest hypocrit?
Last night Victims r us, otherwise known as Liverpool, got an equaliser in the fourth minute of injury time thanks to a blatant dive from Steven Gerrard. It's bad enough that they have got away with cheating in the Champions League yet again but the worse bit is the way steven gerrard uses every opportunity to complain about diving when he and the spanish wimp Torres are the worst offenders!
Here is a video compilation of Steven Gerrards comments and his play acting. Take a look at it and you will understand just what a hypocrit this man is.
Here is a video compilation of Steven Gerrards comments and his play acting. Take a look at it and you will understand just what a hypocrit this man is.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
A bird and a car. Adults Only

Well here we have a babe and a car. The car is a lovely white AC Cobra. The babe in the little black dress is Anita Dark. The pictures are full size!
See more of both the car and the bird here in the full gallery.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Something different. Adults Only

Here is something we wouldn't normally show on here. Yes it is a police car! But it is an American police car and it also has the rather nice Melissa Midwest draped all over it so I thought why not?
See more of the car and a lot more of Melissa here.
There are some sick people about!
I just went to check the stats for the site and to check where the traffic is coming from. I could not believe my eyes! One seriously sick f**k had tried to find pics of Cherie Blair upskirt!
Can you imagine a more disgusting sight than Cherie Blair flashing her knickers or kebab? How sick would you have to be to want to see something like that?
So do us a favour mate. Don't come back because you are definately not the sort of person we want here. And anybody else looking for photo's of Cherie Blair upskirt can go somewhere else as well.
Now I am off to the loo to puke.
Can you imagine a more disgusting sight than Cherie Blair flashing her knickers or kebab? How sick would you have to be to want to see something like that?
So do us a favour mate. Don't come back because you are definately not the sort of person we want here. And anybody else looking for photo's of Cherie Blair upskirt can go somewhere else as well.
Now I am off to the loo to puke.
If you can, Don't!
Once upon a time I used to get my cable Internet from a company called Telewest. As a company they were rubbish. When you rang it took ages to get through to anybody and when our phone went down it took three days to repair it. But I put up with it because their Internet was absolutely amazing. It didn't stop, it didn't slow down, it just worked, twenty four hours a day seven days a week.
Then Telewest were bought out by Virgin and I thought great, fantastic broadband with better customer service. How wrong can you be?
Firstly I am supposed to have 10meg, however that is only on a good day with the wind behind it. Somehow Virgin Media manage to achieve what is supposed to be impossible with cable and that they advertise doesn't happen, it slows down when the net is busy. That is of course if it is actually working at all which just lately is not that often. And even if you actually get Internet access the chances of their e-mail servers working as well are very slim.
They have also achieved something else that I thought was impossible, even worse customer service than Telewest! Their website is so complicated and has so many offers that their own staff don't understand it and their pricing policies are designed to penalise long standing customers and to suck new customers in despite the fact that they can't actually provide the service they advertise to exsisting customers.
When you ring to report a fault you wait for anything up to an hour just to speak to anybody and they even offer five different choices of music to listen to while you wait. A sixth option to actually talk to somebody however seems beyond their capabilities. Yet ring to try and pay your bill and you are through to somebody in seconds!
Their advertisements on TV say that if you can you should. I would say if you can don't, because if you do you will regret it.
Then Telewest were bought out by Virgin and I thought great, fantastic broadband with better customer service. How wrong can you be?
Firstly I am supposed to have 10meg, however that is only on a good day with the wind behind it. Somehow Virgin Media manage to achieve what is supposed to be impossible with cable and that they advertise doesn't happen, it slows down when the net is busy. That is of course if it is actually working at all which just lately is not that often. And even if you actually get Internet access the chances of their e-mail servers working as well are very slim.
They have also achieved something else that I thought was impossible, even worse customer service than Telewest! Their website is so complicated and has so many offers that their own staff don't understand it and their pricing policies are designed to penalise long standing customers and to suck new customers in despite the fact that they can't actually provide the service they advertise to exsisting customers.
When you ring to report a fault you wait for anything up to an hour just to speak to anybody and they even offer five different choices of music to listen to while you wait. A sixth option to actually talk to somebody however seems beyond their capabilities. Yet ring to try and pay your bill and you are through to somebody in seconds!
Their advertisements on TV say that if you can you should. I would say if you can don't, because if you do you will regret it.
Talking of blackmail.
This year I didn't get any blackmail attempts from the trick or treaters. I got an old pair of platform boots out, painted them silver and left them at the front door.
The little buggers were too scared to knock in case Gary Glitter lived here!
The little buggers were too scared to knock in case Gary Glitter lived here!
Making a mockery of democracy
While the racist black population of America is making a mockery of the meaning of democracy our very own legalised blackmailers, the trade unions, are in court trying to get the law changed so that they can kick any member of the BNP party out of their unions.
The whole point of democracy is that people are entitled to their own opinion and by discriminating against anybody because their views are different to yours completely negates the concept.
But then it's hardy surprising considering that the unions currently fund new labour, the only party in the civilised world whose leader wasn't actually elected by the population.
The unions, whose only reason for existence is to blackmail people into getting their own way have just as little regard for democracy as labour and gormelss gordon have.
The whole point of democracy is that people are entitled to their own opinion and by discriminating against anybody because their views are different to yours completely negates the concept.
But then it's hardy surprising considering that the unions currently fund new labour, the only party in the civilised world whose leader wasn't actually elected by the population.
The unions, whose only reason for existence is to blackmail people into getting their own way have just as little regard for democracy as labour and gormelss gordon have.
Gordon Brown,
Why are we wasting all this money holding an enquiry into just how that Brazilian prat died? If he had gone home when his visa expired and not stayed here illegaly then he wouldn't have been there and couldn't have got shot. It's as simple as that.
The only question that needs answering is just when are his parents or government going to reimburse us for the bullets?
The only question that needs answering is just when are his parents or government going to reimburse us for the bullets?
Racism is alive and well
It seems that 95% of black Americans are going to vote for Obamha not because of his policies but simply because he is black. So it seems that in America, just as everywhere else, racism is alive and well and, just as it usually is, being practised by the blacks against anybody else who isn't the same colour as them.
You could always hitch hike. Adults Only

