Tuesday, November 16, 2004

More One Liners

How can you tell if two lesbians are twins?
They lick a like

What do you call a lesbian with thick and long fingers??
Well hung

Why was the blond sacked from the sperm bank?
She was caught drinking on the job

What do you call a pakistani lesbian?

What does a gynaecologist have in common with a pizza delivery man?
They both get to smell the goods but they're not allowed to eat it.

What do you call a Welsh farmer with a couple of sheep under his arms?
A pimp

What's the difference between Gary Glitter and acne?
Acne doesn't come over your face till you're thirteen

Bill and Ben, the flowerpot men were in bed one night,
Ben says "if you loved me you'd have swallowed that"

How do you make a woman scream twice?
Fuck her up the arse and then wipe your dick on her curtains

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