If, after all the taxes, it turns out you can't afford a bike and you refuse to be conned into carrying an ID card and going out of your way to pay in advance just so you are not charged double on the bus then you can always hitch hike.
Because global warming will have made it much warmer and as Labour will have fiddled the figures again so crime is almost non existent what better way to get about could there be? Of course because it will be only the rich and politicians who can afford cars then your chances of being picked up by a criminal will be significantly increased but if a few poor people die then so what? That is Labour's policy after all, kill off as money poor people as they can to make more room for the rich.
See Lilya demonstrate just how it is done.
Our new transport system. Adults Only

After eleven years of thinking about it Labour have finally announced their long awaited transport policy that is supposed to bring our public transport system up to date.
Basically they are going to continue to make it so expensive that only those on benefits can afford it and when they have driven even more people onto the roads they will once more raise the tax on fuel and keep going until nobody can afford anything except a pushbike.
This will leave the roads free for the rich and the elite ruling classes and make it even easier for greedy bosses to exploit their work force because being unable to afford transport means that job opportuinties are obviously more limited.
I did hear a rumour that they are going to force people to buy their tickets in advance and carry an ID card just to use the buses and anybody daring to get onto a bus and just pay the fare will be fined by being charged double! They will pass this off as being in the best interests of the public and expect mugs all over the country to fall for it. The oyster card I believe they will call it.
So eventually all you unfortunates unlucky enough to still be alive in the hell on Earth created by Labour will have to buy a push bike just like Lilya here. Enjoy.
Babe on a boat. Adults Only

Here, to continue our occasional series of babes on boats, we have blonde Russian eighteen year old Lilya posing on a boat.
See her get naked here.
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